Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered

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Tarot Card Guide (Also Includes All Gallery Artwork)
Vytvořil: Attempt_NP1
Want to unlock some of Fahrenheit's bonus content? Then you're gonna need some tarot cards as "currency." Check out this guide for information on where they're located and how many points they give you.
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Thanks for checking out this guide! Its main purpose is to show where all the tarot cards are located.

What are tarot cards, you may ask? Well, they essentially work as an in-game currency that can be used at the Bonus section on the main menu. Of the five menus under Bonus, all have purchasable content except for two: the credits and sequences. Play through the main game to get all the sequences, which can thankfully be done alongside getting enough tarot cards to buy what you want from the gallery. If you miss any, don't worry. You can get them by replaying a chapter through Chapters (found on the main menu). What's more, you don't need every card to purchase all the content in the Bonus section, so since there is no achievement for getting them all in the Steam version, feel free to skim through this guide to find just enough cards to unlock everything in the gallery.

There are a total of 4 different types of tarot cards in this game. The lowest gets you 5 points, the next 10, the one after that 20, and the highest 200.

For each chapter in which you can get at least one tarot card, I have listed how many cards are in the chapter and what each one is worth in a table at the top of the corresponding section. Below these tables, you will find some descriptions as well as accompanying photos outlining how to get the card(s).

In addition, I have also included screenshots of all the content you can unlock in the Bonus section, so please check them out if you're interested.

For your convenience, I have listed below how much it costs to buy content from the relevant menus:

Gallery (Artwork)
2 Points
5 Points
20 Points

If you find this guide to be helpful or interesting, please give it a thumbs up. I would really appreciate it!

Chapter 2: Investigation
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points

You start this Chapter as Carla in front of Doc's Diner:

Head past the ambulance in front of you toward an intersection. Locate the traffic light with a mail collection box behind it, next to a nearby bus stop:

Move a little past this traffic light to find your first tarot card in front of a stairway:

Chapter 3: The Day After
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points
Second Card's Value
5 Points

You'll start in Lucas's bedroom, so exit using the only door available. Now that you're in the next room, head left to reach the balcony:

Open the door here to trigger a cutscene with a crow. Once done, a card will appear on the left side of the balcony, so make sure you pick it up:

One down, one to go. Make sure to get it quick before a different cutscene is triggered and initiates a countdown. So where is it? This one is a bit hidden. Make your way to the kitchen (head toward the punching bag from the balcony doors) and open the cabinet requiring a downward swipe. If you open the correct cabinet, you'll find a tarot card:

Chapter 4: Confession
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points

From the start of the level, head forward until you reach a circular area with a statue. Your brother Markus is to the left of this statue, but you'll want to avoid talking to him until you find the card:

Standing in front of the statue and facing toward it, turn right 90 degrees and move toward and into the curved path there. If you continue down this path, you will come across the sole card in this chapter:

Chapter 5: Police Work
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points
Second Card's Value
5 Points
Third Card's Value
10 Points

The chapter begins with Carla in a police station:

As you can see, there are two alarm gates in front of you. Enter through the one on the right and make your way to the top right corner of this section to get your first tarot card:

Once you've got it, head up the stairway and then right up another flight of stairs. Use the door here to enter a large room. You'll want to head straight toward the door in the image below:

Now that you're in Carla and Tyler's office, make your way to her desk but don't use the phone yet. Instead, swipe left to sit down, and then right to open her drawer and find the second card:

With that out of the way, swipe up near Carla's desk to call Tyler. Once the conversation is over, you'll notice an icon of Tyler at the top of the screen. Whenever you see this, it means you can switch between characters, so keep that in mind:

Alright, so let's now switch to Tyler. Inside of his bedroom is a red, yellow and green poster with a lion on it. Use the door next to this poster to enter his bathroom:

Turn 90 degrees to Tyler's right and move forward to get the third and final card:

Chapter 6: Alternate Reality
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points
Second Card's Value
5 Points
Third Card's Value
10 Points

Once you have control of Lucas, exit the stall and head opposite the sinks and mirror to find the first card:

The next two cards are outside the bathroom, so head to the other side of the sinks and through the door there. You'll notice that this area includes a minimap in the upper left corner. The red dot is your destination, which you'll want to avoid until you've grabbed the remaining cards. The blue dot is Lucas's current location. To find the last two cards, bring Lucas to the cubicles shown in the screenshots below:

Chapter 9: Lost Love
Total Cards
First Card's Value
5 Points

From your starting point, go directly past the sofa behind you to reach Lucas's kitchenette. Like before, swipe down on the cabinet here to find a card worth five points:

Chapter 10: Hide and Seek
Total Cards
First Card's Value
5 Points

Walk forward a little from your starting point and you will find this level's only tarot card at the end of a very short, dead-end path:

Chapter 11: Friendly Combat
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

This level is set in a boxing gym, with both Carla and Tyler present. You'll start the level as Carla, and the game will want you to complete some QTEs to prepare for her sparring match. Before getting your pugilist practice in, make sure to head behind the boxing ring to find the sole card in this chapter:

Chapter 13: Debriefing (Carla)
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

Seeing as you start right next to the card, there's not much to say here:

Chapter 14: Debriefing (Tyler)
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points
Second Card's Value
20 Points

Once you have control of Tyler, head to his left until you reach a corner and a 20-point card:

The next card will not appear until you complete the task for this chapter, namely finding a book for Takeo, the bookstore's owner.

I definitely recommend figuring it out on your own, but if you want the quick solution, here it is. First, head to the bottom floor, speak to Takeo and do a few shorts QTEs. Then, try and leave the store, and Tyler will be stopped by Takeo and asked to find a book. Start by getting behind the large desk near Takeo and swiping up to check out the book there:

It'll show some colors next to letters. The colors show which shelves the book can be found on, and the letters refer to the first letter of the author's last name. The book you are looking for is by De Gruttola, which means you can find it on some of the white bookshelves:

But which floor is the right floor? To figure this out, go up the stairs and swipe up when next to the large book on the table there:

Okay, so De Gruttola is 1796...but what's that, the year this book was published? Nope. The number lets you know what floor the book is on. The previous book said that the third floor holds books between 1700-1800, and the book we're looking for is 1796. So, putting everything together, we need to check the white bookshelves on the third floor:

Go back to the bottom floor and give Takeo the book. Once given, the second card will appear at the foot of the stairs leading to the exit:

Chapter 15: Agatha
Total Cards
First Card's Value
5 Points
Second Card's Value
20 Points

The chapter begins with Lucas out on the street looking for Agatha's house:

Move forward and enter the first door you encounter past the parked car in front of Lucas. Once indoors, go through the first door on your right:

You'll notice you're in a kitchen with a tarot card on the ground, spinning in place:

Just one more to go. Head back into the hallway, this time going through the door at the far end:

In the séance room, enter the door between some masks and a window:

This'll bring you to Agatha's bedroom, from which you'll want to enter one more door to reach Agatha's bathroom:

Inside the bathroom is the second card, which you'll find in a corner behind the metal bathtub:

Chapter 19: Dark Omen
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points
Second Card's Value
5 Points

The level will commence with Carla's phone ringing. Before seeking it out, change your camera angle to face toward the tub. If you do, you'll notice a card tucked into the corner, to the left of a scale and behind some furniture:

After getting the card and answering the phone, switch over to Tyler. Go out the door and head straight toward the two yellow doors in front of you, making sure to turn right once you're between the furthest and middle pillars:

Head between these two pillars to find the second card on top of a desk:

Chapter 20: Face Off
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

This level starts you right where you need to be: Lucas's desk. Open the right drawer to find a card worth 10 points:

Chapter 21: Back to Agatha
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

This time around, you don't have to find Agatha's house. The game will put you right in front of it, so head up the stairs and open the door. You'll take a route similar to last time. Go down the hallway to the door on the opposite end and enter it, head through the séance room and the next door, and then grab the tarot card in Agatha's bedroom:

Chapter 22: Happy Anniversary!
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points

Play through the chapter until you get control of Carla. Get up from the desk and exit her office. Similar to before, you will notice two yellow doors directly opposite your door. Head toward these doors and make a right between the wall and the furthest pillar:

Head straight until you reach some vending machines and two tables with multiple boxes stacked on top. On the right edge of the rightmost table is this chapter's tarot card:

Chapter 28: Soap, Blood & Clues
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

You start this chapter next to a yellow car. Move toward the ambulance and then into the laundromat:

Once inside, locate Tyler, and then proceed down the aisle in front of him. Inside a laundry basket there, you'll find a tarot card on its own spin cycle:

Chapter 29: The Fugitive
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points
Second Card's Value
5 Points

From where you start, head forward and make a right at the t-intersection:

After making a right, continue to head down this street until you reach an area with two dumpsters to your right. There's a fence next to them that you DO NOT want to climb over before getting the nearby card:

What you want to do is head to the other side of the street and get on the sidewalk. Once there, you should notice a card worth 20-points:

