Katana ZERO

Katana ZERO

Tidak cukup rating
Enemys in Katana Zero
Oleh diffirent_s1lv3r
Enemys in Katana zero and how you can dodge them!
Batalkan favorit
1- Grunts
So basically Grunts or Strong Terries are the most basic enemy in the game, they can't dash, they can't dodge. They can only attcak
How To Kill ?
Just hit them with your katana they will gonna die.
2- Skinny Rickies
Unlike the grunts, Skinny Rickies can dodge your attacks and attack very quickly also I calling them "Gordon Freeman" cause they using Crowbar.
How To Kill?
1- Don't give them an attack chance and dash to behind of them and hit them with your katana.
2- When they dodge your attack they become inactive 2-3 seconds. When they are inactive finish their job
3- Gunmens
Firstly gunmens uses a riffle and they shoot you from a long distance. If get very close to the them they punches you and after they shoots you.
How To Kill ?
1- When they shoot hit their bullet and bullet will gonna hit them if they don't hit to another enemy or a obstacle.
2- Dodge bullets and his punch with dash after kill them with your Katana
4- Police Gunmans
Police Gunmans actually same with normal gunmans. The diffirent is they have a bit better reaction time.
How to Kill?
Same With Gunmans
(In my opinion they look like Lucas Torreria)
5- SWAT Shotgunner
This enemy actually a bit harder unlike others because it shoots more then 7 bullets in 1 shoot. Also dodge even not a good choice because you can only dodge 1 bullet but this guys shoot more bullets.
How To Kill?
When you hear it they feel so hard right ? But they are not! Because they are at least waits 3-4 seconds before they shoots. Also you can even dash and escape from the bullets, so basically spam dash until you come to their behind, after use your katana
6- SWAT Sheild
Unlike the other SWAT they using pistol but they are more harder because they using a sheild and it blocks your attacks. And If you too close to them they can punch you like gunmans.
How To Kill?
Same with other SWAT, spam dash until you come to his behind and use your katana
7- Machine Turret
Sadly I can't find the image :(
So basically this turret look like metal small tank but it can't move, they instantly shoots more then 3 bullets when they see you.
How To Kill?
When they shoot you they have 5 second cooldown. At the countdown kill them with your katana.
8- Drones
So this drones only appears in Chinatown named episode and they flys and they shoot you.
How To Kill?
Dodge the bullet and send it to them, it will automaticly kill the drone or the more basic way you can use your katana
1- V
Firstly we see him in the Factory, Club Neon and in the neighbours house. But we can talk him in the Studio 51 named episode. V firstly acts very freindly but when he offers a job and we refuse his offer, but he think we saying we are better then him so he kicks from his car. And we follow him after he escapes the Studio 51. In this part you need the collect 3 keycards and go to V's location
How To Defeat V's First Phase?
Firstly V uses a gold gun and firstly he dashes to you after he makes more aggresive dash, if he touchs you when he in the aggresive dash he throws you and kills you with his gun. If you want the damage him just wait he equips the gun. When equip it quickly dash to his behind and stab your katana and do it 4 times. If the game starts the get glitch you made it.
Fun Fact: If you do this part without dying you get a achievement.
V's seconds phase starts at Mansion Hideout named episode, when you enter the mansion he thearts with shooting, but you can aware from that bullet with dodging or dashing. After from this part you need the kill the enemys. At the one part you will gonna hit with a bomb.
When you wake up you will gonna tied to a chair and you need the choose correct opinion but be careful, V is to aggrasive so he can kill you. When he abonden the room Kissyface boss fight starts (If you even want the see it look the second boss fight. When you defeat the Kissy Face you start the chase V with a Motorbike. End of the chase V starts the use helicopter.
How To Kill Second Phase Of The V?
V attacks you with missles but you can't dodge them but you can escape them, sometimes V use guided missles, sometimes V use normal missles. If you survive from his missle attacks he starts the shoot and you need the dodge this bullets, if bullets hit the helicopter more then 3 and helicopter destroys that means you defeat the V.
