Manor Lords
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发展科技暴力锐评 / Development Tier List
Автор: CesareY
A Tier list of development points in current version 0.7.955
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总览 / Overview

Development system can be regarded as the technology system in Manor Lords. With each upgrade of the settlement, the player will be given a development point. The corresponding settlement can get up to 5 development points in the current game. But there are a total of 21 development technologies divided in 4 categories in the game, so how to choose and which one to choose may bring qualitative changes to the development of the your settlements. The purpose of this guide is to review all technologies and help you reduce the cost of test and error.
商业 / Trade

Commerce is the least expensive but probably the most important technology requirement among all developments. As a trade-driven game, it is almost impossible for a player's settlement to be self-sufficient in all resources. Therefore, buying and selling has become the most important part of the entire game. Especially in the early stage when the population is limited and short in supplies, satisfying needs through trade is an important way to quickly improve the quality of the settlement. Among all three business development points, two are crucial to the development of the territory.

外来贸易商 / Foreign Supplier T3


Unlocking two carts of imported firewood and bread, will automatically replenish to 15 units at the original price of the market. The purpose of this development point is purely to ensure that your residents can survive, nothing more. If your town is developing in a balanced way, you don't need it. If your town is about to collapse, these 15 units won't make any difference. It will also affect your overall financial balance since you have no idea when the carts will restock, so don't click it. It will only waste a valuable point.

贸易物流 / Trade Logistic T1


Reduces the cost of establishing a trade route to a maximum of 25 coin. Establishing a trade route can unlock a foreign merchant who specializes in receiving and replenishing goods to your settlement. This technology is optional, but because it is related to the unlocking of the next subsidiary technology, the significance of this technology increases accordingly.

更优交易 / Better Deals T0

必点,且必须早点,不点你的进口成本是原价加10,点了买卖都是一个价. 基本可以理解为不点没法做贸易。所以对应的前置科技贸易物流也成了必点。

It is a must, and you must click it early. If you don't have it, your import cost is the original price plus 10, else the buying and selling prices will be the same. You basically can't do trade without it. Therefore, trade logistics has also become a must since you will need it to unlock this one.
采矿与工业 / Mining and Blacksmith

烧炭/Charcoal Burning T0

把木柴烧成炭,从1个燃料变成2个燃料,满足定居点日常需求的同时,木柴进口价恒定为1不会涨价,而炭出口价为5. 进口木柴出口木炭能直接让你获得10倍收益,且因为每个定居点都不太缺乏树木资源这个科技的泛用性相当强。帮你赚取第一桶金的同时缓解燃料需求,必点。

Burning firewood into charcoal, from 1 fuel to 2 fuels, while meeting the daily needs of the settlement, the import price of firewood is constant at 1 and will not increase, while the export price of charcoal is 5. Importing firewood and exporting charcoal can directly give you 10 times the profit, and because each land is not short of tree resources, this technology is very versatile. It helps you earn your first pot of gold while alleviating fuel needs, it is a must-have.

深层采矿/Deep mining T0.5


The only technology in the game that provides unlimited resources. Selling iron, clay, bricks, and equipment can all be turned into a profitable business with no cost at all through this technology. The only problem is that not every land have rich deposit. There are certain restrictions, so it is downgraded from T0 by half a level.

基础制甲/Basic armor making T1


Making helmets is a good business. Every level of troops needs helmets, and compared with other armor products, helmets only require 1 iron slab, with the lowest cost and the highest profit per unit. They can support the export for a period of time when other trade items drop in prices.

高级,大师制甲/ Advance and Master armor making T2


The cost of making mail and plate armor is too high to bring profits, and it takes too many development points to reach this level. A better choice is to sell helmets or shields to buy armor to meet the most basic equipment needs. These thing are not a consumable, and it is not meaningful to make it yourself.
林业 / Forestry

The technology in forestry can basically be summed up in one word: Trash. It is difficult to bring stable returns. My overall evaluation is that it is better not to click on it.

陷阱设置和皮毛搜集/Trapping and Pelt Extraction T+∞


After reading a lot of discussions and combining my own experience, I concluded that there is a bug in the current trap mechanism. The described passive profit does not exist, and the trap itself consumes the wild animal resources on the map, which is essentially no different from basic hunter's work. At the same time, if you click on the trapping without Pelt extraction, the animals you collect from traps will not even produce hides. This technical line itself is the biggest trap.

高级剥皮术/Advanced skinning T2.5


There is nothing wrong with this technology itself. It doubles the meat yield. The problem is that it requires the trash tech Trapping, and the animal regeneration rate is uncontrollable. Normally, you will also not have enough points to click this technology.

森林管理/Forest Management T1.5


Similar to the previous one, but with double the berries. It seems good, but the berries only increase in spring, so your berry income will not be doubled. Yet another tech that is wasted by the game mechanism.

养蜂与高级养蜂/Bee keeping & Advanced T3


The honey production rate is insanely low, beeswax has no other use except to sell for money, and only two apiary can be built on every land. All these combined means the only purpose of honey is to give u a tiiiiiiiiny satisfaction increase.
重型犁/Heavy Plow T2


Unlocking the option to assign cows to plow farmlands, can theoretically free up a lot of productivity. But in practice, the cow's pathfinding mechanism has a big problem. After plowing one side of the farmland, it will go to the other side of the farmland to plow again, constantly circling until it is finished, and its movement direction is fixed. If the farmland has many corners or the direction of the edge is different from the default direction, the cow's plowing efficiency may not even catch up to one villager.

羊类繁殖/SheepBreeding T1


Essential for raising sheep, it can make sheep reproduce slowly. Sheep are good source of income since they continuously produce wool. In my game, 20 sheep breed 16 lambs in a year. The number may fluctuates, but they will definitely breed. Selling lambs or wool are both good options. The reason why I didn't make it T0 is simply because the costs are bit high to obtain sheep in the early stage, and by the time you actually use them, you should already have a stable economy.

果园种植/Orchardry T2


Similar to honey, it is difficult to use it as a main source of food since you have to wait three years. It can only be used as a way to increase food diversity.

黑麦种植/Rye Cultivation T1.5


Rye is almost the only crop with high fertility that can be found throughout the map, ensuring that every settlement can produce bread independently and achieve food self-sufficiency. The only problem is that Orchardry must be unlocked first, which consumes one development point.

灌溉/Irrigation T2

Seriously, if you encounter a drought, just give up on that yield.

施肥/Fertilization T2


Raising sheep on farmland to restore fertility, seems good, but once you have too many fields, you can't decide which field the sheep will go. And the fastest way to restore fertility is to just delete the land and rebuild it (you're welcome).

烘焙坊建造/Bakeries T2


A public oven is enough for baking. The output of your farmland will not support your bakery for a whole year. Most of the time, the families in the bakery are at home chilling and wasting your food.
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