Death Must Die

Death Must Die

72 ratings
Act II Easy Beat Builds(ongoing)
By Specrez
hard to pass act 2 ? no need hard to grind farm gears or talents points
just try this easy beat act 2 builds and get a easy win.
Ongoing Notice
this guide still on going, i need some time to unlock all the talents, unique mythic items and some really op gears to try more builds. favorite this guide to make sure you won't miss any update when it complete.
About Act II update
after i wrote the first DMD guide
it's about 7 months we finally met the major update of DMD, brand new stage, hero, and talents. also with brand new act 2 gears, almost all gears have extra slot effects, wow~~
God Rework
some gods with obvious disadvantage also get reworked, overpowered skill like mayhem, gem high, life link get proper nerfed, some useless pure support skill like time field also have damage now.
Better Skill slots
sign system is totally removed, replaced by skill slots and talent trees.
the character panel UI update and skill slots make the builds and skill choose more clear.
if u fill one kind of skill slots, this kind skill card will no longer show in the card poll.
different skills slots choose can sort all the builds into 5 type
attack(warrior, pure high physics dmg)
strike(thief, high attack spd, use attack trigger strike skills)
cast(mage, high dmg skill but have cooldown)
power(stalker, no cooldown skill but u need running/dash or damaged to trigger it)
summon(nec, skadi like pets, :D)
clear and simple, really good game should not have good guides, the best guides already design in the game.
More Distinctive Character
every character have different init skill slots and talents tree to make more distinctive builds.
from now on DMD is no longer like a vampire-survivor like game or a DBG draft card game, but more like a time-limited diablo game, u need talents, gears to achieve your dream build and kill challenging boss.
Other improvement
more stocks, remove amulet and rings soul-binding, level-up skill should +1 skill level and so on. i am sure author have read all my suggestion and considered. and absorb great ideas from community, thought the game update is a bit slow, but worth it.
Why act 2 so hard
Act 2 elite and boss design is quite different asides act 1. in act 1, the most dangerous wave is slime, u should get good AOE dmg asap to pass it. and every boss and elite they move slow, actions slow, proper use your dash can easy doge any skills.
but now everything changes, act 2 updates remove the diving regen skills, nerf life link. every elite are aggressive and deadly.
Cats can burst longtime fast razor, faster than your movement speed, hard to doge if u not behind the pillar in map.
The first boss cursed is the hardest, it have a forever poison cloud running after u, two longtime homing souls chasing you; tons of debuff skill can reduce you dmg or movement spd. also have a melee charge skill can deal great multi times dmg.
Skeleton Archer can fire homing arrow and can't hit down by normal attacks.
Harpy can fire quick shockwave which even can pierce the pillar.
The second boss queen can cast multi shockwave and move fast and tanky.
Magic carpet can cast bombs with aoe dmg and blow fast.
The final boss jinx is tanky with tons of deadly skills, but in most of time, he is the easiest if you can deal with other bosses before.
all this elite and boss make act 2 not only a HP-limited game, but a time-limited game, if u can't kill the elites quickly, they stacks will cause a easy loss.
so we need
High Single Dmg, Accurate, Stuns
to kill them quickly. the crowds in act 2 is easy, running and wait AOE dmg kill the elites no longer works. we should stun them, charging forward and kill it.

grind farm gears and unlock talent tree is also a optional choice, but it's boring right? dmd have good design can make u pass act 2 without any good gears or talents.
let's try it.
(Strike) Lorien, tornado archer
Lorien is a quite good model compare to mage merris, backswing is quite short can make him continue hit & run. best model for our strike builds.

lighting god is the king of strike builds, lighting have tornado & chain-lighting 2 good strike skills. especially tornado, lv 10 master tornado can deal 6000+ dmg every strike projection, and brust about 30k dmg in one shot, the final boss dies so fast even i can't see his name clearly.

war god should be the second god you should consider, war is strong. tons of damge boost with elites, also shuriken is a high dmg strike skill. earth god's strike skill earth wall also have extremely high dmg, dash skill will create wall can block cat's lazer, but also can block your arrow.

Attack speed is also very important in strike builds, we need attack speed not dmg to trigger skill more quickly. war god and fire god can make it easy. war can easy deal tons of rupture debuff can boost great attack spd.

finally we use ice god as support to stun enemies, ice now is a powerful god with extremely high dmg boost and good aoe stun. diving god is also a optional choice because it can use smite stun enemy and make u more tanky.

God Ranking
there are 9 god in the game, you only can choose 3 god
Lady Justice
after act 2 update, regen and exp great nerfed, time god is gone. lady justice is the most op god because the legend skill Inner Peace
Inner Peace can recover 0.5% HP per second, and if u got full HP, inner peace will give u 0.4 exp per HP points.that means any gear with +1 exp per second not as good as +10 hp gear, stack hp and get inner peace asap u will easy got 40+ lv in 10mins, and 75+ lv in 20mins.
Justice also have a support skill enlarge your cast skill area, great change the game
Leigong, God of Lightning
Leigong now is a perfect strike or cast god with anything you want, best of 2 strick skill tornado and lighting chain, mov spd boost, if u go cast builds, Leigong can give u cooldown reduction and legend skill recast you skill twice.
Another legend skill Hurricane is the best legend skill, high dmg, AOE control, easy trigger, and the most important things is : Hurricane is the only strike skill can benefit cooldown
Krom, God of Conquest
war god always good for it insane dmg boost, war pact grant elite + boss dmg, legend skill God of war will grant +220% dmg boost.
Krom also have great skill like shuriken, blades. and good ias boost.
summon skill swords are the best skill except dragon.

Moirai, Goddesses of Fate

Summer, Goddess of Fire

Time current is now quite weak, in act 1, core builds of time is fast leveling + long duration, use gem high buff, get tons of skills & ez win. but now the are all gone.
Time's only sanctity is Time bubble, reworked time bubble have long duration + good dmg, maybe the best cast skill in current version.

Mort, Daughter of Death
• Winter, Goddess of Cold
* earth
Beat Lv 90
There is no difference between lv 30 and Lv90 in item drops, so high lv is just for fun...
after lv 90 still have lv 100, and minions only will have more HP, make u harder to beat it.

To beat high lv, no matter what build you use, u should always think about justice's inner peace,
high lv creeps is insane, u need extremely high dmg and regen. to get inner peace you should farm silk road, it can stack your legend offer to 100%.
the second god you should consider is Krom, God of Conquest, Fatality have 21% instant kill minon, 7% elite.
lv 90 is a boring DPS checker game, all your gear should focus on all kinds of dmg and hp, the first 3 minutes can be deadly, good luck :P
AvG 14 Sep @ 9:26pm 
There is a special unique ring that has only "+20% chance to find unique." Keep an eye out for it to help you find the other uniques. Due to how drops work you will eventually find it if you keep collecting uniques.
Xtremedamage 19 Jun @ 2:13pm 
Ty for the guide!
Specrez  [author] 16 Jun @ 6:54am 
@MDuh u need the unique item silk road to get inner peace more easy. try more and u will found the power of inner peace.
MDuh 15 Jun @ 9:37pm 
Also I don't see the innter peace legend on lady justice. I see day of judgement where everything dies
MDuh 15 Jun @ 7:00pm 
This is the exact god combination I found so far with lorien that is good. Lightning, frost lady and (god of war) or (rock lady).

God of war stacking rupture + attack speed buffs
Rock lady with the high dmg burst of the rock spike.
Safere 28 May @ 2:47pm 
Like the other person said, time is really good as you level up much quicker and the bounce on attacks is super op on Lorien.
かべごん(KABEGON) 1 May @ 10:46pm 
It's amazing!
I would like to see the status list screen for this character.
Trafal 1 May @ 2:58am 
How to get uniques? Is it pure random drops?
Specrez  [author] 30 Apr @ 2:07am 
@UXzavr, no unique gears except silk road, have +56% dmg, and +200% strike dmg, most important is add about 400 HP to boost exp get. maybe some of my gears is good, but boost 120k dmg is for 2 things, war legend will grant you 220%+ all dmg boost, and Lorien have a talent boost +80% dmg for max skill level. if you only get lv9 master tornado, it's only about 80k dmg.
UXzavr 30 Apr @ 1:32am 
Hooow did you upgrade the tornadoes DPS to 120000??? Can you show me the items? I thougth that the earth spike have the most ridicolous damage, but now, with this insane tornadoes dps i can easly beat lvl 100 act 2 :D