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Ground Command + Military Enhancements Patch
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8 apr 2024, ore 16:29
29 set 2024, ore 17:36
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Ground Command + Military Enhancements Patch

A patch that combines both Ground Command and Military Enhancements 2.0, using the armies from the former with the armament system and custom buildings of the latter.

Please let me know if there are any repeat armies, issues, or other chicanery.

Load order:
- Military Enhancements
- Ground Command
10 commenti
Gear`O`Derm 20 gen, ore 3:30 
SyxTheDragon 9 ott 2024, ore 18:32 
cant seem to get the Armaments resource to display at all except in the galactic market
harozuken 26 ago 2024, ore 12:32 
posting this as duplicate to see if I can fix bug in my game.
Ddoes this mod affect trade values for leaders? im running Tactical Algorithms and im getting an error "cannot propose trade with more than 0 leaders" so I can't use the defense pen effect of the civic.
Blazingdevil 23 ago 2024, ore 12:19 
yeah im still getting negative recruitment times with this patch
abstract assassin 30 apr 2024, ore 11:59 
Special forces academy is still an option although it's pretty much redudant.
MC Zyklon, resident warcrimminal 15 apr 2024, ore 12:39 
I'm getting negative army recruitment times in the hundreds of days. When you go to recruit them it then jumps to -1 and no army is created. This applies to all armies.
BaconDoneRight  [autore] 11 apr 2024, ore 17:17 
@SgtPeppersSoul I've formatted army costs as more "elite" armies get a higher energy upkeep, while armies that are "bigger" cost more armaments. I'll take a look, though.
SgtPeppersSoul 11 apr 2024, ore 15:13 
This patch might need a balance pass. There is some weirdness with cost between the two mods—for example, imperial guard from ground command are objectively better in terms of damage than purge troops from ME2, but the latter actually has a higher cost in armaments (it does have a lower cost in energy, but energy is far easier to get in game).
BEAR 9 apr 2024, ore 20:04 
Seems like the conscription decision creates all the negatives but doesn't produce any actual armies?
Risker the 34th 9 apr 2024, ore 13:15 
Crazy to see this so high up on the workshop already lol