Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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交易 - trade
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5. maj kl. 4:53
5. maj kl. 11:54
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Abonner for at downloade
交易 - trade

Enable players to use gold coins to purchase resources.

New Content:

- Gold Coins: Can be used to buy items. One gold nugget can be crafted into four gold coins.

- ATM: Can be used to store gold coins. Interest is calculated daily at a rate of 10%.
- Market Stall: Can be used to sell unneeded resources. Selling price is 50% of the purchase price, with a minimum of 1 gold coin.

[Craft tab]:
- Market tab: Craft the newly added mod items and purchase resources here.
14 kommentarer
飞鱼  [ophavsmand] 12. sep. kl. 13:37 
@贺贺想谈恋爱 报错的意思是orderlist.lua文件中的78行缺了一个 '}',我检查过了源文件里没问题,可能是你不小心删掉的?加回去就好了。
贺贺想谈恋爱 25. aug. kl. 20:18 
error loading module 'orderlist' from file ' .. \mods\workshop-3239973105\scriptslorderlist.lua':
.. \mods\workshop-3239973105\scriptslorderlist.lua:78: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'ï'
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=in function"require"
workshop-3239973105/modmain.lua(42.1)in main chunk
括号里的代码是local pricelist = GLOBAL.require("pricelist")
={c}in function"xpcall"
dont_starve/data/scripts/util.lua(552.1)in function "runinenvironment"
括号里代码是return xpcall(fn, debug.traceback)
Oxig3n 1. aug. kl. 4:25 
Description says, 1 Gold nugget = 4 Gold coins. But it works like 1 nugget to 1 coin but 4 coin to 1 nugget. Also ATM and Market Stall is not showing in the Market tab.

To fix all these go to > \dont_starve\mods\workshop-3239973105 folder. Open the "modmain.lua" file with notepad++. Hit Ctrl + F and type "local goldcoins" and hit Find Next button and then delete "Compatible" word after the "="
It should look like this;
local goldcoins = Recipe("goldcoins", {Ingredient("goldnugget",1)}, MARKET_TAB, TECH.NONE, nil, nil, nil, false, 4)

Now do the same for;

local atm = Recipe

local marketstall = Recipe

Enjoy :steamthumbsup:
刺猬 7. juli kl. 18:56 
飞鱼  [ophavsmand] 20. juni kl. 13:52 
@Bruti I added a new craftingtab named Market, you can spend coins to buy resources there
Bruti 14. juni kl. 12:05 
where can the coins be spent?
飞鱼  [ophavsmand] 2. juni kl. 7:22 
@ISS AppaEscort 感谢帮助,看这个修正方法意思是ATM和摊位的配方在制作栏里消失了?orderlist是我定义的配方显示顺序,但是这在海难以及哈姆雷特不起作用,因为饥荒不同DLC的API有些许不同,克雷做新DLC的时候没有搞兼容性。
飞鱼  [ophavsmand] 2. juni kl. 7:18 
@我是一个单身狗,但是 @mjss @1697421360 抱歉最近时间,现在才回复。
ISS AppaEscort 20. maj kl. 2:45 
临时解决建筑消失方法:dont_starve\mods\workshop-3239973105\scripts中更改orderlist.lua,添加“ "atm", "marketstall", 保存后重新开游戏即可 100元ATM原始资本很正常吧(:
1697421360 18. maj kl. 7:49 