Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

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Bomb Defusal Short Manual (Alternate)
By kapeywu
I made this guide for more experienced players to play faster (originally for me and my brother), using guides and tools by Miszelek, The Fizzynator and Cypher. I made the icons and tables from scratch (except Keypads and Mazes) to be more readable and visually consistent. I changed some of the module names to fit how me and my brother are referring to them:
Unicode is Keypads (bc of the Unicode characters)
V Wires is Complicated Wires (short for Vertical Wires)
X Wires is Wire Sequences (short for Crossing Wires)
Short Guide Contents
I've put additional explanatory notes below the guide

Additional notes:

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• I skipped white in the V WIres section, as it doesn't affect anything, all that matters is the presence of the color red\blue on the wire, or the presence/absence of both
• B≥X refers to the number of batteries on a bomb being greater or equal to X
• "o/w" is just short for otherwise, in those tables when the condition isn't met you proceed to the next condition
• PP or "long DVI" is just the Parallel Port (we started referring to it that way and never stopped)
• Mazes are sorted by numbering columns in which the green circles appear
• ☼FRK or ☼CAR means the labeled indicators on the bomb's sides
• In The Button numbers on the right mean the digit appearing anywhere in the bomb's timer (also some button labels have been shortened for convenience)
• In Needy Knobs I marked the internet's system with bold outlines, and our system with red backgrounds, pick whichever suits you best
• Morse sequences are translated and sorted

Usually when playing I just open the first page in GIMP to mark X Wires, Morse sequences, Mazes and Memory.

If you spot any errors or mistakes, please let me know in the comments ^^