Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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EAW Dragon Improvements
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69.952 KB
2024년 5월 11일 오후 1시 00분
2024년 5월 15일 오후 3시 58분
변경 사항 2개 ( 보기 )

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EAW Dragon Improvements

(Note: My knowledge about MLP is... barebone to say the least, and from what i read on the wiki there isn't much info about dragons to begin with. So if you feel some names could be replaced with something better/more fitting feel free to suggest. Other feedback is also appreciated.)

This mod focuses on slightly improving both dragon Nations in EAW. I am planning to expand this mod as i get more ideas.
Currently implemented:

Both Dragon Nations
-Advisor that reduces Draconic Equipment production cost and improves reliability.
-Advisor that grants monthly population bonus and weekly ponypower.
-[Supremacist] Military High Command that boosts Whelps and Elder dragons but weakens other infantry units.

Ice Dragon Tribes
-Nation Spirit that reduces Winter Attrition
-Prince of Terror advisor.
-Frostfury now starts with Winter Specialist trait.

United Dragon Lands
-National Spirit that reduces Heat Attrition.
-Both Generals now start with Heat Specialist traits.