2- Kissy Face
Kissy Face actually Like a helper of V, when V abonden the room Kissy Face walks to you, spam the A button until reaches to you, when he break the chair take the broken leg and throw it to gunman who carries your Katana and take it.
How To Kill Kissy Face ?
Kissy Face firstly throws his axe, dash and stab your Katana to him. After that hold MOUSE 1 until he kicks you, the next attack he jumps and throws his axe and makes spin it (NOTE: DASH NOT PROTECTS YOU IN THIS ATTACK) and the last attack he jumps to you, you can avoid from him with a dash, after you stab your katana to him. (Note:Attack order may change sometimes, but most of the time it is like this) If you hold MOUSE 1 four times you will gonna cut his arms. In this section you need the cut his head too.
3- Headhunter
You see Headhunter in the Chinatown first, She equips a Railgun but you can basically kill her in that part, but she revives again and disappears. You can see her again in the Bunker part 2.
How To Kill Headhunters First Phase?
In the first phase she can only use railgun but be careful, you can't dodge her attacks with dash, with the most basic way stand at the ground until her shoots, before her shoot jump and land to her and stab her, if you not gonna do it correctly she will gonna kill you or she will gonna make flip and use her railgun on the air but don't worry! You can dodge this attack with dash. When you stab her with you katana there will be mines appear, jump before its exploive.
How To Kill Headhunters Second Phase?
Firstly she has 3 diffirent attack, one of them is railgun attack. Second one is knife attack. She will gonna dash with a knife. you can jump or dash for encounter it. Third one is Bomb attack, she equips a bomb gun and throw its to you, if you hit bombs firstly you get inactive for like 3-4 seconds after bombs are exploives and you get die. If you dodge her first attack there will be appear 2 turrets left of the map, so when you attack her wait at the maps left part, after that she again use her railgun and again dodge it with your dash. After when she land to ground stab her again, for this times she shoots railgun to maps right and left part so stay in the middle, after she again use her railgun in the air twice, again dodge it with dash. Lastly she use her railgun (AGAIN) in the ground she instanly appears at the air and shoots you. (In this part you should stay at the right corner because railgun and bullets cannot reach there) And that lady again appears, again use your katana and she will drop a knife, kill her with this knife after cut his head.
4-Psychologist (Secret Bossfight)
Firstly if you want the start this bossfight you need to do something
1-At the Factory Level when Psychologist call you spam the Hang up after open the phone an say "Helloooo?"
2-At The Murdewor Hotel episode spam the button "I just want my medicine" and make ragequit the receptionist
3-At The Club Neon episode talk with Electro-head until he got shoot.
4-At The Mutual-A Nil Prison Episode refuse the drug and Kill everyone in the Prison
5-Say "F*ck you* to Psychologist
If you do them there will be a secret boss fight will gonna start. Heres the steps what you need to do:
1- Psychologist Firstly uses hands made from stones, you need the stab your katana to them like a 7-8 times, if hands catchs you your head will gonna exploive (NOTE: If you spam space when you get caught from the hands you can escape from them).
2- After that Psychologist have spawns some clones and they throw you some enery balls, you need to do is dodging this ball, If you kill all clones you did it correctly.
3- After that eye part starts. In this part you need the cut all eyes, if you not cut them in the time you gonna die.
After when you do them second part starts
(NOTE:The order of the attack can be change.)
1- He uses some syringes to stab you, sometimes they appear in the air, sometimes they apper in the ground, if you want the survive use the dash.
2- He use a syringe but this one comes from the air and its too quick so you need to be dash so much.
3- He spawns some brain like creatures and they send you the same energy balls, dodge them or kill that brain like things.
4- Sometimes there is a gray colored a monster appears and it sends energy ball to everywhere, if you get quick you can kill it and it will gonna give some damage to the psychiatrist.
If you do the 4th part more then 3 times you will gonna defeat this boss.