Lethal Company

Lethal Company

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How to turn on lethal comapny
By De_eznuts
hi today i will show you how to turn on lethal company, enjoy

If you have only mouse:
1. Plug in your mouse
2. check if your mouse works
3. turn on steam
4. find lethal company and click it
5. find "play" button and press it
6. congratulation you turned on lethal comapny with only mouse

If you have only keyboard:
1. plug in your keyboard
2. check if your keyboard works
3. turn on steam by pressing windows button and in search box type steam and press enter
4. by pressing tab find lethal company and on it press enter
5. by pressing tab click play button
6. congratulation you turned on lethal company with only keyboard

if you have both you can use tutorial with mouse or keyboard, its your choice
tutorial how to walk with only mouse, or with only keyboard you can find on my steam profile