Hatsune Miku - The Planet Of Wonder And Fragments Of Wishes

Hatsune Miku - The Planet Of Wonder And Fragments Of Wishes

Hatsune Miku - The Planet Of Wonder And Fragments Of Wishes : A Cosmic Delight or a Brief Escape?
"Game Overview :
Miku and friends crash land on a mysterious planet during their space journey... There they meet many unique characters! Play all kinds of games to grant everybody's wishes!

Nyanco's Comments :
It offers a charming yet brief escapade filled with delightful mini-games and enchanting music, though its steep price & short gameplay duration may leave some players desiring more depth & content.

Full Disclosure :
We received a copy of the game from the developer, publisher, or their PR team to create this content. For the production of gameplay videos, we were assisted by *Holy Lightning, a valued member and friend of our Nyanco Channel Steam curator group.

*Holy Lightning : https://www.twitch.tv/holy_lightning

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Hit the subscribe button and follow our enchanting gaming journey. Check out what Nyanco Channel has in store for you! (ฅ'ω'ฅ)

Steam Curator :

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Pain res? YES! ♡ 9 May @ 1:08am 