Interstellar Marines

Interstellar Marines

65 ratings
The NeuroGen Incident Collectibles Guide
By CTR-Drexxel
This guide is for the use of finding all of the Audio Logs that are a part of The NeuroGen Incident for the Achievement "Inquisitive Mind" for the game Interstellar Marines.
This guide is for the use of finding all of the Audio Logs that are a part of The NeuroGen Incident
These Audio Logs can be collect by pressing the “Use” key which is default set as “E.” The audio log Author and Position they held prior to the incident are displayed at the bottom left of the HUD and can be turned off when collected by pressing “Q”. The Logs show up on your HUD with the same objective diamond. These diamonds DO NOT disappear when the Log is collected and are based on proximity to the Audio Log. NOTE: The objective diamonds will not appear on your HUD if you either have Movie Mode toggled on, or your helmet up. These Audio Logs look like a black tablet with an orange screen. They look quite a bit like and have often been confused with the Key cards that you are to collect to access the different floors of The NeuroGen Incident.

Since there is little orientation as of right now to navigate the map, I will try to give as much detail as I can as to the areas that I find the Audio Logs in. I will logically split the Incident up into three parts: “The Warehouse”, “The Apartments”, and “The Research Lab”. From there, I will split those areas into smaller groups.

Each Audio Log in this guide will have the Author, their Position, and a picture of the location it was found. If the location was a bit hard to find, there will be another picture showing the general area before the Audio Log was found.

The numbering and appearance of these Audio Logs correspond to my individual play through and does not actually reflect Audio Log numbers specifically given by the Zero Point Software team.

Let’s start the adventure!

With the release of V2, a few things have changed. With the help of -GEM- N8eule, -GEM- Childofdagon, and -GEM- Xardas , I was able to get my missing Audio Log!

WHOA GUYS! Even with an obtainable acheivment, they are still playing with locations and available audio logs! V3 is out, and I have re-checked all of the logs. If you see anything that I have missed, leave a comment!
This achievement is now obtainable!
The Warehouse
8 Audio Logs

As soon as you step off of the ship, turn to your right. Audio Log #1 is in front of you and a bit to the right next to a disabled CTR and a few boxes and barrels.
Ruben Snyder – Research & Development Manager (01)

Head towards objective point “B” and go down into the air ducts.
This next area is the Power Core Room as you progress through the “B” objectives. There are a total of three Logs in this area.

Audio Log #2 is found as you progress through mission. Next to one of the Power Core activation computers lies a disabled CTR and the Log.
David Cutler – Chief Engineer (Extra 02)

This room has a loading door on both ends. One of these loading doors has boxes and other miscellaneous equipment piled in front of it. Chilling all triumphantly on top of the box on the left is Audio Log #3.
Hank Choo – Maintenance Supervisor (04)

Audio Log #4 is on the opposite side of the room with the third Log in it, hiding under a shelf on the ground in one of the side rooms. The shelf has three barrels and a box in front of it.
Dr. Wiliam Barbero - Chief Scientist (05)

This next area is Hanger A and all of the offices/ warehousing behind it. There are three Audio Logs in this area.

After turning both power cores on (Located in the center of the room on opposite sides), head upstairs. During my play through, I use the doors on the same side as objective “B”. After climbing up the stairs, turn to the right and climb the stairs at the back of the room. At the back of this room, behind a group of desks in the center of the room is Audio Log #5.
Leo Stark – Chief Security Officer (03)

On your way to objective “B” you should stumble upon Audio Log #6 under another group of desk.
Dr. Sarah Magellan – Genetic Researcher (02)

After turning the lights on using the switch at the top of the room, or by finding it in the dark if you are brave enough, head to the bottom of the room and find Audio Log #7 in the center of a pile of barrels and boxes, tucked under a red barrel.
Leo Stark – CSO (6)

Head across the level to hanger on the other side, via the stairwell or a less direct route. At the top of the area, next to a door that goes to the warehouse room with an elevator is Audio Log #8. It is on top of a group of crates and barrels.
Hank Choo – Maintenance Supervisor (07)

