Garry's Mod
169 valoraciones
Jailbreak: Unknown's Cut
Tipo de contenido: Extensión
Tipo de extensión: Modo de juego
Etiqueta de extensión: Diversión, Juego de rol, Realismo
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3 ABR 2024 a las 11:07
24 OCT 2024 a las 11:07
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Jailbreak: Unknown's Cut

En 1 colección creada por Unknown Developer
Jailbreak: Test Server
32 artículos
Well-well, kids? JailBreak is back!
Click the "Subscribe" button, come on, it's just 10 MB!

For a long time in Garry's Mod, there hasn't been a default gamemode based on the concept of JailBreak. In the workshop, you could only find a small number of low-quality addons that could provide you with an experience of this wonderful mode. But with the release of this version, we hope that JailBreak will shine in new colors.

JailBreak is a gamemode with two teams: the prisoners (T) and the guards (CT). There can only be one warden in the guard team, selected from among the guards at the beginning of each round.

The warden is responsible for giving orders and organizing games for the prisoners. Through losing games or violating rules, the guards gradually kill the prisoners until only one prisoner remains. The last prisoner is granted a wish on how they want to end the round, which the guards must embody.

The goal of the game for each individual prisoner is unique: some strive for rebellion and killing the warden, while others prefer to obey and survive until the end.

  • High game performance.

  • Lots of new and unique mechanics and features.

  • Lots of hidden mechanics and features.

  • CSS and TF2 maps support.

  • Lots of ConVars for flexible server customization.

  • A cool and simple API for developers.

  • If you haven't played this gamemode in Counter-Strike or any other Source game before, it's advisable to first gather skilled players for the guard team.

  • The default setup of the gamemode has some differences from the original JailBreak, increased realism.

  • The recommended number of players for a comfortable game is seven or more.

  • The gamemode can be customized for your server using console commands.

Recommended Custom Maps:

Source Code: GitHub[]
43 comentarios
Unknown Developer  [autor] 21 OCT 2024 a las 9:06 
@Tovarich Fox через редактирование shared файла режима, там идёт разделение на мужские и женские модельки, так-что просто списки сделать не получится
Tovarich Fox 21 OCT 2024 a las 8:00 
Можно ли здесь менять модельки для заключённый и охранников?
monke 9 JUL 2024 a las 16:45 
is the server active?
Dr.Vaфе!ь 7 JUL 2024 a las 7:26 
Есть ли тут функционал как в CSS, где был доступен last request? Я играл очень давно и могу ошибаться, насколько я помню, в контре были какие то скриптовые мини-игры
Bread 11 MAY 2024 a las 17:16 
this is :faithfuego:
PRAISING THE SUN 9 MAY 2024 a las 2:01 
Lenurdo 13 ABR 2024 a las 10:49 
InsanitySimulator 7 ABR 2024 a las 10:18 
oh I see. I think it would be interesting if you had a cvar or a gui where you could replace weapons with whatever you like.

I can use a server-side weapon replacement on my end for this though
Mannytko 7 ABR 2024 a las 9:43 
Я зашел на официальный сервер по этому режиму, заспавнился, вышел из камеры и меня расстреляли какие то французы

10/10 Купил бы еще раз
Unknown Developer  [autor] 6 ABR 2024 a las 23:04 
@supermarioben2 Several arc9 and arccw packs are already supported, if you want I can add support for other packs create a discussion and send links to your weapon packs ( weapons will be replaced automatically if alternative is found)