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İndirmek için abone ol

REQUIEM is 100% vanilla, no modding was used to create it.
Available in 3 languages – Russian, English, Chinese.
Entirely created by a single person.

Lore background:

Seizing the opportunity during a political upheaval, the ambitious head of an unnamed private military company infiltrated the Europa Coalition's advanced development department. It was a daring gamble, but the only way to bring his plan to life. Having proven his worth and gained access to the Coalition's manufacturing capabilities and resources, he launched a secret project that would elevate the Coalition's military potential to new heights – next-gen submarine project. However, he was not developing the submarine for the Coalition's needs, it was for his own. With connections to the Jovian Separatists, the PMC leader orchestrated their attack on the Coalition, enabling him to hijack the submarine and eliminate all those associated with its production. The project's secret status allowed him to cover his tracks, leaving no trace of his involvement.

General gameplay features:
  • No bots. This changes everything. Usually, bots provide non-stop repairing devices, fixing walls, shooting enemies – such important activities may not require active participation by the player. On REQUIEM, you have to do everything by yourself.

  • REQUIEM can be fully operated by one person, while more crew members (up to 4) may improve operation performance.

Key technological features:

Command interface – allows you to control all systems and monitoring the most important parameters in convenient and efficient way.

Turret array – 4 turret units, coaxial railgun/coilgun (switchable) each – has two main technological features:

- Angle-based switching system – observe all of the 360° surroundings with ease from a single periscope.

- Section-based ammunition feed system – do what changing mags do to firearms – reloading and switching ammo types.

Solo: one person is operating turret and switching sections

Duo: one person is operating turret, second is switching sections

Detection, warning, and target designation system – detects creatures around the submarine (up to 100 meters from the center of the sub), sends notifications in chat, and designates targets in infrared mode (close-range designation and long-range designation).

IR-mode – an alternative to default Visible Light mode for external lighting. Creatures are not attracted by infrared light, opposed to visible light.

Two drones – periscope-controlled reconnaissance/combat drone and human-following cargo drone. Based on classical Chinese concepts, but fully reworked from scratch. (Balance note: opposed to analogues, these drones are not invulnerable, requiring skill to their usage and maintenance, while adds new gameplay mechanics and allows solo players to clear caves.)

Sequential bombardment system – for dealing devastating damage to structures.

Repair modules – a bit less of Exciting Welding Gameplay™ with brand new refillable fixfoam cartridges. (Balance note: it still requires more participation from the player then autofixing by bots, while adds new gameplay mechanic.)

Power unit consisting of reactor and battery array, with two levels of automation allows to exclude power grid overloading and voltage sagging. Junction boxes with endless cycle of Exciting Repairing Gameplay™ are no more. (Balance note: no bots, no autofixing; the only one junction box still has to be maintained; a lot of supercapacitors can be used to practice electrical skill.)

Emergency technical notification system – sends notifications to chat about situations that require immediate intervention.

Ballast chambers special layout allows the submarine to maintain buoyancy even if two ballast chambers are breached. Ballast flora isn’t a problem until ballasts are breached. In addition, there're ballast flora detectors in ballast chambers.

Special design feature — Ambient Depth Shadowing

Default VS ADS copmarison

ВНИМАНИЕ! Прочтите “Руководство по эксплуатации[]” – в этом документе содержится вся необходимая информация о системах субмарины и как ею оперировать.

ATTENTION! Read “Operator's Manual[]” – this document provides all the essential information about the submarine's systems and how to operate it.

请注意!请阅读“操作手册[]” – 本文档包含有关潜艇系统及其操作所需的所有信息。

Bonus: “free FPS” addon included – it disables large water currents. When I made it about a year ago, I got about +10 FPS.
Not tested with “Performance Fix”, probably incompatible due to advanced electronical systems.

P.S. If you chose REQUIEM, please share in comments what country you are from (e.g. “USA, +”), I want to know how much worldwide recognition it gets.

————— May the scarlet stars of REQUIEM shine forth! —————

16 Yorum
Jack Kellar 22 saat önce 
Bro, in the document there is nothing aluding to FG-1 through 4. What do those buttons do?
ㆍㆍㆍ  [yaratıcı] 28 Nis @ 15:17 
3. Шрапнельная пушка задумана как крупнокалиберный дробовик для разрушения хрупких пород (с чем полностью справляется), она и не предназначена для использования в бою как обычный её вариант.
ㆍㆍㆍ  [yaratıcı] 28 Nis @ 15:17 
2, Боты и не должны функционировать на этой субмарине из соображений баланса и геймплея - они делают многое автоматически, а задумка в том, чтоб обслуживание и оперирование полностью зависело от живых игроков. И для того, чтоб обслуживание было не душным всё сделано.
ㆍㆍㆍ  [yaratıcı] 28 Nis @ 15:17 
1. Все кнопки обозначены сокращениями сразу на командном интерфейсе, есть руководство по эксплуатации на трёх языках, где всё подробно объяснено касательно оперирования субмариной.
NomaT 28 Nis @ 13:25 
Кнопочки тоже стоило бы подписать, какая что делает.
NomaT 28 Nis @ 13:19 
Хорошая подлодка, жаль конечно что боты не могут в ней починить ровным счетом ничего. Дрон черезмерно радиоактивен, монстры просто самоликвидируются об него, а снарядам шрапнельной пушки что-то мешает лететь, разбиваются на фрагменты сразу после выстрела.
MrWomanStealer 28 Nis @ 12:02 
PHOENIX 28 Nis @ 7:56 
Сущности ориентируются только на затопленной подлодке, при этом очень плохо преследуют игрока (хотя если игрок в близко, могут выломать дверь). Например хаски не могут передвигаться вообще (сейчас они хотя-бы могут двери нормально ломать). С модами такие недоработки на подлодке будут очень заметны, тем более есть миссии на перевозку пассажиров - они не смогут даже надеть скафандры в случае необходимости.
Рекомендую улучшить нав-сетку, на данный момент точек маршрута слишком мало для корректной навигации ботов.
ㆍㆍㆍ  [yaratıcı] 28 Nis @ 7:13 
Обновил пути ИИ навигации.
По ряду причин приходил к выводу, что на практике разница будет незаметна, и предпочёл таким образом ограничить функционал ботов.
В каких реальных игровых ситуациях было ощутимо то, что существа не могут ориентироваться на субмарине?
DefaultString 28 Nis @ 6:28 
That tip of sub extending for drones is sick as hell dude