Space Engineers

Space Engineers

51 vurderinger
Biometal Wars Scenario
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Type: World
Mod category: Exploration, Experimental
Merkelapper: story, survival
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4.033 MB
14. mai kl. 1.09
14. mai kl. 6.29
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Biometal Wars Scenario

This is combat scenario set in the universe of the Battlezone Combat Commander game. It utilizes MES mechanics from Scion Convergence and ISDF Fleet MES mods, to deliver best experience. This world provides battle-oriented progression to the game. To advance further, you need to make missions that expands ISDF territory and push back the enemy.

Once it had formed, the ISDF began constructing outposts throughout the solar system, many being on the sites of old Cold War bases. The ISDF also began to push boundaries in the Solar system, building bases as far afield as Pluto.

The Cerberus Station on Pluto has been attacked. The connection to the base has been lost. With assistance of Commander Shabayev, you will be sent to the surface of Pluto to investigate and get the base back up and running. What dangers lurk on the surface of this rock? What happened to the Cerberus Station crew? This is for you to discover.

Spoiler Tips
The scenario is very difficult. It requires the best skills of the engineer to survive on the battlefield. If you have trouble figuring out what to do, read below tips:
  • Locate the button panel on the ship and press the button to start the mission.
  • The Condor ship will land you safely on the surface of Pluto. Wait until the hovercrafts are automatically unloaded.
  • Open you GPS menu and turn on the Cerberus Station GPS location. Navigate to the base.
  • Don't worry about Shabayev, she's not essential to the mission.
  • Once you make your way to Cerberus Station, explore it and find tools. Datapads will give you clues to side missions.
  • You need to repair and rebuild systems that are essential to your survival. You may want to have working survival kit, O2/H2 generator and reliable power source.
  • The station isn't yours so you won't have the access to all of the blocks. If you need to acces one, grind it down and build again. Be mindful of the ISDF reputation though. If you go below 500 reputation, the station's turrets will start to attack your grids.
  • You're a solider, not engineer here. You have to learn blocks before you will be able to build them. Find the block you're interested in and grind it down to learn the technology.
  • Remember, you're here to reestablish connection with ISDF. Do whatever it takes to complete the mission. You will probably need some bigger guns for the job to be done.

This is Beta
The scenario and MES mods are in beta development, which means there's only one mission available at the moment. More missions and NPCs are coming in the later updates. You won't have to start over the world, when they come.

Alternative Capital Ship respawn
If you have stronger PC, you can try the alternative respawn option at the beginning of this mission. To do that, you have to add the ISDF Capital Ship mod to the game. Follow the instructions from the provided link. Be warned, this ship is huge and will probably take 20-30 min to load into the game.

Special Thanks
Special thanks for the awesome mod creators:
Lucas for Modular Encounters Systems;
Apothicon, AryxCami, Bačiulis, DeltaGhost88, Gaz and Major Jon for their awesome planets;
thorwin99 for SEWorldGenPluginV2;
s.o.v.a for helping me with Grind To Learn mod;
DranKof and Kaito for their Better Sone mods;
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7. juni kl. 0.18
FESTET: Bug Report
22. aug. kl. 18.12
FESTET: Recommended Mod List
34 kommentarer
Rezun  [skaper] 24 minutter siden 
Sounds like a great idea. I'd love to see some gameplay with this mod.
xennon71 11 timer siden 
I m fan of BZ2 ! thx for your mods and senario ! why not use the RTS mod :P like bunker in bz2 :P
Rezun  [skaper] 29. aug. kl. 5.11 
Yeah the rover is part of the side mission, but finding it doesn't make it complete. Think why did they drive it out there? Did they look for something? Could they use any equipment?
Privatteer 29. aug. kl. 4.14 
Found rover. I did a lot of searching and never found satellite at GPS and Drone/ice .
Rezun  [skaper] 29. aug. kl. 0.11 
"I found 1 item with wheels"
You mean the rover?
Rezun  [skaper] 29. aug. kl. 0.09 
Side missions are pretty much go and find something. Look for clues in dead body datapads.
Privatteer 28. aug. kl. 20.17 
Good work on the base, took me a while but found all that I needed.

Side missions. Are they actually fleshed out? I found 1 item with wheels, but have been going in circles looking for some others. Noticed the condor was gone and wondering if the side mission objectives might have despawned?
Privatteer 27. aug. kl. 21.17 
The custom ores were just giving me S-10 ammo, below comment about adding "Better stone" seems to have resolved.
Other than it it seems interesting so far despite a crash landing of Condor doing moderate damage to scout.
Kittamaru 24. aug. kl. 11.24 
Ah, nvm about that - saw the comment on the previous page about needing to add "Better Stone" to the load order, and that fixed it
Kittamaru 24. aug. kl. 11.20 
Managed to get through the landing, get to the base (had to basically push the commanders ship there - she got stuck halfway and just started going in circles lol)... but now trying to mine, so far I'm getting S-10 magazines when I mine Taenite, Cohenite, and Kamacite,