Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

Main characters' objectives in each Fallout
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"art by IdiotfotheEast"
33 commentaires
dledbetter 29 avr. à 22h44 
The Postman Cometh!
airunux 26 avr. à 20h42 
Never piss off the mailman
rocksin 26 avr. à 17h52 
and also on the way destroy and murder every fucking thing they see well doing mass amounts of drugs and ripping apart anyone who thought they could fix this world for no fucking reason but to thats the best way i can think and say who the walking murder machine is
Goji4ever 26 avr. à 17h25 
this is gonna sound a bit cheese but i fucking love this cuz it's so goddamn accurate
Ezan Okuyan Haham 26 avr. à 13h19 
röven vilde 25 avr. à 21h18 
RavenantFlock 25 avr. à 19h33 
Fallout 76... (We're just trying to find the rest of our game).
Top 15 Real Goblins 25 avr. à 18h24 
This meme almost reuses as many assets as Bethesda games do lol
raepdark0 24 avr. à 22h22 
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
FourNobleTruths 24 avr. à 20h06 
how many times is this joke gonna be made