Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

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A Brief Guide to Electrocuting Focus Shots
By xd (xd)
A brief little guide on the electrocuting focus shots overclock and why it's actually pretty neat. This guide is going in with the assumption you already know the basics of the M1000 as a gun. The primary comparison to it will be 2311X active stability system, and enemies shown are scaled to standard hazard 5.
When it comes to M1000 overclocks, electrocuting focus shots (EFS) tends to be the one that gets overlooked, no? Active stability system gets a lot of the praise, people care about supercooling chambered for big funny damage, and no matter what, an argument over hipster's viability will arise. Despite this, EFS is actually quite a nice overclock.

The stats of this overclock are rather simple, especially for an unstable: Your focused shots will now apply an electric effect to any enemy hit, but your focus shot bonus is reduced by -25%. The effect itself does 135 electric damage (4.5 damage ticks applied every .2 seconds) over six seconds and applies a heavy slowdown effect. That's it.
Why Run This? (Advantages and Disadvantages)
There's a few advantages this has over your standard focus shot M1000. Firstly, you hit some nice breakpoints with the bonus electric damage; for example, septics will die with the electric effect, an enemy you can't normally one shot.

(1321x EFS)

Secondly, mods. You can run both the clip size mod in tier 3 and the ammo mod in tier 1 and still hit many relevant breakpoints. I will elaborate on this in a later section, but it's good to list here.

Lastly, grunts. Yes, you really shouldn't be prioritizing grunt clear as a scout, but in a pinch, EFS has a leg up on the competition. Normally, you are unable to one shot slashers to the body or kill guards with a weakpoint shot, but the electric effect will now be able to take care of them with no issue.

However, there are certainly some disadvantages. Unless you want to focus shot a praetorian every six seconds to maximize damage (don't do that lmao), you do lose effectiveness against praetorians and enemies similar in tankiness. Shellbacks are also a massive disadvantage, as they straight up will not receive the electric effect.

The short of it is you get to take some mods you normally can't and get better grunt clear at the cost of effectiveness against some targets such as praetorians and shellbacks.
Building the Gun
Tier 1
Generally, ammo here is always best to take, as the electric effect will make up for missing out on the damage mod. The only time I personally take damage here is if I'm in a solo. Otherwise, ammo is generally the go-to if you're running EFS.

Tier 2
It's really just between charge speed and armor break here; recoil here is largely useless. While it certainly can be personal preference, I personally advocate for armor break here, as it gives you a great advantage against stingtails and shellbacks. However, charge speed is better if you wish for more maneuverability.

Tier 3
In comparison to tier 2, this one is even more of a preference. I swap between these two constantly, so genuinely just take whatever you care for, although I do slightly lean towards more focus shot damage here.

Tier 4
Take blowthrough. Having blowthrough on this gun is vital to taking advantage of its upsides of grunt clear in a pinch, and you really aren't gonna benefit from the weakpoint mod here. Unless your team has swarm clear absolutely nailed down and you need to dump ammo into tanky targets, just take the blowthrough mod.

Tier 5
It's between stun and fear here. For most games, I myself take stun, as it holds the enemy in place while they're electrocuted to death and provides safety against enemies such as praetorians and menaces. However, fear is good for some swarm safety, and it is undeniably better if you're going into something such as a mactera swarm mission.
My Personal Build and Swift Breakdown
Here's my personal build and a hastily thrown together MS paint chart if you don't care to read.
Secondary Options
Generally, scout doesn't really care too much about his primary complimenting his secondary, but here's some of my preferred options for a secondary.

Literally any standard boomstick setup works here; run special powder if you really want to. Nonetheless, here's my two personal favorites: shaped shells and double barrel.

I rarely run the dualies with EFS. Nonetheless, embedded detonators works well to make up for lacking some single target. You can also run it with the T5A mod if you're gung ho about electric synergy.

The nishanka is actually quite nice here because you are able to proc magnetic shafts without taking tazer bolts, allowing you to take either pheromones or poison bolts. This is especially powerful when paired with trifork volley. Alternatively, you can run cryo bolts for just general utility.

Oh, Grenades!
Just run whatever you feel like. There's no one grenade that has some fantastic synergy with EFS M1000, so just run what you wish.
yeah overall overclock cool

please correct me if I got anything wrong here I beg of you ok bye rock and stone
YoGetDog 31 May @ 5:21pm 
This is what i run with on my scout, expect i trade out cyro bolt for fire bolt.
cause i like to watch the bugs burn :lnuke:
LadWith76IQ 20 May @ 3:54pm 
i didnt read this but my eyes can see good post and proper placement of images and everything when i see one.

thanks for your effort sir.
FoxoManiak 10 May @ 1:22pm 
I love torturing wildlife for the sake of efficiency! :steamhappy: