Don't Starve
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The Screecher Lost In Winter
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The Screecher Lost In Winter

A Total Conversion Mod

November 1991. Uncover the horrifying mysteries of Widow's Ridge. Content may not be suitable for children. Best played in dark with headphones on!

The mod is based on the official mod 'Screecher' and aims to provide a fresh experience within the game. It redesigns Screecher to be played from a first-person perspective and introduces additional locations that were initially omitted from the original game, such as the 'graveyard' and 'big rock'. Moreover, the mod shifts the setting to winter, offering a new atmospheric experience. Importantly, mod retains storyline from the original Screecher while making minor changes.
8 comentarii
󰀒ziwbi󰀒 19 apr. la 13:38 
Jan Cheese  [autor] 8 apr. la 15:21 
Yes it is due to an unknown error, and the game may not start the first time.
piggle 8 apr. la 15:12 
For some reason this doesn't work? I tried to get onto it multiple times, but it doesn't work. :steamsalty:
Jan Cheese  [autor] 8 apr. la 4:57 
川小胖 8 apr. la 4:48 
Screecher with a new storyline ?
The Amazing Maxwell 👌 6 apr. la 2:06 
Alright thanks.
Jan Cheese  [autor] 6 apr. la 1:53 
It's a bug, just unsubscribe from the mod and delete it from your game files
The Amazing Maxwell 👌 6 apr. la 1:47 
what the hell man, i can't no longer play the default DS because of this mod, clicking the ''dont starve'' button in the main menu just closes my game. i don't know what to do anymore.