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General Gameplay Guide (WIP)
Por Reignswolf
General Gameplay Mechanics and Useful Tips
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General Gameplay Mechanics
Comment your own useful tips and discoveries and I'll add them to the Guide!

Villages and Trust:

  • Increasing your Trust in a Village allow you to recruit peasants, including higher tier peasants.
  • Increasing to Protector Status allow you to build a Tower in the Village which allows it to be liberated. Once the Tower is built the brigands will turn hostile in the Village. You must defeat them, talk to the Elder, then defeat a reclamation force that comes from a Bandit Encampment. Once the reclamation force is defeated you may talk to the Elder again to mark the Village status as liberated.
  • "Village" type buildings can be researched and built within NPC Villages to increase Trust. You can build more than one of the same structure to increase Trust relatively quickly. This is useful in towns where all Quests are complete and Protector Status isn't met.
  • You can also sell Old Coins and Fangs to the Elder to increase your Trust slightly.
  • Liberated Villages allow you to hire Blacksmiths, Weaves, Carpenters, etc. Each Village has their own type of Craftsmen you can recruit. Craftsmen Tier peasants are needed to research and craft higher tier items.
  • Liberated Villages open up Trade with that Village when clicked on from the Map. Each Village offers their own unique items which are general materials. You can also sell items in the Trade menu.


  • Renown can be gained from completing Quests within a village.
  • Renown can be gained from defeating Bandits.
  • Renown can be gained from constructing Trophys in your Settlement.

Companions can be commanded when under your control. These commands include:

  • Press "E", click on Forageable Materials and your companions will gather these items. This is especially useful when traveling with your Companions and they are going hungry. They will fill their inventories with Berries, Mushrooms, etc.
  • Press "E", click on your Weapon Stockpile or Food Stockpile and your companions will gather weapons, equipment and food from those stockpiles. For the food stockpile, if you have more than 5 companions under your control, you may need to command them several times.


  • Researching "Travel Signs" allow you to, once built, to click on and Fast Travel between these constructed points as you create them across the map. This is useful for building them near materials or outside of Villages so you can quickly go to and fro.
  • Running on Roads halves the stamina cost from running as opposed to running off-road.

Gathering Materials

  • Setting individual Companion priorties based off of their Skills will allow them to more quickly gather materials. By setting a Priority to "1" it will make said Workers complete those tasks FIRST before doing any other task assigned to them.
  • Using the "Top-Up" option in Crafting Tables will make your Workers, or whoever is assigned to Crafting, craft X amount of those items. For example, if set to crafting Axes and your Axes fall below 5 available due to durability your Crasftsmen will create more to meet the threshold you've set. This will make it so there are always tools available for your Logging Camp, Mining Camps, etc.
  • Make sure to also use the "Top-Up" option in Foraging Tents, Logging Camps, etc, to continuously have your Workers gathering a sufficient amount of items before moving on to other Tasks. Make sure Logging Camps are constructed in dense forest Areas.
  • Farms are incredibly useful to keep Villagers fed with a sufficient amount of food. You can plant seeds and assign a couple of Villagers to Farming to produce a substantial amount of Potatoes, Beets, etc. Watering Cans and Seed Pouches can help their productivity.
  • Do not over-hunt areas. If you diminish the population of the animals dramatically they will not come back. You must keep a reasonable amount alive so they can reproduce.
  • Animal Traps can be placed side by side. You do not need to spread them out throughout the forest. It is recommended to put them in a line and always "Top-Up" craft traps so when they break your "Hunter" will place a new one in it's place.

Proper Utilisation of Jobs:

  • Crafting Job: Having this job prioritised will make your selected Villager focus on Crafting items in all Crafting Tables available such as: Crafting Table, Weaver Table, Tool Maker, etc.
  • Smelting Job: As it implies, Villagers prioritising this Role will Smelt Ore into Ingots from any available Smelter.

  • Harvesting Job: Villagers prioritising this Role will Harvest ORE from Mining Camps, they will also FORAGE from Foraging Camps. Make sure to select your Mining Camp or Foraging Camp to set an amount of Materials you'd like to collect as a one-off or top-up stock to X amount continually.

  • Farming Job: Selecting this Job as a priority will, as it implies, set the selected Villager to Seed and Collect harvest from Farm Plots. Make sure to have necessary equipment and seeds available.

