3 則留言
∩∩4r|< 5 月 15 日 下午 1:06 
Hehe, true that + you'll need to read rapidly at times while text/interesting info is displayed during loading 😁 You'd feel rather melancholic then, but I could help you find a sound emulator OR you start ⏺️ing now and maybe run a couple full HDD benchMARKs 😇 I sense you'll be resourceful enough, so no worries! :lunar2020confidentrooster:

Roger your impressions :RiskyWindIndicator:
Lulu  [作者] 5 月 14 日 上午 8:18 
:pdgrin: But with a SSD I would no longer be able to enjoy those beautiful loading animations! And I would miss the sound of the HDD too much! I still miss the sound of the floppy drive, so no, that would be too much! I could probably find a little program to emulate the hdd sound when the sdd reads or writes data, but the later the better!

From what I've seen, it seems to be a "collect-a-t(h)on"! I wasn't hooked but I liked this animation. :shelterfox:
∩∩4r|< 5 月 13 日 下午 1:46 
Grab yourself an SSD, ;please! Joking aside, interesting find here :epicool: Search of mushrooms = collect-a-t(h)on, or ...? 😇