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Moonlighter - 100% achievements guide Steam
By Cenori
English guide for the Moonlighter game 100% achievements on Steam
Moonlighter - guide for 100% achievements on Steam in english.
Created in april 2024.
- This game may take from 20 to 30 hours to 100% if you focus on the achievements.

- There are missable achievements.
You can get all achievements in 1 playthrough if you do everything correct, but it would require you to know all missable achievements beforehand. They will be listed in a sepparate section below.

- Yes, there are achievements related to the "Between Worlds" DLC. None of them are missable.

- This game has many bugs regarding achievements.
Check the Steam discussion for known bugs if you find any trouble.

I recommend you only check the section "Missable achievements" right below, and then beat the game without checking other achievements. This way you can enjoy your first playthrough as "spoiler free" as possible.
After you beat the game you can go after the other achievements that are not missable.
Missable achievements
If you fail to meet the conditions for these achievements below, you will have to start a new save and play the game again for it. Or beat the game and start a NewGame+ to get them.

[missable] - *This achievement does not include the DLC
Beat the base game having died less than 40 times. This one should not be hard, just make sure to go back to town using the pendant everytime you are out of potions and specially if you still don't have the best gear possible for the current dungeon (which means you should travel back to upgrade your gear and buy potions).

[missable] - *This achievement does not include the DLC
This game has 4 main dungeons (Golem, Forest, Desert, Tech), each one has a final boss found in the end of the 3rd floor. After beating this boss you beat the dungeon and unlock the next one.

For these 4 achievements, you need to beat each one of the 4 bosses without taking a single hit. Unfortunately these bosses do not respawn, which means if you get hit and kill the boss, you will need to start a new game from scratch (or NewGame+) to be able to try again.

These achievements require you to learn all attack patterns from all bosses. This will require many attempts for each, which is kinda fun in itself.
Sadly, since there is no "retry" option, to enable retrying the boss fight you will need to do what everybody does:

1) Get to the last room before the final boss in the dungeon (you will know it's the last room if the next door-frame is more decorated than the average door-frame);
2) Use the "Merchant emblem" (not pendant) in your inventory to open a back-and-forth portal to town;
3) Sleep in your bed to save the game;
4) Go back through the portal beside the shop to get back into the dungeon;
5) Kill the boss trying to not get hit.
6) If you do get hit, go back to the menu and into the game again. You will wake up in your bed with the portal still ready for your next try.

There are also "save files" online for each of these bosses but I wouldn't recommend using them as they may break your achievement count.

[missable] - *This achievement does not include the DLC
Last hit all 4 bosses (Golem, Forest, Desert, Tech) with the Broom. You can damage them with another weapon and just finish with the broom.
If you delete your broom by mistake, you can buy it again from the seller in town.

Read the "perfect" missable achievements above for details about the bosses.

Defeating the boss with the broom will unlock the achivement in a matter of seconds, but the game only saves after you exit the dungeon... which means you should use the "emblem" strategy to save, beat the boss with the broom, quit to the menu and into the game again to try the "perfect achievements" (or vice-versa).

[missable] - *This achievement does not include the DLC
Beating the game in under 10 hours is doable in your first playthrough but will require you to meta-game a little which may take some fun out of your adventure.

I recommend you play the game in your own pace, and if you happen to not get this achievement (like I did), play the NewGame+ for it. You can take some things with you to NewGame+, which means if you prepare yourself beforehand, you can beat the NewGame+ in 2 to 3 hours which is pretty fun.

PS: You can start NewGame+ in a new save slot, meaning you won't lose your normal game save;
What you take with you to NewGame+:
- All armor equiped;
- Both weapons and the 5 potions equiped;
- All 5 items from top row in your inventory;
- All money in your inventory. I tested and 30mi (30.000.000) is enough gold to beat NewGame+ (no DLC) without having to sell anything. So farm this much before starting NG+.

All achievements from further sections can be gotten at any point or after beating the game.
Miscellaneous achievements [in Dungeons]
Pretty simple: Just enter the 3rd floor in each dungeon 10 times.

In almost every dungeon floor you will find a "Crazy pete room", which has a tent and a book. The book can have 1 out of an unkown amount of entries, read all of them to get the achievement.
Always interact with all books during your playthrough and you should get this achievement before beating the game.

[Secret achievement]
To get this achievement, when inside a "Crazy pete room" (described in the previous achievement) get to the top right corner and stand there for a few seconds, the achievement should pop.

Have a full inventory (all slots occupied) and die inside a dungeon.

[Secret achievement]
Step on 100 tiny bugs you find inside the dungeons during your playthrough.