  • Woodcutting: As it implies, this will make Villagers prioritise collecting wood at Logging Camps. Make sure to have sufficient Axes built for the Camp inventories for them to use.

  • Delivery Job: Setting this priority will make the selected Villager gather or receive goods. This is required for Villagers to move material. Have this selected for most of your Villagers, if not all.

  • Cooking Job: This will set a Villager to focus on Cooking. They will take food from your Stockpile and Cook it at the Smoker, Campfire, etc. Make sure to set Orders for them to craft speciality items like Stew, etc at the Cooking Pot. They will automatically Cook basic foods like Mushrooms.

  • Hunting Job: Hunters will work at the Trappers Camp to Harvest yields from Traps. They will also replace Traps with new one once broken assuming you have some in Storage. Hunters will also go out to actively hunt Birds, Deer, Boar & Wolves once you have a Hunting Camp.

  • Construction Job: Builders will prioritise constructing new buildings. They will grab materials from storage for new structures and also build them. For buildings requiring Nails, make sure to have sufficient Carpenter Hammer's available.

  • Training Job: Setting Villagers to Training will make them prioritise Training in Camps to increase their skill once you have them unlocked. This won't be usable for some time until they're unlocked.

  • Research Job: Having a Researcher will make the Villager focus on Researching at the Table to unlock new buildings, weapons, etc. Some building and items will not be able to be Researched until you have a specific class recruiting to your Village, such as a Blacksmith, Weaver, etc. These classes are not stat based. A Blacksmith Villager will have the title Blacksmith when looking at them. These special Villagers can only be recruiting when you've reached Bellwright reputation.

Defending Against Raids:

  • Making choke points with Fences can help significantly with funneling excess enemy troops into a bottleneck to have your lesser numbers have an advantage. Especially when playing on Impossible difficulty.
  • Bows are incredibly useful to Kite and headshot Bandits. Make sure to always have sufficient food to maintain your Stamina when kiting.
  • Equipping Villagers with Shields will significantly increase their survivability. They will equip shields automatically if commanded to interact with your Equipment warehouse
11 comentários
Reignswolf  [autor] 5 de out. às 22:13 
Yes you can set materials for a specific stockpile. If you click on the stockpile you will see it says "Food Rations", "Resources", "Equipment." If you click one of those it'll open a drop down menu. Select whatever items you don't want to be stored in that specific stockpile.
Reignswolf  [autor] 5 de out. às 22:09 
Yeah I ran into that as well. You pretty much just have to babysit the structure as your Villagers will passively deliver the materials and the townfolk will help construct.

Just have to wait until you're ready BEFORE you queue the structure.

Good tip.
Edwilbur 5 de out. às 9:39 
is there a way to have the villagers take mats to a specific storage area, currently have rope in 4 different stockpiles lol?
Zebulon 7 de ago. às 13:52 
Thanks a lot ! These tips are very useful !
Covah Nightbreaker 14 de jul. às 11:32 
Just tested it, and unless something changes, I was able to destroy a trophy after placing it (And benefiting from the renown increase) without losing any renown afterwards. Meaning you can destroy trophies after claiming the renown and not have to be concerned with the immense amount of space that 400 trophies can take up.
Covah Nightbreaker 13 de jul. às 10:58 
Something I noticed that you may wish to add for others in the future.

When you get to the stage of improving neutral villages: Your own settlers can/will deliver the goods to the structure. I was doing this manually and thought that it was the villages themselves finishing the construction by adding materials that the villages trade. Not the case. Big surprise when suddenly the belltower I was waiting for people to heal before completing got finished before I was ready. Neutral Villages will construct the building, your people will deliver the goods. But, the downside is that they deliver the goods from your "Main base". If thats all the way up next to Bradford or Haerndean, they will WALK the whole way.
T0XIC 15 de mai. às 14:26 
Very nice! TY!
omike100murcia 15 de mai. às 11:25 
Where can I craft metal helmets? I have studied them, but they do not appear in the toolmaker. thx
Ohgood 15 de mai. às 10:01 
Wait WHAT! I'm on day 102 and just now learned you can have your army interact with the equipment warehouse to equip weapons.... i thank you good sir!
possum1947 14 de mai. às 5:11 
i cant figure out what im doing on this game