

Federations were a mistake: When Xeno-relations fail
"Federations were a mistake.

In my most recent Stellaris game, I was doing fine. I was Galactic Custodian, my planets were flourishing, my Federation was magnificent.

Then, my Federation's partner, the Gorf Gorf, ended up dragging me into a Galactic War against a rivaling federation. It took years, but we defeated them.

THEN the Contingency woke up. I cursed, and managed to destroy ONE of their planets, but then AN AWOKEN EMPIRE DECLARED WAR ON THE GORF GORF.

It sheared through half of my empire, and I just decided that I was kinda done with that file.

Still. I wish that I could abandon my federation mates who were stupid enough to annoy my enemies into war with them. SERIOUSLY. It wasn't worth it, but I was stuck in a war I couldn't leave because of some war-hungry mushrooms. At least give us some influence on ending wars or leaving wars that don't involve us."
j-r-h 26 Apr @ 11:56am 
i really hate what you made there, because it´s so fucking true and it remind me on most of my rounds. 10/10 relatable
Kobe Bryant 25 Apr @ 8:08pm 
now draw them kissing aggressively