Log Count and Notes
You should have 8 Audio Logs at this point. NOTE: Once you head up the stairs, the doors to Floor one will be permanently shut, so all eight Audio Logs and anything else that is to be done on Floor 1 MUST be completed before continuing.
The Apartments
5 Audio Logs

After up what seems to be an eternity of stairs, (OR THE NEW ELEVATOR!!!!) you will find yourself in the lobby room for the apartments. Full of shrubbery and toppled over furniture, this is quite obviously the ideal place to live.
In the center of the lobby, underneath a toppled over wall of vines next to a wall is Audio Log #9.
Ellen Weaver – Manager Assistant (10)

After walking towards any group of apartments, the lights will be cut and you will need to head down a floor (Not by using the main stairwell, but a set of stairs that are specific to floor thee) to turn them back on. Once you are downstairs, head towards objective “B”. Throw the power back online, and walk out of the room.

Head straight after leaving the power room and in the middle of this new room, keep an eye open for a flipped over table and a bunch of chairs. Audio Log #10 is under the table.
Dr. William Barbero - Chief Scientist (12)

Before heading back upstairs, search both of the bathrooms in this area to get two Audio Logs. This only reinforces the fact that you should not go to the bathroom during a horror movie. The bathrooms are located in a hallway behind one of the main stairs. One of the hallways has two exercise rooms/locker rooms, and the other side has the bathrooms that we are looking for. If you do not see the bathrooms on the side that you check at first, hop to the other side.
Audio Log #11 is in the second stall on the left in the sink.
Dr. Sarah Magellan – Genetic Researcher (11)

And Audio Log #12
Dr. William Barbero - Chief Scientist (09)

Head back upstairs and search the apartments for the card. Each of the three objective markers that are not marked “A” are possible keycard locations. After collecting the keycard, use the main staircase to head to the second floor. PROTIP: You can look through most of the windows and see whether the keycard is in that apartment or not.
Audio Log #13 is a bit hard to describe due to inability to navigate, but one side of the apartments has a stairwell that is blocked off by boxes. The group of apartments to the left of this is where we are headed. The log is hiding in the back room in the second apartment to the right on the bottom floor.
Dr. Sarah Magellan – Genetic Researcher (08)

Log Count and Notes
Now you have 13 Audio Logs! You are over halfway through the Logs and two-thirds through The NeuroGen Incident. Hopefully everyone is alive and have their wits about them.
The Research Lab
5 Audio Logs

After descending to the second floor, your objective will split into three possible keycard locations that you will have to check to find the keycard to continue.

The first Audio Log is in the center walkway on a box.
Miki Byem - Medical Director (13)

The first area that we will be exploring will be the side that has the lights turned on.
One side has a disabled CTR laid across it as if it were an operating table. Next to it is Audio Log #14. NOTE: When you step into this room, two CTRs spawn directly outside, and usually walk in a path straight inside.
Dr. Sarah Magellan – Genetic Researcher (Extra 1)

Audio Log #15 is in the middle area of this top floor. The area has an upper walkway blocked by boxes and a lower walkway with three rooms. The room all the way on the right has two rooms in it. The Log is in the second rom on a shelf with cleaner. As of update V3, this is one of the areas that possibly has the keycard.
Dr. William Barbero – Chief Scientist (15)

Head downstairs and take a deep breath; It’s about to get dark. Good news is that the dark makes Audio Logs VERY visible. The logs tend to light up the whole room with their orangey glow.
Walk to the middle area down here and look into a room with three – four CTRs having an office party. In the corner that seems to be VERY illuminated in an orange glow has SPOILERS: Audio Log #16. This log is next to a door blocked by a few big crates of you for some reason cannot see the light.
Dr. Sarah Magellan – Genetic Researcher (14)

Lastly is my FAVORITE Audio Log. If any of you have play with me, you know that I like to avoid this area ENTIRELY. For you guys though, I will suck it up, and go where no Drex has gone before. On the bottom side of this area that we haven’t explored yet, there is a wide open room in the middle that has a ton of wooden boxes and usually three gunman CTRs. In the corner is a group of wooden boxes and a familiar warm orange glow. Head to the back and grab the last Audio Log #18.
Hank Choo - Maintenance Supervisor (Extra 3)

