Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

R8 | Azulejos
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Waffe: R8-Revolver
Lackierung: Sonderlackierung
134.222 MB
11. Mai um 11:14
12. Mai um 6:34
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In 1 Kollektion von Nextgenz
Azulejos Collection
5 Inhalte
R8 | Azulejos

Living in Portugal, I'd like to introduce you to a skin that was close to my heart. In Portugal, there's an art form that can be seen in many Portuguese towns, “azulejos”.

Azulejos, the magnificent decorative ceramic tiles, have been a source of inspiration and cultural pride in Portugal for centuries. Their use in art and architecture is emblematic of the artistic and historical richness of the country.

Every detail of this design has been carefully considered and executed. The intricate patterns of azulejos, with their delicate arabesques and vibrant colors, are meticulously integrated onto the surface of the R8. I was also inspired by “Add fuel” a local urban artist in Lisbon & Cascais.

The Azulejos Desert Eagle is more than just an artistic fusion.
It is a tribute to both Portugal's cultural heritage and the enduring impact of video game culture on contemporary art. It is a celebration of creativity and innovation, and I hope this presentation has inspired you as much as the creation of this artwork has inspired me.