977 평점
Pawn Editor
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Mod, 1.5
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2024년 4월 11일 오후 10시 00분
2024년 5월 28일 오전 3시 19분
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Pawn Editor


Steer the story in the direction you want it to go. Heal injuries your ultratech soldier obtained during a fight with a rabbit, teleport missing pawns back, change backstories that do not fit the narrative.

Pawn Editor is a new editor for your pawns inspired by great mods like Character Editor and Prepare Carefully.

Your last colonist exerts her final breath as she dies. Not even her ultratech armor or archotech implants could save your colony from... a rabbit? Tend to your pawns and shape them in a way that fits the story you had in mind.

Reality can be whatever you want it to be
It’s not just about changing the way your pawn looks.
  • Change the backstory, trait or skills for your pawns. Use filters to easily find that specific item you are looking for.
  • Quickly change the options for an item your pawn holds. You can even modify the trait of a persona weapon.
  • Changing the appearance for your pawn is as easy as ever. The new appearance editor allows you to easily see all available options. All you have to do is decide which one you want.

Save what you want, and nothing more
At the bottom of the editor you find three buttons; save, load and randomize. Instead of saving and loading simply the whole pawn, clicking these buttons opens up a dropdown allowing to select you only a specific set of features you want to save. Depending on which tab you are on, the options will change.

The randomize buttons works in a similar way. A dropdown shows a selection of things you can randomize. After selecting a feature to randomize, another small button shows up allowing you to repeat the last randomization. Keep clicking until you get something you like.

Build from the ground up to be extensible
Modifying your pawns is fun, but what use is it if it does not work with your content mods?

Pawn Editor was build with mod compatibility in mind. Simple mods should work instantly, and more advanced mods can create new tabs to house their own features.

Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 - Supported
Facial Animations - In a future update
Vanilla Skills Expanded - In a future update

Q: How do I open the menu?
A: The menu can either be opened when starting a game and clicking the 'Pawn Editor' button at the bottom of the screen. You can also completely replace the vanilla window through the settings. In game the menu is opened by enabling dev mode and clicking the new button at the top of the screen.

Q: Can you add support for mod x?
A: While we will add support for bigger mods, adding support for every mods anyone wants is a very time-consuming task. You're more than welcome to ask us to support a mod, but you can also add support yourself! Pawn Editor can easily be extended with more tabs. If you need any help on how to add support for Pawn Editor, check out the GitHub wiki or join the Discord.

Q: Can I share my saved characters with my friends?
You can! Pawn Editor creates a new folder in in your default RimWorld save directory ...\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\PawnEditor. Simply copy the .png and .xml of your character and send it over.

Did you know that you can also export the portrait of a character? Click on the load button and select 'export portrait'. You will find images of all four directions for your favorite pawn on your desktop.

ISOREX - Project lead
Legodude17 - Main coder
Taranchuk - Coder
Helixien - I'm not sure what his role is but I swear he helped


Bug reports in the comments are ignored, post them either in the Discord or on the GitHub page.
인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2024년 7월 5일 오전 5시 52분
Feature Request
Light | Eibhlin
2024년 7월 6일 오전 2시 13분
Issue Report
댓글 472
Aegis J Hyena 20시간 전 
Is this a successor to Character Editor, or...?
Ren 20시간 전 
When I edit my pawns it screws up my starting items (in the pod). Instead of the regular wood + steel + weapons & armor, I barely get anything. Am I doing something wrong?
Also I get way too many points if I try to use the point system.
Reidlos 2024년 7월 8일 오후 5시 48분 
Finally starting back up after 1.5, overall love this mod over CE, very clean and stable. I know you will add support for some mods down the line, and others can add thier own etc, but so far only thing i feel is missing that MAY be mainline is Facial Animations (can be done after loading to the map) and gradient/multicolor hair. Any thoughts on those specifically?
Zasso 2024년 7월 7일 오후 2시 58분 
Could we get a "randomize name" button on character creation?
It's the one thing I'm missing currently when swapping from CE
RiskyBusiness 2024년 7월 5일 오전 8시 49분 
I'm having the same issue as @JazzimoX. The log mentions TDS Bug Fixes, so I'm going to mess around with its settings and see if I can find a fix.
BattleGrown 2024년 7월 4일 오전 5시 03분 
I would also love to see support for editing faces and gradient hair colors
~Jester~ 2024년 7월 3일 오후 10시 03분 
Is there a way to change the face? I cant find it at all.
Astro 2024년 7월 3일 오후 4시 28분 
does this work with gradient hairs
Yuya 2024년 6월 23일 오후 2시 20분 
Love this mod keep up the good work! Could you possible make an option to activate the editor without needing to enable dev mode. I stream rimworld a lot and I let my stream redeem channel points to customize their pawns and I would love to be able to do this without needing to turn on dev mode. Maybe something like how character editor puts a toggle on the tool bar on the bottom of the screen.
Zombyed 2024년 6월 23일 오후 2시 08분 
Hello, the "pawn editor" button is not working