Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

M4A4 | Salamander (PRLS)
Arma: M4A4
Estilo del acabado: Armero
Etiquetas: Acabado de arma, CS2
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201.333 MB
28 MAR a las 7:01
29 MAR a las 7:21
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Salamanders are carnivores who eat slow-moving creatures such as snails and worms, or especially slow-moving terrorists.
During an attack, they can shed their tails and grow new ones. Thus, the spirit animal salamander teaches you to restore your strength after any difficulties, even if the score in the match is 11:0.
Medieval iconography uses the image of a salamander as a symbol of the righteous - the keeper of faith among the vicissitudes of the mortal world. By placing a salamander on his coat of arms, its owner was essentially declaring that he was resilient and not at all afraid of danger.
There is a legend that says that the salamander has such a cold body that it does not burn in fire.

Technical information
The design of the weapon is made with the permissible RGB range
If you have any questions, write in private messages