Astral Party

Astral Party

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Tierlist (May 2024)
By Ting🍊
Rating of the strengths and weaknesses of every character currently available, up to Haiqing.
This is my personal ranking on the currently available characters in Astral Party. The characters are ordered from who I think is the weakest (E tier) to strongest (S tier), if they're in the same tier they're about the same. I have played every character extensively except for Panda. Please keep in mind that as the game gets patched these rankings might become total doodoo peepee caca. What? They already are? No they aren't. SHUT UP
Fen - Dress Girl

Sorry, Fen sisters... she's bad. Her ability is luck based, with only 1/3 chance of getting the effect you actually want (the ATK boost), once every 3 whole turns, and the ATK boost only lasts 1 single attack, meaning that if they dodge, you just wasted it.... compare it with Alana that gets a similar ATK boost that actually lasts, by just doing nothing at all.

By far, the biggest issue is having 0 Defense. She'll die if you sneeze on her. If GAWU appears, you're dead. If anyone deals effect damage then attacks, you're dead. If anyone rolls good or has a boost or any kind, you're dead. Random event? Dead.
Don't underestimate her too much, though, because with some luck, if she gets an attack roll at the right time, and is mindful enough to hold it for an attack that actually matters, she can sneak some cheeky wins.

Strengths: massive attack boost (once, every 3 turns, if you're lucky)
Countered by: just beat her up lol

Tier: E
Pandaman - Human(?) Chariot

Despite his high 12 HP, Panda's 0 DEF and passive +1 damage from all sources make him quite easy to KO when needed. Just make sure to actually kill him, since he can easily recover. His passive is random and has a very high cooldown (4), so you could take a long time to get the card you want.

People will often just counter Panda by not targeting it with effects since he'll always have Eye for An Eye in hand. He might also have trouble using Explosion because he can just kill himself due to the added damage, or put him in instakill range. I've honestly never seen this character win a game...

To be honest, he just really doesn't do much of anything, so even if you leave him alone, he'll lose anyway.

Strengths: Easy access to counter cards, high recovery
Countered by: ignoring him, strong battle characters, Soul Linking him with another player, Haiqing
Tier: E
Papara -Red HOT
Papara is a high risk battle oriented character. The passive gives you a big ATK boost when on low health and the active lets you recover health on a successful attack.

This character is meant to be played as a revenge attacker; after people get you to low HP, you can activate your skill to attack them, and get back to full health.

However, the main problem with having a character tunnel focused to one attack is that many things can fail in the process. Random events, random damage, bad rolls, dodging, etc. She does have good stats and her atk boost is not random, so she's at least better than Fen.
Explosion is also a really strong card with her because it helps her getting to low health. She also is really good VS GAWU for the same reason. But the fact that you have to be at 5HP to use her atk boost in the first place... it's just too risky, you WILL die. There are better attackers like Padman and Ren. Hell, Alana gets a +3 atk boost for doing literally nothing...

Overall she takes on a lot of risks for a not very consistent and mild payoff.

Strengths: Good stats, good matchup vs GAWU
Countered by: keeping her slightly above 5hp then going for the kill.

Tier: D
Z3000- Recycling Robot
Z3000 active pulls enemies toward yourself for 1 damage and slows them, you can use it for stopping someone from capping a star or defensively to avoid them attacking you if they're facing the opposite direction. You can use it offensively by sniping players within 6HP by using its ability+an effect damage card like Brick, but that's actually pretty hard to pull off. You can also drag away people from hospital spaces to KO them. On crossroads, you can pull people on the train tracks, which is pretty funny.

His passive sets traps whenever you eat, which is... alright, I guess. You aren't even immune from them. He's certainly a bit better in maps without many diverging paths, where people can't just avoid traps.

Overall, he has a lot of cool stuff, but all these things are niche, situational uses at best. Most of the time you won't really use either of his skills. And in large maps his active will be mostly useless because of its range. He's not that bad, but in most cases he's just a plain downgrade from the Slime Girl.