[Secret achievement]
In the 3rd floor of any dungeon, when you get to the last room before the final boss, use your "marchant emblem" (not pendant) to get back to town, then use the portal beside the shop to get back to the dungeon.
PS: You will know it's the last room if the next door-frame is more decorated than the average door-frame.

[Secret achievement]
Break all vases and corpses inside dungeons to get 20 potion drops from them.

In almost every dungeon floor you will find random holes with white sparkles in them, this means you can fall in any hole in that room to get to the secret room below it.
These secret rooms have 1 random layout out of 5 possible layouts (chest, wave, pedestal, abandoned, empty).
Just jump in every sparkling hole during your playthrough and you will reach 10 very early.

Refer to the previous achievement for a description of a "secret room".

For this achievement, you need the secret room with the "wave" layout which lets you summon the wave mode. If you jump in every secret room you find during your playthrough you will definitely find at least 1 wave room.
After activating the stone slab in the center, a wave os monsters will come at you. Defeat them all and the chest will receive an upgrade to tier 2. Do not open the chest yet, activate the stone slab again to summon another wave. Do this 4 times until the chest is in it's higher tier (pink chest) and then you can open it.

The notebook can be accessed by opening the inventory and pressing going to the "next tab" (E on keyboard).
The notebook has a few tabs inside it: Merchant, Golem, Forest, Desert, Tech, Wanderer, ICT.

To get this achievement you only need to complete these tabs: Golem, Forest, Desert and Tech.
It's not hard but there are a few items that have a low drop rate and could take you a few more runs in each dungeon.

Kill 1.000 enemies in each dungeon. You will probably not reach this amount during your normal playthrough to beat the game. So just get back into each dungeon and kill more of them.

Kill 10.000 enemies in total from any dungeon. Unfortunately there is no counter for this achievement in Steam, but at least you can use the previous achievements to know if you have reached 4.000 enemies. The progress for this achievement is carried over to NewGame+.

The truth is, this achievement is the worst one in the game because the amount of kills needed is ludacris. It should definitely be lowered to half (5.000) and it would still be a lot of kills.

Just for perspective: I beat the normal game, played a lot of dungeons again and then beat NG+, and still did not reach 10.000 kills. I still had to run a few more dungeons to get this.

I usually do not endorse this type of behaviour, but just out of anger for this achievement, I am gonna put this here: There is a "trick" many people use to get this achievement, which consists in running the "tech dungeon" and finding one very specific room layout where one enemy robot is stuck in a sepparate piece of floor and keeps summoning a slime... don't kill the robot (he won't hurt you) and you can leave your pet killing his summon slime all night and should get you many hundred kills in a few hours. Just make sure to leave the game open / focused because there are reports of the progress freezing when alt-tabing.
I am not gonna put any images of it to not make this guide convoluted.
Miscellaneous achievements [in Town]
After upgrading your shop you will unlock "decorative items" that you can buy from the "Retalier" NPC to position in your shop for buffs.
Buy all "decorative items" from the Retalier NPC and you should get this achievement.

Have 1.000.000 gold in your inventory to get these achievements. Don't worry about this achievement because late game, with the DLC, you will be able to get more than 3mi (3.000.000) a day selling the DLC items after 1 single run. The amount for this achievement is very low.

These 5 achievements are related to customers so you can do them all whenever you wish in a day of work. You need to:

- Distracted merchant:
[Secret achievement]
Position items in all tables and open the shop, customers will get in and will be waiting for your service. Just don't do anything and they will get mad and leave.

- Evil, Good and Naive Merchant:
Find out what the correct item prices are. Then sell 20 items for the correct price, 20 cheaper, and 20 a little overpriced.

- Scammer:
[Secret achievement]
Reach 60 negative reactions from customers by putting up items for high prices. The reaction you want is the frown one with 3 lines above one eye.

[Secret achievement]
When you hit a tree in town, there is a chance it drops some gold coins. Hit all trees many times until you get 100 coins from it and the achievement will pop.
It takes a while but it's very easy.

Buy all NPCs and upgrades using the "town board" to get these achievements. You should be able to get all upgrades as you advance in your playthrough and get more money.

[Secret achievement]
One of the upgrades will make a slime appear in the city close to the shop. Hit this slime 42 times and the achievement should pop.

One of the upgrades summons the Banker NPC, which makes you give him an amount of money and come back after a set number of days. Make sure to always make business with him when he is available and always come back on the correct dates to not lose your money. Do this 5 times.
Check the calendar feature in-game to make sure.

One of the upgrades summons the Retalier NPC. Buy from him 10 times to get this achievement.

