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Known monsters and what me and my friends know
De Master ZBS
This guide will explain monsters as they show up, with names given to them by me and my friends.
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It is a vaguely humanoid figure with a mixer for a head and no arms. Like all the other monsters it is grey.
It charges towards people at an incredible speed and when hitting a wall, it falls over.
Very common, spawns single.
B**** Girl
She/they resemble a young girl wearing a hoodie with 2 holes for eyes and one for the mouth (obviously 3 more for arms and legs so that makes 6 holes in total, don't take it out of context). She has a knife and is obviously grey like all the other monsters.
We don't know how she attacks, because we haven't really been hit by her much. She seems like she doesn't like being filmed.
Uncommon, spawns single.
Snail Man
Snail Man is vaguely humanoid in shape, other than looking a lot like a snail, he is VERY short :D. He is grey.
He grabs the player and hurts them.
Very common, spawns in packs and sometimes single.
Boom Squid
It looks like a person who has squid for a head and no legs. The things on their back explode.
It lunges at players and explodes when landing, dealing massive damage, only 2 hits are needed to kill, and it attacks fast.
Very rare, not much information is known, spawns single.
It looks like a slug. Not much is known, we only have seen it once, barely.
He doesn't look like any normal creature or resemble any. We gave him the nickname "Mike" because he somewhat resembles Mike Wazowski. He has 1 or 3 eyes (don't know from the image), and has claws as hands, his body parts are thin other than the torso.
He rushes at the player similar to the Blender.
It is believed by Master ZBS (the main writer of this guide) that he hates the light and attacks more in it, the opposite of another monster yet to be put in the guide.
Pretty uncommon, only seen 2 or 3 times.
The Starfish is a creature that sticks to ceilings. It has 5 "arms" and one big hole in the middle (do not be inappropriate about it).
It has a grabby hand that comes from the hole and latches on to players. Once latched on the player will be turned upside down and will start to take damage. To unlatch the player, throw any item at the Starfish, which will cause it to lose grip and the player will be released.
It is pretty common and spawns single.
6 commentaires
Dr_Voltaic_Power 8 juil. à 19h03 
oh and a grapple hook man
Dr_Voltaic_Power 8 juil. à 19h02 
Adding to this post there is also a

Flame thrower, Tornado person who shoots poison gas, Capcha machine, and a leech that pulls people together

that is what i know
Phantom 6 juil. à 23h31 
The blade girl spawned in a pair in our last run..
ZR 6 juil. à 20h41 
the starfish rarely spawns in 2
galaxy 6 juil. à 4h36 
your missing the ball monster that looks like a rock
ThatApplyGuy 4 juil. à 10h26 
The starfish is obviously named dave (TM)