You now have all 18 and the achievement Inquisitive Mind! Time to crack open your favorite (or nearest), drink and finish the game. Thank you for reading and I hope this helped. Any feedback for this guide can be sent directly to my Steam profile.
Logs that have been taken out
After successfully dispatching the CTRs in the warehouse, head to the open blue ORION Solar Freight Line crate. Inside of this crate in the very back is Audio Log #8 perched atop of a wooden box. I just want to make a note that this appears to be one of the few Audio Logs that does not have a disabled CTR in the close vicinity.
Ruben Snyder – R&D Manager

The door at the center of the room in the Apartment is a door that can be opened. The room WAS inaccessible due to an invisible wall, but there WAS an objective marker that does not belong to a keycard objective, that could be traced back to this room.

In the back left corner of the Research Lab there is a shelf that has trapped and disabled a poor, unwary CTR. Next to him is Audio Log #18.
David Cutler – Chief Engineer

Audio Log #17 is in the greenhouse area. If you enter through the door that is closest to the last Audio Log, it is on the leftmost green shelf. Located in the middle on the lowest shelf, it is trying its hardest to sprout some food for the colony.
Dr. Miki Byen – Medical Director (13)
Whenever V2 came out
The V2 update part 1
-dry run through the levels to search for differences/ updates
-screenshots taken
-Glitch the elevator was a serious damper
-Still debatable if it is better than the stairs though
-VERY messy update to the guide

The V2 update part 2
-3 Logs taken out and put under new section "Logs that have been taken out"
-Logo changed to the unlocked picture of the achievement "Inquisitie Mind"
-A hunt has been declared fo the missing log
-Guide made prettier

10/20 (Later)
The V2 update part 3
-The hunt begins!
-The hunt abruptly ends as GEM tells me in seconds where the one I missed was
-Missing No Audio Log updated into guide
-The guide is finished and pretty again! (except this Notes section, but if you do not want to know about my "struggles" then fine, keep scrolling)

The V3 update
-What? There's an update?
-Was given the option to use Glitch the Elevator, and decided that it was still not worth the risk
-All looks good!
-Favorite part of this experience was when a runner opened the locked mainframe doors before I had the key. Not arguing with that!
Blackpot 8 Jul, 2020 @ 7:43am 
Was such a pain to find #7 there are no longer barrels on that level. Also, description could have been much more informative
Ves 27 Nov, 2016 @ 1:35am 
I can't seem to find the last one in the warehouse and the last one in the research tab but I am at 17/18. So I have picked up one of them but I don't know which one so I can get the other. Any ideas how to find the final one?

Nvm, found it. It was the one in your "favourite" area. :lol:
Thanks a lot for the guide. :ss13ok: ^^
V0lcanF1re 13 Oct, 2016 @ 7:04am 
Thank you, the last one found in the dark side of the medical area.. was in the room, left outside.. looked on the window and found him lol
Fox M. [fr] 12 Aug, 2016 @ 10:42pm 
Thank you Drexxel !
Ventris 12 Apr, 2016 @ 11:55pm 
Thanks for the guide. I collect 13 of all without it. But the other were no problem with your help.
CTR-Drexxel  [author] 5 Oct, 2015 @ 11:19am 
unless a recent update took it out, Audio log #18 is the last documented Audio log documented in "The Research Lab". It is in one of the side areas in the level as the the greenhouse area before you head downstairs and begin The Escape. More details can be found above
Evgen77 29 Sep, 2015 @ 12:41am 
where #18 audio??
DethVenture 24 Feb, 2015 @ 9:02am 
Thanks for fixing. Me and my friend were able to find all the logs last night. Much appreciated!
CTR-Drexxel  [author] 24 Feb, 2015 @ 3:21am 
Huh thats new! Images have been fixed. Thanks for the note!
DethVenture 23 Feb, 2015 @ 7:41pm 
Great guide, but your images are all broken, save for the ones regarding audio log 13. Could you fix this, please?