War Thunder

War Thunder

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The story behind daebom's creations (TSDS's aviation documentary) : The blackbox recordings
By B-29A-BN fan712 WT
"........... *jet flying over* *electric strike* " - The Unnamed Strange artifact of Texas.
Boeing 747-200 recordings of [REDACTED]
There is no sea vixen recording and there is nothing suspicious about it but the b-29 and 747 are highly suspicious.

747-200 pilot: ..... *ATC tower talking* Ok.

Copilot: Hey captain can i go to the restroom?

Pilot: sure [REDACTED] go ahed.

<4 hours later>

Pilot: V1 rotate.

Copilot: *Grabs yoke*.

<Meanwhile in mid-flight>

*Door knocking*

Copilot: What is that? ah wh- *Electric strike* *Lay dead in the ground*


TSDS Avation documentario team: So it looks like the strange artifact that we called is DAe-num88956 but it's not the only artifact. There are 2 more that is called DAe-num7 and Human-finder num[REDACTED] For the plane girls is [REDACTED] and they are contained at a underground hangar near Abilene regional airport. So now we will go to Bill's private jets b-29.

The smiallar image of the same 747-200 + There are no passengers on that 747:

Sadly the copilot died on [REDACTED] by The strange artifact called DAe-num8895
Bill's private jets B-29 superfortress Year: 2019.
The b-29 was carrying 2 passengers the passengers are [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]

The b-29 was from Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport in Puerto Rico.

Here is the recording:

Pilot: *Yawns*

Flight engineer: Umm captain why is the plane talking?.

The plane itself: *.......*

Pilot: nahh i think you are just dreaming.

<Meanwhile in the cabin>

Passenger 1: *Watches news* eh.

The plane itself: ......... *Talks softly*

Passenger 1: uhhh is this a dream or what? nah i will ignore it.


TSDS Aviation Documentario team: So we still; did not know why the plane talked in the first place before it became a plane-girl anomaly. We will explore it more.

The image showing Bill's private jet's luxurious version of the b-29:
The image showing the airport sign yes it only happens there:
B-29A-BN fan712 WT  [author] 6 Apr @ 4:46am 
Also note:WARNING: This will only show plane girls and not tanks because i am a aviaation enthusiusts and some plane girls are not even made by daebom. French: Cela ne montrera que les filles de l’avion et non les chars parce que je suis un passionné d’aviation et certaines filles de l’avion ne sont même pas faites par daebom.