Radar | 1 of 4 summons
"I can summon 3 dragons and controlling actively 1


Scratch: can scratch even through diamonds with his right feet only

Bite: can bite through metal

Kick: can kick up to 9720 pounds due to advanced technology built into his legs

Tail Swift: Can use his tail to shove away anything in his way double the amount of kicking Melee (19440 Pounds) since the inner parts of the dragon on the tail is entirely mechanical

Tip Burst: can use the tip of his tail (not seen in the picture) to shoot out a big laser that evaporates anything it faces
Charged Head Butt

Auroral Blast (AB):

Shoots a mighty flame out of his mouth annihilating anything in front of him even melts metal like it's nothing
if it comes in touch with water it evaporates it and creates a magnetic electric charge which the dragon can control
to throw it at enemies like a magnet.

Scanning The Area (STA):
Creates Waves with two blasters seen on the dragon which reach 25km from his position
detecting any enemies even with special cloaking abilities used to acquire targets

Special One Time Use Ability:
Overdrive Flight (OF): strength increase of all MELEE attacks and POWERS of 150% for 30 minutes dragon becomes unusable after activated for the duration of a month

A.I Generated Artwork by Wombo.ai"