For this achievement, you need to craft every single weapon the weaponsmith has available (yes, every upgrade-line from every weapon).
I suggest you favorite every weapon with the Weaponsmith so their resources are marked for you. Then leave this achievement for late game because it will require a lot of gold and those resources.
In the end you should have 2 of every weapon, which is the last top row (raw power) and last bottom row (elemental power).

Getting weapons from drops inside the dungeon do not count. So make sure you actually craft all of them.
Story related
You will get these achievements by progressing in the story. It is impossible to beat the game without getting these.

Beat all 4 bosses from the 4 main dungeons in the game.

Reach the final dungeon (you will unlock it after beating the tech dungeon).
DLC related
There are no missable achievements from the DLC.

[Secret achievement]
Evil Will is a miniboss in the Wanderer dungeon. You should find him in one of the last floors of the dungeon (between floor 6 and 9).

[Secret achievement]
Beat the DLC final boss.

[Secret achievement]
Inside the Wanderer dungeon, in the even-floor room with 3 NPCs, talk to the one who is a weaponsmith and build a weapon using one of the "blueprints" you can get from the bosses inside this same dungeon.

[Secret achievement]
Every even floor (2, 4, 6, 8) has a room before the last where there are 3 NPCs. One of these NPCs is willing to build teleporters for each even floor in exchange for Slime Chunks and Gold (it is kinda expensive).
You can later use this teleporters around the Wanderer dungeon entrance to skip to the desired floor.
Build all 4 teleporters to get these achievements.

In the Wanderer dungeon, after defeating the last boss for each floor, it will spawn a cocoon with a random item in it. This random item can be a a TrickWeapon or a blueprint for it. You need to find all of them and put them in your inventory at least once to register it in your notebook.
In case you only find the blueprint, bring it to the weaponsmith in the room before the last boss in each floor and he can craft the weapon in exchange for some Slime Chunks.
There are a total of 10 trick weapons (2 s&s, 2 bows, 2 spears, 2 bigSword, 2 gloves).

For this achievement you need to run the Wanderer dungeon until you get all 2 pet eggs from it: GasSuit and SpikeChain.

You get this achievements when you get all others. Unfortunately this achievement has many reported bugs ever since 2018, it has received some fixes but, as of 2024, it still might bug for you.

In case this achievement bugs for you, here are some of the known fixes:
- Go back to the menu and back into the game;
- Get into any dungeon and kill some enemies;
- Try loading a different save slot;
- Close and re-launch the game from steam;
- Re-install the game and open it again.
- I did all of the above and did not get the achievement. I did it all again after 1 month and it worked.
If one of these work for you let people know in the comments.

I hope I have helped someone.
Let me know your thoughts and how I can make this guide better in the comments below.
tukana 17 Sep @ 7:09pm 
@Cenori Because it's what happened to me. I didn't notice my bag is full and after defeating the second boss, the boss drop can't be picked up automatically. After clearing some space to get the loot from the boss chest I didn't check the ground around the boss and just ported back to the town. So the item is the only locked one in the notebook and I have to do it again in the NG+.
Cenori  [author] 16 Sep @ 5:49am 
@tukana I've never thought about it but you are right... one could not get a drop from a boss (because of a full inventory) and end up never getting that boss-item again in the same playthrough :stimulation:
tukana 10 Sep @ 9:20pm 
For 'Scribe' achievement:

It's kind of missable. You have to complete the notebook in one playthrough, no matter it's a new game or NG+. The most important thing is that there is a boss drop on the ground for each of the four bosses after defeating them (NOT the chest behind them). You must pick it up to unlock the corresponding item in the notebook, so make sure your bag has enough spaces after defeating every boss to collect boss drop and boss chest. After you return back to town, the boss will be gone then you can't get the boss drop in this playthrough.
Cenori  [author] 6 Jul @ 8:53pm 
@brigone_ thanks man! I'm happy to read that. And yes, these are all the achievements.
Great idea, I added a [secret achievement] tag to the hidden ones! I used a friend's steam to check what they were because after having them unlocked I don't think I can check which ones are secret ones lmao :Smile_IdleOn:
deRank Service (free) 30 Jun @ 10:51am 
Holy moly you even covered the secret achievements (I'm not sure if that's all of them but it looks like majority is there). I will try to get them all and hope I don't get the bug for the 100% achievement. Thank you so much, take my award!

-Maybe some improvements to this guide is to add a "Secret" flag next to the achievement, just a suggestion.:MoonlighterShiny:
NNumber 17 Apr @ 7:46pm 
Congratulations, it was really good!