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All Cursed Possessions in Phasmophobia
By Rushyen and 2 collaborators
This Guide Tells you every thing you need to know about Cursed Possessions
About Cursed Possessions
In Phasmophobia there are 7 Cursed Possessions, Some can help you find out the location of the ghost, but some are mostly just there to make the game harder.
- Tarot cards
- Ouija Board
- Monkey Paw
- Vodoo Doll
- Music box
- Haunted Mirror
- Summoning Circle
1. Ouija Board

The Ouija board is one of the most known cursed Possessions, you can use it to ask the ghost questions. The most recommended question to ask the ghost with the Ouija board is
'Where are you?'
The Ghost will answer with the planchette by hovering it over the letters and spelling out the room.
To use the Ouija board you have to right click it to put the planchette on it.
Remember to always say
Before walking away from the ouija board, since if you forget to do so, the ghost will get angry, break the ouija board, and go out to hunt you.

You can get rewards from the Ouija board by taking a picture of it.


Picture of the Ouija Board.


2. Monkey Paw

The Monkey Paw grants wishes. There is not always a 100% chance of your wishes becoming true.

Here are all the wishes you can get

I wish to see the ghost | When saying this the ghost will go on a hunt

I wish for activity | When saying this the activity will double. The electric box won't work and the door will be closed for a short time

I wish the ghost was trapped | When saying this the ghost will be teleported to its favorite room and won't be able to do anything. After this the ghost will continue to start a hunt.

I wish for sanity | You will get 50% Sanity.

I wish to be safe | When saying this any blocked hiding spot will be empty so you can hide in it, while that sounds good. The ghost will hear you for the rest of the round.

I wish to leave | Every door will be opened even during hunts.

I wish for life | When saying this it will revive any dead player with 50% sanity.

I wish for knowledge | When saying this any Wrong evidence in your journal will be removed.

I wish for (Any weather) | When saying this the weather will be changed to whatever you want it to change to.

I wish for anything | When saying this any random wish will be granted.


3. Vodoo Doll

The Vodoo Doll is one of the most useless Cursed possessions, there are many Pins on the Vodoo doll that can get pushed forward and stab the doll.


When pushing the heart pin, you will lose 10% sanity.


Picture of the Vodoo Doll
4. Music Box

The music box is very dangerous but it can also be used to find out where the ghost is, when using the music box, the music box will be activated and a song will play, and the ghost will actually start singing, you have to listen to where the singing is coming from and you might find the ghost room.
Its dangerous tho because the ghost will go out on a hunt right after using it.


Picture of the Music Box

5. Haunted Mirror

The Haunted mirror can be used to find out where the ghost room is, but don't use it for too long because if you do the mirror will shatter and the ghost will go on a hunt. When using the Haunted mirror the ghost room will be displayed on the mirror.


6. Summoning Circle

The Summoning circle is a pentagram you can often find in basements on the floor, there are also candles that you can put on fire to activate the summoning circle. When activating the Summoning circle, a ghost will be summoned and you will have a few seconds before the ghosts comes out to hunt you. You can use the summoning circle to make a picture of the ghost when summoning it.


Picture of the summoning circle


Picture of the ghost after summoning it

If you don't wanna read this entire guide I recommend watching this video by ChickyTV to understand all the cursed possessions perfectly in just under 7 minutes.