Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

250 个评价
The Vigilante
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4 月 21 日 下午 12:28
4 月 28 日 上午 4:05
6 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

The Vigilante

Your favorite cheese cowboy vigilante from the hit platformer indie game Pizza Tower joins the world of Aether! using various of his attacks from his boss fight to take down his foes and hunt down any outlaws in his way!

-Nspecial -- **John E. Cheese**
Vigilante calls his grandpa for back up just like the boss fight! this move will summon John E. Cheese from dead to aid you in battle, he will slowly move towards the nearest player and stun them briefly when in contact, allowing you to follow up with a combo or a kill move! becarful though, he can be knocked off stage and the move itself takes about a second to use, so use it carefully!

-Fspecial -- **Weenie Mount**
Vigilante calls a weenie mount and starts galloping horizentally at high speeds! this move is very useful with helping you recover and it can also help you offensively, as it can ram and damage opponents shortly after reaching the maximum speed! caution however, getting parried while on the mount will bounce you off to the ground and put you in parrystun, leaving you very vulnerable!

-Grounded Uspecial -- **Uzi Jump**
Vigilante charges up for less than a second and quickly jumps up while firing his uzi. this move is very effective at giving you a substantial vertical boost and a great gimping option, allowing you to cancel out of it after reaching the top and perhaps following up with an attack of your choice, like a down air!

-Aerial Uspecial -- **Bovine Bazooka**
Vigilante leaps up and stops for a moment to aim his bazooka before firing a strong bovine missile that goes diagonally downwards, this missile will explode upon contact with the opponent or hitting the ground, and will create mini shockwaves to both sides of the explosion. This move can put Vigilante at a disadvantage while recovering since it pushes him back, you can however b-reverse it help you recover better at the cost of firing the projectile in the opposite direction.

-Dspecial -- **Herd Call**
Vigilante calls up to drop a crate in the position of the opponent, upon ground contact, the crate explodes and a cow will jump out to stomp forward before bouncing offstage. both the crate and the cow only do damage when they land and not when they touch the player.

Extra tips when playing as The Vigilante:
-Jab can be held down to shoot a big bullet, tapping and then holding will make vigilante shoot continuously.
-Bair can be charged to shoot a projectile that goes in an arch.
-precisely using aerial up special on a battlefield style stage, can put him at the top platfrom very quickly.
-the down special crate will land where the player was, so if they were on a platform it lands on a platform and vice versa!
-using the gumbob alt gives Vigert unique sugary spire taunt sounds!

Vigilante also has special pizza tower mask alts that go over his base body! check it out:

Join our cool Rivals of pizza tower discord to get updates on upcoming pizza tower related characters and hang out!

Animation - Caninou
Programming - Maraslumunus
vigilante's stage - Bananagal
taunt sfx and extra taunts - pizza tower's chef's kiss mod
dynamite explosion vfx - Mudkid

big thank you to the playtesters who helped tune vigilante, and SPECIAL thanks to Mcpig and tour de pizza!
125 条留言
lemongrabOverHeaven 9 月 29 日 上午 11:52 
when fake peppino
Agent10008 9 月 27 日 下午 6:52 
@LilBigBoy you shut up i have 0 respect for people like you
alphonsoh13 9 月 27 日 下午 6:47 
i you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything at all - Larry the Cucumber from Veggietales
LilBigBoy 9 月 27 日 下午 6:41 
S H U T .
Agent10008 9 月 27 日 下午 6:39 
and you spelled my name wrong dumb ass
Agent10008 9 月 27 日 下午 6:39 
well at least i am older than you
LilBigBoy 9 月 27 日 下午 6:33 
Agent10008 9 月 27 日 下午 6:27 
@alphonsoh13 i am with you on this one
LilBigBoy 9 月 27 日 下午 6:24 
alphonsoh13 9 月 27 日 下午 6:17 
remember when you told me to be patient lbb well look what your doing now. your a HYPOCRITE