Dota 2
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"centaur lost it and bought silver edge"
Komentarzy: 8
Utsuby+ 24 kwietnia o 9:51 
Prince Vegeta 23 kwietnia o 8:32 
:powercrystal: :ChatYes: :powercrystal:
onurEX.SQX 23 kwietnia o 8:00 
Pain res? YES! ♡ 23 kwietnia o 1:50 
M0h4mmadDF 23 kwietnia o 1:34 
Warfare Warrior 23 kwietnia o 0:15 
😘 What is your favorite Disney movie? 😍
🤗 Many of the characters are fools and they are always playing tricks on me and treating me badly. -- Jorge Luis Borges, from "Writers on Writing" by Jon Winokur 😱
🙂 "An Academic speculated whether a bather is beautiful if there is none in the forest to admire her. He hid in the bushes to find out, which vitiated his premise but made him happy. Moral: Empiricism is more fun than speculation." -- Sam Weber 😙