Now head back to the fence, climb it, then the next one, sneak past the guards, climb up the pipe, do multiple QTEs to sidle across the ledge, climb down another pipe, up another fence, and then finally complete one more QTE to go through the window there and enter Tiffany's apartment:

The second card is inside, but it'll become inaccessible once the TV turns on and Tiffany comes back home, which means you'll want to prioritize getting it first. So, exit through the only door in her bedroom:

Next, locate her kitchen and open the cabinet in the corner for another tarot card:

Chapter 30: Janos
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

Once you gain control of Carla, head through the open door in front of you:

Continue moving straight until you reach a dead-end with five doors and this level's only tarot card:

Chapter 31: Meeting Kuriakin
Total Cards
First Card's Value
5 Points

Chapter 31 starts you at the entrance of Kuriakin's exhibit:

From this position, turn 90 degrees left and head toward the wall. On the way, you'll notice a tarot card in the corner between the wall and a display case:

Chapter 35: Fate on Russian Hills
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points

There is a homeless man near where you start the level. Your first step is to move Lucas right next to him:

Facing the homeless man, turn Lucas 90 degrees left and head straight until you find the card:

Chapter 42: Where is Jade?
Total Cards
First Card's Value
10 Points

The chapter opens with Lucas being dropped off in front of an orphanage:

Head inside the building and watch the cutscene with the nun. Once you regain control of Lucas, make sure to enter the first door on his left:

Walk past the two girls sitting on their beds and snag the card rotating on the nightstand:

Chapter 43: Bogart
Total Cards
First Card's Value
20 Points

In this chapter, you'll be following a bearded man wearing a cap:

This NPC will eventually bring you to an elevator, which you should take to the next area. Once you've exited the elevator, make a left and then head straight. The card is in front of a stationary train car:

Credits (Tarot Card)
Congratulations on clearing the game for the first time. As a reward, the game gifts you 200 bonus points! They'll be given to you once the credits finish rolling:

There are a total of 7 sequences in the Bonus section. These consist of QTE sequences that you completed while playing the game, as well as two unique sequences that can only be played here. Doing a complete playthrough should unlock all of them.


Car Chase

Shooting Gallery

Basketball Match


The Hidden Dance Floor

Ice Skating Contest

Total Images
Price per Image
2 Points
Total Points Needed
94 Points

Artwork #1

Artwork #2

Artwork #3

Artwork #4

Artwork #5

Artwork #6

Artwork #7

Artwork #8

Artwork #9

Artwork #10

Artwork #11

Artwork #12

Artwork #13

Artwork #14

Artwork #15

Artwork #16

Artwork #17

Artwork #18

Artwork #19

Artwork #20

Artwork #21

Artwork #22

Artwork #23

Artwork #24

Artwork #25

Artwork #26

Artwork #27

Artwork #28

Artwork #29

Artwork #30

Artwork #31

Artwork #32

Artwork #33

Artwork #34

Artwork #35

Artwork #36

Artwork #37

Artwork #38

Artwork #39

Artwork #40

Artwork #41

Artwork #42

Artwork #43

Artwork #44

Artwork #45

Artwork #46

Artwork #47

Total Movies
Price per Movie
20 Points
Total Points Needed
180 Points

Sam's Dance

Takeo's Hide & Seek

Fist of Takeo

Making-of Teaser

The Motion Capture

The Settings

The Voices

The Characters

Character Gallery

Total Songs
Price per Song
5 Points
Total Points Needed
70 Points

Song: Santa Monica, Artist: Theory of a Dead Man

Song: Say Goodbye, Artist: Theory of a Dead Man

Song: No Way Out, Artist: Theory of a Dead Man

Song: No Surprise, Artist: Theory of a Dead Man

Song: Love TKO, Artist: Teddy Pendergrass

Song: Street Tough, Artist: Ben E. King

Song: Hang It Up, Artist: Patrice Rushen

Song: Try It Again, Artist: Bobby Byrd

Song: Let It Crawl, Artist: Society's Bag

Song: Just an Illusion, Artist: Leee John

Song: Lucas's Main Theme, Artist: Angelo Badalamenti

Song: Carla's Main Theme, Artist: Angelo Badalamenti

Song: No Good Man, Artist: Nina Simone

Song: Sandpaper Kisses, Artist: Martina Topley-Bird

Credits (Bonus)
For those of you out there that love credits ; p (no points needed for this):

Počet komentářů: 2
Attempt_NP1  [autor] 16. čvn. v 11.54 
You're welcome! I'm glad someone got some use out of this guide.
FloofTheWolfie 16. čvn. v 10.36 
Thank you :steamhappy: