Lethal Company

Lethal Company

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How to walk in Lethal Comapny
By De_eznuts
hi, today i will help you with walking in lethal company.

if you have keyboard:
1. You need to plug in your keyboard
2. If you plugged in ur keyboard you need to check if it works
3. if it works you have to turn on lethal company*
4. you need to press "W" on your keyboard
5. congratulation, you have learned how to walk in lethal company

if you dont have keyboard:
1. plug in your mouse
2. in on your taskbar you need to find keyboard icon
3. click it
4. check if virtual keyboard works
5. if your virtual keyboard works turn on lethal company
6. enjoy your on-screen keyboard expirience

Thanks for reading, how to turn on lethal company guide you will find soon
Goodbye 👍

*how to turn on lethal company tutorial you will find on my steam profile
Epicgamerboi279 15 May @ 7:05pm 
so how do I walk backwards now?
corbin.w.bray 14 May @ 1:44pm 
very helpful, thanks