The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Dark Seducer WIP
"Finally got the character herself all completed, just need to weight paint the armour to the body now.

Feel free to drop any suggestions on what you think could be improved."
20 件のコメント
casinocha 6月6日 17時39分 
wtf slay girlboss
AnotherUsername 6月3日 12時09分 
2 realism m8
the law 5月28日 12時36分 
Good stuff.
Anne Frank  [作成者] 5月28日 12時19分 
Fully modelled, no joke. I can't show it here for obvious reasons though. :)
the law 5月28日 11時23分 
Fully modeled? :alyx:
useless_being.69 5月24日 20時57分 
add muscles
Anne Frank  [作成者] 5月24日 12時36分 
I never planned on making them into a mod, but I'm more than happy to pass them along to someone who knows how to mod so that they can give it a shot. Saying that though, I seriously doubt Oblivion itself would be able to handle these characters without some major downgrading. Skyrim might be a little bit better.
Skaadi 5月24日 10時32分 
I'm curious, is this going to be a mod you're working on, or just for private use? Because this and your Golden Saint has to be the probably best faces I have ever seen on any Oblivion character. Actually proper 2024 visuals.

We don't have that on the Nexus or anywhere else.
General Degenerate 5月23日 20時12分 
to the "Linux" guy, Dark Seducers aren't supposed to be pretty, they're supposed to be ugly (at least lore-wise they are, this is pretty good) to reflect Dementia but be kind and respectful to contrast both Dementia and their Golden Saint counterparts. While Golden saints are supposed to be pretty to reflect Mania but be rude and uncaring to contrast Mania and their Dark seducer counterparts.
Otherwise you'd have The people of Dementia overpopulating the "Hill of """"Self Reload Your Last Save"""" " and so the people of Mania don't get too uppity.

So in other words, it's pretty funny you say that Mr. "Linux" because that is the intention of the lore writers

To the person who created this, This is pretty good, but a bit too good. make the skin less shiny and it'd be both lore accurate and pretty to satisfy both those who care too much about lore like me and everyone else who clicked on this post for another reason (also me)
Пистурчик 5月23日 16時27分 
I completely disagree with the statement that they do not have a feminine figure. First of all, these are bodyguards. I think that with a too feminine figure they will look very ridiculous. They will look like ordinary girls from MMORPGs. Leave everything as it is, it looks very cool.