Strengths: potential to set a lot of traps, tanky, only character that can move people
Countered by: Pandaman (if you hook him he'll just explode and kill you, or reflect your Brick), characters with high HP in general
Tier: D
Fanny - Quirky detective

A very simple character whose gameplay mostly is spamming her active. She triggers a random "event" at the end of the turn, and her passive gives her 3 coins when an event is triggered. Her gameplan is to trigger as many event panels as she can to get loads of money. 

Her stats are good, +3 free coins is a lot in the early game, and the events can save you from a loss if you're lucky.  But the obvious random nature of this character can't get it further than C tier, because a lot of events can, and A very simple character whose gameplay mostly is spamming her active. She triggers a random "event" at the end of the turn, and her passive gives her 3 coins when an event is triggered. Her gameplan is to trigger as many event panels as she can to get loads of money.

Her stats are good, +3 free coins is a lot in the early game, and the events can save you from a loss if you're lucky. But the obvious random nature of this character can't get it further than C tier, because a lot of events can, and will actually screw you over, especially when you're in a winning position.
I once got half of my money taken away from me twice with Philanthropy...

Strengths: Free money, good stats
Countered by: her own random events
Tier: C
Komachi - Shadow Ninja
This character is a little bit tricky to play. Using 2 effect cards is really strong but it has an extremely high cooldown (4), so you have to really plan it out. You have to time your active and passive with the right cards depending on the situation. Aside from that, this character can easily deal 6-10 damage with this skill, or cap points with ease.

Her passive gives you a free card once every 3, which isn't -bad-, but there's an obvious spending problem that goes with that... she struggles to get money, and is easily KO'd in battle since she will likely spend her money on effect cards, not defense ones. You want to get on as many shop and card panels as possible. You can get around the low funds issue by looping cards like Loaded Dice or Snatch, but you have to find those cards first, and sometimes the situation will call that you use a different card than the one you wanted to loop (such as dropping a brick or barricade on another player), or that your loop count gets screwed because you're forced to use Counter cards, which do count as effect cards.

Overall this character can be really good and largely carried by her insane active, but it just isn't consistent enough to keep up with the better ones, and relies on the skill of the user, getting good rolls on effect cards, and not being attacked too often.

Strengths: high effect damage, can spam strong cards like barricade or loaded dice to manipulate rolls and/or other players
Countered by: buying counter cards, Ren, maps without easily accessible Shops, battle, Switcheroo
Tier: B-D (depending on the skill of the user and your rolls)
Lulu - Slime Girl
With 2/2 and 9 HP, She has the highest overall stats in the cast so she's hard to deal with in battle. Lulu is very annoying. The range on her slow ability is large, so you can basically pick any player. Since the debuff is -3, it means that she has about ~1/3 chance of locking the player in one place, so for example if you use it on a player that's on a hospital space you can lock him there, while if you do it on a free coins space there's a high chance you're just handing him free coins again.

Her passive reduces the active skill cooldown by 1 every time she gets damage of any kind, meaning her active actually has a low cooldown because this game has random damage popping up at all times.

The slow is most effective when used defensively so that a player that's threatening an attack on you won't be able to catch up. Players will also be wary of attacking you because of your cooldown getting lower, and they don't wanna be near you when that happens. Lulu basically slows down key players and hopes it will work. While on paper she may look like an S-tier character, in my experience she often loses to the likes of actual top tiers like Ren or Mimi, because they have ways to actually push for a win.

Strengths: Good stats, strong movement debuff with low cooldown
Countered by: keeping track of her active cooldown and don't just spam attacks against her if you don't need to, getting attacked by multiple people (she can only slow one of them)
Tier: B
Padman - Uncle Employee
Despite the luck-based nature of his power, Padman is actually...
kinda good?
His stats are really high and with his active he can become a 4/4 powerhouse + you get 2 movement, meaning he literally becomes better than GAWU in hunting down people.
Don't be afraid to use his skill defensively: 4 Defense will basically ensure you won't get killed, and in turns where you get your DEF debuffed you need to stay alive, since you have low HP and a bit of effect damage puts you in easy kill range.

