Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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7 commentaires
Moldi the christmas boi :3 12 avr. à 15h06 
bro couldn't find his pootis sandvich flakes
vk 12 avr. à 14h55 
This hurts to watch this poor hoovy cry
the bean man 12 avr. à 12h30 
parasol  [créateur] 8 avr. à 8h02 
Thanks, lol1k, you're the best!
lol1k 8 avr. à 5h47 
Also, it makes no sense crying when parasol is on your team. Rejoice.
lol1k 8 avr. à 1h06 
Just give him a piece of salami!
Wald Jr 7 avr. à 15h27 
Looking even more sad everytime