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Minimum luck for busted pals and cheating tips
Από 404.L'ahegâteau
trying and tired for getting the best pals whit no luck? i got you cover'd.
since i think (and i'm sure there can still by improvement) i have the best breading tree you can have too get the best pals and have some room for max skill for base work or battle.
i all so have some knowledge bomb's add'd for some pal's that are too useful not to tell whit or general good thing.

update:fix for Xenogard tip.

bizarre note: for some reason in there a "crudeoilextraction" action passive similar too Mining and handiwork... the thing is that it not in game or at list what i'm playing right now. i'm am on the late's version whit out mods. just in case it do's go in. the only 2 so far that as this is Astegon and jetragon.
Μη αγαπημένο
let go on the basic:
this family tree is aim to be as simple as possible whit pals you can get extremely easily. it's as the title say's "minimum luck". tho there all way's be some luck involve too some degrees that are unavoidable like passive skill, the balls not working and surprise lucky pals not plan'd too capture.

but first we need to be at level 19.
why? simple. the breeding farm.

the breeding farm is use too... well breed two pals too get a 3rd or yourself whit a Lovander but i bet it not gonna go well. joke a side, there a fun mechanic that we are gonna abuse. you see, when you mix two pals that are vastly different from one a n'other you can get a totally different pal IF use correctly.
example be:
a Melpaca + a Cattiva = a Nox.
or for the sake of a example of failure:
a Lamball + a Cattiva still give you a n'other Lamball

since we are using a breeding farm. we are gonna need cake. and if you like too get the best pal possible we are gonna need A LOT of cake.
so make a farm for it. and if you don't know how. go on Youtube for one there all ready plenty.

one thing i made sure is the order of pal's too lowest to best. so read everything too get a good grasp on the family tree since it loop from one a n'other.
example be:
then B+C=D or C+D=E

and if you cant be bother too read there a image at the end of the guide.
Preview and Pals needed
the fallowing pals is what you can get using the tree's i cook't:
- Anubis
- Lyleen
- Orserk
- both Jormuntide
- Rayhound
- Astegon whit some technical difficulty's...
- shadowbeak whit some technical difficulty's do too Astegon...
- Faleris if you care about that one.
- Lullu is in extra's
- shroomer noct. is in extra's

the pals needed too start the bredding chain's are:
- Melpaca
- Nitewing
- Cinnamoth ( VERY IMPORTANT ! ! ! )
- Nox
- Caprity
- Direhowl
- Cryolinx... yeah... there it is... the technical difficulty
- Eikthyrdeer for extra's

minus Cryolinx. how fast can you get all tho's pals? in like... 10 minutes of starting a new world or something like that... legit insanity.



Cinnamoth is by far the best and most important pal too get since it the key too get the good pals early but all so making sure they have good skill on them. in fact this pal so much on crack i recommend you go in and check out all the insane combos you can do whit one.
you WILL find something useful

Anyway make sure you have good skill on many and whit multiple gender since i use one 5 time's too make big jumps in the pal dex and it add flexibility for cutting corners.
like one female and one male whit artisan, one male and female whit lucky BLAH BLAH BLAH you get the point.

ok let get too the family tree's!
Melpaca + Nitewing = Vanwyrm

Vanwyrm + Cinnamoth = Anubis

whup that it!

let say we go for maximum crafting speed. this is the way i recommend:
Cinnamoth whit lucky + Cinnamoth whit artisan = cinnamoth whit both

then get serious and work slave for Melpaca + Nitewing to get a Vanwyrm whit both.

hope you have one male and one female and BOOM! queen and king for crafting.
you can have a complete random vanwyrm and cinnamoth too butcher the anubis's too get bones and huge pal soul. both off which are 100% chance too drop. you can all so get manual's for the tec tree but tho's are rare.

lucky Cinnamoth are around lv 20+ and since Cinnamoth are super commen where they spawn, there never alone and will fight in groups. in hard mod the spam of attack are deadly if your not careful and if your a idiot like me that try too get one at lv15
Direhowl + Nitewing = rayhound

ok... why this guy busted?
have you ever try too move fast in a dungeon whit you're favourite pal?
well i bet the answer is no since they get stuck all the time.
and this guy small and fast what not too love.

all so you better remember this one for later...
grass wai- *EH-HUM* Lyleen!
Direhoul + CInnamoth = Petallia

Mossanda + Petallia = Lyleen.

well shoot we need a mossanda. better go hunt for one now.
no worries.

Anubis + Vanwyrm = Faleris

Faleris + Cinnamoth = mossanda

side note:
lyleen is both one of best healer and the best farming pal for the plantation's.
useful all around
Jormuntide brother's!
Faleris + Lyleen = jormuntide

for ignis:

Caprity + Cinnamoth = Blazehowl

jormuntide + Blazehowl = J - ignis

side note:
the big J's are a wing and wang for there own field.
need max watering?
normal jormuntide got you cover.
need max heat?
J-ignis got you cover.
need combatant for war?
there both good option but J-ignis as more stats.

personal note:
do too the sheer size of both of them. there the only pal's in the game i recommend not getting them in alpha size for any reason other then having a funny giant dragon. yes they are legit too big to fight or being at the base
yup. we need him for late game breeding.

Mossanda + Rayhound = Grizzbolt

told you too remember it for later!

fun fact:
did you know that tho's big menesing eye's are fake like panda's? yeah they only have small dote's for eye's. you can truly see there eye when there eating.
Jormuntide + Lyleen = durp boy him self Relaxaurus.

Grizzbolt + Relaxaurus = Orserk

do too the oil rig you will need max out Orserk's. yes whit a "S" for multiple.
you will need Artisan, lucky, serious and work slave on a 4 start one since it end game stuff.
here what i got and recommend since there multiple way too do it.
the familly tree for grizzbolt the same. try too get serious and work slave on it.
now get a lucky cinnamoth since there super common and a Artisan susaku in the desert for the Relaxaurus

if you have fallow the tree for anubis and all ready have a max out one for crafting. do the tree as normal whit partners whit 1 or no passive skill on then.
Grizzbolt + Cryolinx = astegon...

look i try my best too find a way too get Cryolinx without leaving the base too much. the lowest level combo you can get cryolinx is:
grizzbolt + suzaku
grizzbolt + bellanoir
relaxaurus lux + bellanoir

yeah... unless you have the skill too fight a lv30 bellanoir raid boss. here the best way for getting one at lv19.
you have 2 choice.
buy one from a black marketeer
get lucky whit wild large or huge frozen egg's
go too the desert too buy the cold or super thermal undershirt from the duneshelter, craft a tundra outfit or cold pelt armor, craft a torch and fly FAST on a pal in the mountains

side note:
astedon is one of the best pal too go on the mining site. maxing it is great, but do too the restricted ways to get Cryolinx at lower level, get a max out anubis for crafting and spread the skill's down too Grizzbolt and hope you get a Cryolinx whit 1 or zero passive skill.
ok not only i'm gonna give you Shadowbeak. I'l give you the best Shadowbeak possible.

Nox + CInnamoth = kitsun
make sure that kitsun as ferocious and Musclehead. tho... serenity is a valid replacement of ferocious. that "30% active skill cooldown reduction" for 10% attack instead of 20% is a good bargain.
"30% active skill cooldown reduction" hmmm... let me translate that. the recharge rate of your pal attack is 30% better.
example be: dark laser as a cooldown timer of 55 seconds. whit serenity it 38.5 seconds.
is it clear? k let move on.

astegon + kitsun = shadowbeak

what come next is for end-game player's only:
get necromus for legend and bellanoir libero for "siren of the void"

Lyleen + Necromus = astegon whit legend.

jormentide + Bellanoir libero = astegon whit siren of the void

astegon whit legend + astegon whit siren of the void = best scenario

best astegon + best kitsun = best shadowbeak possible.

assuming you go overkill, since at this point WHY THE BARN NOT!!!
a fully max out 4 start Shadowbeak whit max iv since iv fruit are a thing as:
7254 hp or more if you got lucky and get a alpha do too a update
1816 base atk or 1634 base atk whit serenity + 30% dark and ice dmg from siren of the void + 100% dark dmg bonus from modified DNA lv.5
and 1370 def.

what the name of the tower boss that as one? victor or something...
dosen't matter anymore. YOU ARE THE BOSS whit THAT MONSTER!
familly tree for lullu and Shroomer noct.

for lullu you need Eikthyrdeer + melpaca. not only it make no sense but is EXTREMELY useful.
what a lullu do's is making plantation grow faster passively at the base.

for shroomer noct you need melpaca + anubis. if you have falow the guide you all ready have a anubis.
shroomer and it noct version are "emotional support dogs" for your pals making it so sanity go's slower when there at the base. there all so "emotional support dogs" for the player do too there cuteness.

both passive stack whit themselves. i say 2 4star is all ready plenty.

max out dazzi:
you need legend and eternal flame. so get blazamut ryu and any legendary pal too get suzaku
now breed this suzaku whit a mau for a foxcicle.
then breed say'd foxcicle whit a tocotoco for a vaelet.
and finally you have options too mix whit that vaelet. you have both jolthog, pengullet or depresso whit ferocious/serenity and musclehead too get the dazzi.
alternative healing
healing in this game is frankly a little unforgiving. which is why i give you the best options.
sure there are potions of "healing". but there more potions of regeneration. something that not that useful in the middle of battle but at list you can find or craft them.

and then there the pal's
we all ready cover lyleen as one of the best healer but that a long time to wait to bread everything up. and i can hear some player needing good healing now.

well you may like to take a look at Lovander and Felbat.
both have the same ability (While fighting together, damage = hp)

lovander is really easy to find. there legit a raid even call "fan girl" that just toast lovander's to your door. if you prefer getting one without waiting. the small desert (the one that has the anubis boss) at night can spawn them. or buy one at the duneshelter

you can all so breed one up whit lamball and sweepa.

Felbat on the other hand is harder to get but far more rewording. first of all the base stats for one way better then lovander. then there the dark type. sure it not gonna help much agains dragon but dark type are extremely common in plaworld. in other word's your lovander which not only have less defence and attack can get demolish a lot more then Felbat.
Mountain Stream Grotto cave's can spawn them, you can buy one whit black marketeer's, capture the lv23 boss at -411. -55 or...

melpaca + rushoar give a Felbat...
i did say it was harder. i never say'd it was by much.

anyway the build gonna be the same for both pal's
legend, burly body musclehead and serenity.
whit a balance move and overtime damage like burning/toxic set you can have 2 pal that can technically never die on 1vs1 depending on what you fight whit great healing for you to.
max out Xenogard suggestion and help
compare too every dragon type in the game he as:
the 4th best hp whit 110
the 6th best atk whit 120 tide whit Jormuntide
and he 1st in defence whit 130
whit a total of 360 base stats, it is comparable too Jormuntide ignus, blazamut ryu and jetragon.
that is a solid pal too get if your lucky. sadly do to the nature of breeding more. this pal can never have passive like legend or other. this is why i'm gonna give my suggestion for a build if you manage too get a male and female.

ferocious, serenity, musclehead and burly body

this is the best i got. since i think a spammy tank fit better for what this pal going for. if your a cheater replace ferocious whit legend and have fun in single player :)

the boss all tho' not guaranteed can only spawn in the big desert, the big mountain and the volcano.
my personal spot to spawn camp one is on top of the volcano. there multiple spot you can afk in peace till it arrive and it level 30 (if i remember correctly). i say the level since i did get one in the big mountain and it was stronger be a couple of level.

if being afk not your style you can play casually whit a timer in hand. when your timer is at like 40 second then fast-travel to the top of the volcano.
all tho' i cant tell you how long the timer is. i can at list tell you that the meteorite and the supply's-drop have the exact same timer and it based on where YOU are in the map.
human's ???
by the chance you don't know. yes you can capture human's and force then to do stuff for you.
normally this is a bad-ish idea since human are not very useful but there MASSIVE exception.

let get some human "employees" shall-we?

the catch rate:
depending on the level of the human then can and will have the same chance to be capture as the legendary pals. so if you plan to do this only use the best sphere you have available.

the quirks:
1 you can make them learn move's whit fruits. they break and become unusable if done.
2 i don't know if it a bug or intentional but all tho human can have passive skill like musclehead they sim to deactivate in your party or in the base. i myself have a dude whit pacifist and a dude whit ferocious and there damage reset. but there passive is applied in the pal box so i feel it a bug but i need more info.
3 iv and star level's still work normally. making what i say'd all the more confusing.
4 if you are gonna boost one for fun you dont need to capture the same type of human to 4star one
(you do need a LOT of ball's tho)

list of good humans

every merchant can be capture and still work like normal. tho there something fun you can do whit pal related merchant. you can plop in the base. check what they have, buy/sell, put him back in the box then put him back in the base for a fresh inventory of pals to buy.

you can do this infinitely and get a tone of paid exp that way. and if it a black marketeer you can get some REALLY good deals.

when you start a fresh new world/save file you may have notice that there a green merchant that come in your base at level 1. craft as many basic ball you can have, remove all your pal in the base and CAPTURE HIM ASAP. this dude is a god send and will be a permanent shop to go to.
i'm in end game grinding all day and i still use him to buy what i need and sell what i don't.

there all so 2 red Coat merchant that sell pal-organs
one at the small settlement selling electric/venom and flame organs
and one at the duneshelter that sell ice organ
you don't need to capture them but it is tempting just to be more lazy.

rocket launching dude's
why is this guy noteworthy? isn't the damage of a human laughable?
well yes but not for this one. for some reason the damage of the rocket launcher it self is put in to calculation of a attack. the end result is frankly really funny.

this i know is 100% a bug. but it a bug i hope never get patch's since it really fun to use.
after all. human are a pain to catch so why not a fun and small reword for it.
Frostallion noct.
partner skill: Black steed
apply dark type damage to your gun's whit a bonus of 100% more dark damage will mounted

HP: 140
2nd best hp in the game only bested by the Mammorest's 150

3rd best atk in the game only bested by Necromus 145 and the bellanoir's 150

DEF: 135
3rd best def in the game only bested by Shadowbeak 140 and paladius 145

for a total base state of 415.
only bested by your mother in bed.

Ok but for real, what i'm i suppose to say? tell you it good? you all ready know that.

breed two frostallion to get one whit just legend and hopefully a n'other good passive then try to breed a bellanoir libero and faleris to get the Helzephyr needed.

frostallion + Helzephyr = F-noct.

legend, siren of the void. muscelhead and ferocious or serenity is what your gonna go for.

i hope it help on your adventure's.
making cheap too get big.

this one for tho's how need a image.
5 σχόλια
404.L'ahegâteau  [Δημιουργός] 6 Ιουλ, 11:08 
i am alone doing this. and none of my friend are as passionate as i am for the game.
and they know how I work.
so that why i ask for constructive criticism from stranger's. thx you for giving some.
i will fix it if you guy's give help.
PHQ 6 Ιουλ, 8:01 
Nice guide but, i know you don't want to hear it.
You really need someone to read it through before you post.
It's fine ur grammar ain't the best, but alot of the parts in the text is hard to make sense of.
404.L'ahegâteau  [Δημιουργός] 5 Ιουλ, 9:18 
well the image there for you.
im happy too help.
Cartoon Corpze 5 Ιουλ, 8:50 
Thanks a lot! I used this tutorial to get an Anubis. :)
Though, might use it as an helpful guide for when I'm looking for other specific pals.
404.L'ahegâteau  [Δημιουργός] 4 Ιουλ, 6:51 
3 star and 90 favourite so far for my 1st guide ever?
that a win for me. i would like some constructive criticism aside from the overabundance of words.
and the fact that my grammar suck balls.