The passive can sometimes screw you over because if you roll below 2 you might get stuck in the same spot and waste a turn, possibly even a couple turns if this happens on a dreaded hospital spot. I wish you'd be told about your movement modifier before you roll, so you could actually plan for it.
Overall this character is not too shabby and even higher tiers have to watch out for his attacks.

Strengths: easily able to oneshot players in battle, high movement
Countered by: effect damage, Lulu, hospitals

Tier: B
Haiqing - Destitty Girl
This character's passive is not that useful, you'll hardly notice it's there. You can get a 6 with loaded dice, but you'll have to get it first, and you might want to use it on something more useful depending on the situation.

The active ability is best used when you're sure you're gonna kill another player in the next turn. Yes, it does last longer than that, but you can't know what will happen. It's very strong when used with the Poop card because the targeted player will be damaged for 3 every turn. I recommend using it when you are the one getting the kill because if someone else gets it, while you'll get your 4 coins, you've just made it easier for another player to get 20.

You can also mark yourself to heal when you're on low HP and have no other options, but you have to take a good guess on whether the other players can KO you in 2 turns, with increased damage. This can actually be quite useful, but keep in mind, it's very risky. An example of this is using it on yourself while you're low, then using a loaded dice to end in a hospital spot, you'll get a free +6 recovery.

Overall this character is really good when you can make good reads on what the other characters will do and what will happen, which it's very fitting for a clairvoyant character. The main problem being that this is a party game with a lot of random things happening at once...

Strengths: pocket healing, can divert the flow of the game towards targeting one player, counters most frail/low HP characters
Countered by: healing cards, random events, actually reading her ability, Alana
Tier: B+
Alana - Shy Nun

Active Power: It dodges any attacks and traps, she can just activate it and dodge any traps on Home panels. This ability also dodges GAWU's attacks (minus the laser beam), so that makes her really strong in the late game. She will also easily counter Haiqing's ability this way.

Passive: Alana gets +3 ATK if she doesn't get damaged, and if used in combination with her active, it basically ensures this boost will be live very often, and it's a lot of atk. This buff actually persists until she gets damaged again, which might be a lot of time. As Alana, you might want to buy a lot of purple cards to avoid getting damaged. You need to constantly bully this character with effect or battle damage before it manages to accomplish anything or it will be too late to stop her, since she can cap stars undisturbed.

Overall she could have what it takes to be S tier, but unlike the S tiers she has actual flaws you can capitalize on to beat her, notably being weak to effect damage.

Strengths: battle and trap immunity, massive and easily spammable attack boost, can cap points where other players can't
Countered by: effect damage of any kind, constant bullying, Komachi

Tier: A
Mimi -Poster Maiden
As you'd expect from the poster girl, this is a very simple character. You can just spam her active to get free money AND free cards. She'll always have defense cards in hand due to her large card pool, but her stats are a little bit worse than Parunan so if you come prepared with an ATK buff you should be able to KO her.
There's really not much else to say, with Mimi you might get bad rolls sometimes, but with how often you reroll your hand, it doesn't matter.

Strengths: Free money AND free cards
Countered by: Ren if Ren mostly steals her cards and no one else's, bad rolls
Tier: S
Ren - Game Master
An aggressive character with a free shield. Her active will often recharge her passive shield, meaning that she'll have her shield up most of the time, and also get free cards every other turn since it has a large range, and remove resources from other players. If you're targeted by GAWU and are down to 1hp, you can activate the shield and have effective 4hp, while still being ignored by GAWU.

