Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

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Locating Guarma's Creatures
By Gorka Guy 4
A complete guide on helping you find all of Guarma's native creatures throughout Red Dead Redemption II
Quick Information

As you are washed up along the coastline of Guarma, you're stripped of all your equipment, including weapons. If you want a clean kill on these animals, try to use a low caliber weapon. Make sure to study, kill, and/or pluck these animals if you're planning on %100 the compendium.
Guarma's Native Creatures

Macaw Birds & Others

~There's three types of macaws found in the wild along with one separate exotic bird~

Scarlett Macaw

Great Green Macaw

Blue And Yellow Macaw

Red-Footed Booby


~There are four snakes found throughout Guarma~

Sunglow Boa

Rainbow Boa

Red Boa

Hunting & Tracking
Tips for tracking
  • Shoot up in the air to spook animals out of hiding
  • Always use Eagle Eye
  • Listen to bird calls

Bird Hunting
The majority of birds found in Guarma are constantly flying. You'll need to use binoculars to study, then shoot and pluck them after. The Red-Footed Booby is the only native bird to worry about besides the Macaws.

Macaw Locations

Macaws are most commonly found across or around the Arroyo de la Vibora river.

Snake Locations

The snakes can be extremely difficult and annoying to find. The Boa snakes can usually be found around the "E" in Arroyo de la Vibora, while the Fer-De-Lance snake can be found more south into the forest, or around the sugar plantation.

Other Animals

Both the Green Iguana and the Cuban Land Crab can be found on the little island just west of Rhodes, on Flat Iron Lake, so check there once you've left Guarma.

Hopefully you'll find all these native creatures, as this is the only real thing to do in this short, lackluster island. Grab ammo and food from around the Guarma camp, and to reset spawns, restart your game or try respawning repetitively. The guards are very easy to alert, so be mindful when searching the island. Remember to check in your compendium for the animals you've studied! Good Luck!

Redcomedy 13 Aug @ 2:54am 
Im going camping tooday so thanks for mthe helb also is therr anyfing in teh wutter I ned to worry aboot
Gromble 4 Aug @ 3:56pm 
every neuron in my brain just went full beavis and butthead mode and now i can't stop thinking "heheheh booby"