Portal 2
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The main Deadly turret
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The main Deadly turret

The trick here is to pass all the tests with a rocket turret.

If you die, you will be replaced by your clan! We have 3 more so don't die!!!

Well, there are targets here. just stand next to the target and make the turret break the target.

Good luck!
Коментарів: 49
TimelessInsanity 4 год. тому 
Create one without a ball or a cube? Sure, Try out TT05 and TT09.
@eql?= 25 трав. о 0:42 
ok, but instead of being pissed about people giving feedback or criticism that Cover up serious cheese, how about you just fix those issues, so more people can play it the intended way
nanodream  [автор] 23 трав. о 9:50 
if you're jealous, then envy in silence!
nanodream  [автор] 23 трав. о 9:50 
Create your own test with a ball and a cube that will not be needed! I've been making it for a month and you're just spoiling my creations.
@eql?= 22 трав. о 11:59 
I agree with @TimelessInsanity. It would be best if you removed the portal surfaces, coz rn the cube and the ball aren't needed at all.
꧁Аtom999꧂ 20 трав. о 10:36 
Классный Тест, с турелью и на логику:steamthumbsup:
TimelessInsanity 19 трав. о 18:00 
I cannot stress this enough! You can very easily solve this chamber by basic portaling/monentum to get to the exit area! Funnily enough, the button to disable the field is there! Stand at the target and rockets away! Test is solved in less than 30 seconds! Please, please, PLEASE playtest and quadruplecheck the process of getting to a SINGULAR solution in your chambers!
nanodream  [автор] 16 трав. о 1:40 
https://steamproxy.net/groups/EtherealX - my group. Join the group to know the exact time of the release of my cards or something else!
You are always welcome here! and if the new year comes and you are in the Etherealch group, then the anniversary test will be released!
nanodream  [автор] 9 трав. о 1:09 
What do you mean? Is the missile turret broken?
Portal2Player 8 трав. о 19:56 
Interesting idea. I thought the test was fine, and a good use of the Rocket Turret. Might have been a bit better if the Rocket Turret activated as soon as you got into the room, but having it active as you press a button is fine.