Do NOT keep the scavenging card if Ren is around because she will steal it and win the game with it. Only get close to her when she has the ability on cooldown, or when you can KO, because she will steal your good cards if you run past her. Try to always keep her shield down, it's very hard to KO her if she has it up, since 3HP is a lot of damage.
Even if she does not get a good roll on the steal, the fact that she removes card advantage to add to hers is just really strong.

Strengths: the only character able to STEAL resources from other players, easily spammable protection from all sources, good stats
Countered by: popping the shield with an effect card or ability then going for the kill. poop, dynamite, soul link, using up your effect cards so she can't steal them
Tier: S
Parunan - Business Master
Paru can access the shop every other turn. The cooldown on her skill is extremely low(2), meaning she will eventually always have the right card for every situation. This is so broken.

Her high defense and HP and the fact that she will always have some defense cards stocked up make her really hard to kill, so attack her whenever you have the chance.

Low on health? No problem! Just shop for a burger!
You need to roll a certain number? No problem! Just shop for a barricade or dice!
You need to attack someone but have no cards? No problem! Just shop for them.
Effect damage is basically useless since she will always have counters in hand.
If she drops money due to an indirect KO, she can shop and use the card that scoops them up, so direct KOs are preferred. I mean, don't get me wrong, do try to kill her with indirects too, you'll need to KO her as many times as you can, she just bounces back very easily.

Parunan, like Mimi, has no real flaws and is only limited by the hard cap on hand size.

Strenghts: having a custom hand, tanky, extremely versatile for any situation
Countered by: her own player's bad spending choices, relentless attacks, the Switcheroo event

Tier: S+
Overall, in my opinion, the roster is mostly balanced due to the random elements in this game making it possible for anyone to win. I've been screwed over many times by Fen players dropping a 19 damage nuke on me at the last second. Anything can happen, really.
While I believe there is no character here that is truly hopeless, the weaker characters will lose a lot more. With a bit of luck you can win with anyone... it's just that some characters are clearly better than others.
On average, the S/A tier characters will just win more often, and some would definitely warrant a nerf. Assuming everyone is sweating for a win. But it's honestly anyone's game, most of the time. At the end of the day, it's just a party game with tıtties.
Daren 10 Dec, 2024 @ 1:13pm 
Regarding pvp, Nancy doesn't work well on the phantom city map because of all the raccoons. In other maps, where you usually only have 3 other players + eventual Gawu, she has to keep her distance. If you manage that, she is A or even S tier. If not, she can fall back easily and countered by most chars with high mobility.
Ting🍊  [author] 10 Dec, 2024 @ 12:45pm 
@RickTheBrick200 I mostly play PvE nowadays, so you can consider this tierlist outdated (like Papara isn't trash anymore). From what I've played of Nancy in pvp, imo, I'd put her B tier - her active snipe is really strong but she has a lot of weaknesses, anyone getting close to her (say with an Assault panel) turns off everything, and if she wants to attack outside of her ability she will also discard all her defense cards, leaving her wide open, so unlike most battle characters she can't just spam attacks, and even revenge kills are a risk.
RickTheBrick200 7 Dec, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
Thoughts on Nancy Lu - Cyber Phantom ? I need to know. It's really important. Please. :spacehamster:
BeaR Dragon 2 Sep, 2024 @ 5:53am 
I think Papara's passive and active are balanced by how many ways she can set the passive up, explode is one of them, Fight Fire with Fire deals 2 damage at the start, which, coupled with her active's 3 damage when above 5 hp, will not only bring her into passive range, but also ensure that if not outright oneshot, the 3 hp healing will help her not get whittled down after her lifesteal.
Also I find Soul Link a funny card to play as her, just link yourself up to whoever is unfortunate enough to have 3 hp and you effectively have a global, uncounterable laser with a 3 hp cost.
Daren 26 May, 2024 @ 1:15pm 
Nice tier list, I like it so far. But you may want to look at Fen again, I didn't lose too often with her since she can keep herself alive pretty long with her passive healing, and +4 hp is not too bad either if you took damage.