Deathmatch Classic

Deathmatch Classic

123 ratings
Deathmatch Classic Weapons and Items
By Osac
This guide lists and gives information about all the weapons, ammo types, armour pickups and power-ups in Deathmatch Classic.
There are a range of weapons in Deathmatch Classic each with different stats and rarities. Weapons do not need to be reloaded and can't be dropped. The weapons come from Quake and Quake 2. Picking up a more powerful weapon will automatically switch you to it and running out of ammo on a weapon will switch you to the next most powerful weapon.
There are 8 different weapons in Deathmatch Classic:
  • The Crowbar
  • The Shotgun
  • The Super Shotgun
  • The Nailgun
  • The Super Nailgun
  • The Grenade Launcher
  • The Rocket Launcher
  • The Lightning Gun
The Crowbar
The crowbar is the melee weapon is Deathmatch Classic, it does low damage and should only be used if you have no other alternatives. The crowbar spawns with the player and uses no ammo.
[/previewimg] The Shotgun
The shotgun is the stock weapon that players spawn with. It deals low damage and should not be used primarily. The pellets have a small spread but will deal less damage to distant opponents. The shotgun uses 1 ammo per shot.
Super Shotgun
The Super Shotgun
The super shotgun is a double-barreled shotgun that fires double the pellits and has a wider spread of pellets, the super shotgun also has a longer cooldown between shots than the shotgun. The super shotgun uses 2 ammo per shot.
The Nailgun
The nailgun is a weapon that fires nails over a long distance. The nails fired are projectiles that are very accurate. The nailgun uses 1 ammo per shot.
Super Nailgun
The Super Nailgun
The super nailgun has 4 barrels and fires faster than the nailgun. The nails always shoot from the center of the screen. The super nailgun uses 2 ammo per shot.
Grenade Launcher
The Grenade Launcher
The grenade launcher fires timed grenades that explode after 3 seconds, if the grenade launcher hits an enemy before the walls it will explode on contact. Grenades can be useful for attacking enemies around corners without seeing them as they can bounce and roll. The grenade launcher will use 1 ammo per shot.
Rocket Launcher
The Rocket Launcher
The rocket launcher is a very powerful weapon. The rockets it fires deal high damage and can deal spash damage to surrounding players. The rocket launcher is the most used and most wanted weapon in the game. The rocket launcher can also be used for mobility by rocket jumping. The rocket launcher uses 1 ammo per shot.
Lightning Gun
The Lightning Gun
The lightning gun fires a beam of lightning. It uses 1 ammo per second of being deployed. If the gun is fired in water it will drain all ammo and deal high damage to everyone in the water (18 damage per ammo).
Ammo in Deathmatch Classic will allow you to use your weapons. Ammo will not need to be loaded into your guns as there is no reloading. There are 4 ammo types in Deathmatch Classic:
  • Shotgun Shells
  • Nails
  • Rockets
  • Batterys
Shotgun Shells
Shotgun Shells
Shotgun shells are used as ammo for the shotgun and super shotgun. They can be found in normal (20 shells) and large (40 shells).
Nails are ammo that are used for the nailgun and the super nailgun. They can be found in normal (25 rounds) and large (50 rounds).
Rockets are used in the grenade launcher and the rocket launcher. They come in normal (5 explosives) and large (10 explosives).
The battery is ammo used for the lightning gun. It can be found in normal (6 cells) and large (12 cells).
The backpack is an item that is dropped on a players death, it contains all the ammo that the player collected which can then be picked up.
There are 3 different types of armour in Deathmatch Classic, each give a different amount of armour and each absorbs different percentages of damage.
The types of armour are:
  • Green Armour
  • Yellow Armour
  • Red Armour
Green Armour
Green Armour
Green armour provides players with 100 armour points and 30% damage protection. This is the most common armour type in Deathmatch Classic.
Yellow Armour
Yellow Armour
Yellow armour provides players with 150 armour points and 60% damage protection.
Red Armour
Red Armour
Red armour provides the player with 200 armour points and 80% damage protection. This is the rarest armour type in Deathmatch Classic.
Health in Deathmatch Classic will increase the players health points by certain amounts. There are 3 types of health in Deathmatch Classic:
  • Small Medkit
  • Large Medkit
  • Megahealth
Small Medkit
Small Medkit
The small medkit provides the player with 15 health points.
Large Medkit
Large Medkit
The large medkit provides the player with 25 health points.

The large medkit also has a similar appearance to the medkits in Half-Life.
The megahealth will provide the player with 100 temporary health points added to whatever health they have. The health points gained from the megahealth will slowly drain back to the original value.
Powerups in Deathmatch Classic will spawn on set areas on the map and take time to respawn. Each powerup lasts 30 seconds before running out. All of the powerups show the Half-Life logo (lambda) in a different colour depending on what they do. There are 3 types of powerup in Deathmatch Classic:
  • Quad Damage
  • Invisibility
  • Protection
Quad Damage
Quad Damage
The quad damage powerup in Deathmatch Classic will quadruple the amount of damage that your weapons do and will surround the player with a light blue glow.
The invisibility (also known as ring of shadows) will make the player barely visible for the duration of the powerup. When far away from other players you are invisible but when close range you can be seen.
The protection powerup (also known as pentagram of protection) will make the player invulnerable for the duration of the powerup and the player will have an orange glow around them. Players can still lose armour points during this effect.
Thank you for reading this guide and please rate positively.

Guide by OrangeOz.
Info and some images from: the Half-Life wiki. []
The Good Soldier Schweik 11 Aug, 2023 @ 10:45am 
helpful thank you :steamthumbsup:
Sambonius 25 Jul, 2023 @ 8:48pm 
best guide ever
Claym 31 Jan, 2023 @ 4:56am 
Claym 31 Jan, 2023 @ 12:56am 
Osac  [author] 30 Jan, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
sure :steamthumbsup:
Claym 30 Jan, 2023 @ 1:51am 
Can I take your guide (like the idea of guide) to translate and just add some other info about weapon?
LastMatadorig 25 Dec, 2022 @ 6:37am 
NyoDesu 13 Oct, 2021 @ 12:44am 
Good stuff! I actually couldn't tell what the orange lambda power-up was so that was some good clarification. :lunar2019smilingpig:
paow 20 Aug, 2021 @ 6:01am 
Dr. Hubert Koopaga Esq. 7 Jan, 2021 @ 11:46am 
We should revive this game. Just started playing, and it's great!