Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Left 4 Bocchi 2
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아이템 (28)
[Bocchi The Rock] Goto Hitori [Replace Nick]
제작자 BatagorMan
A timid and insidious first year of high school. She is in charge of the lead guitar of Kessoku Band. She longs for a band activity that seems to shine even with a tragic character and starts playing the guitar. Her skill is real, but she can't show it wel...
[Bocchi The Rock] Ijichi Nijika [Replace Ellis]
제작자 BatagorMan
An energetic and cheerful second-year high school student. She is the drummer of Kessoku Band. The organizer of her band who takes care of Hitori was already joined Kessoku Band. She has an older sister, Seika, who is the manager of the live house "STARRY"...
[Bocchi The Rock] Ikuyo Kita [Replace Rochelle]
제작자 BatagorMan
A bright and popular first year of high school. She is in charge of the guitar and vocals of Kessoku Band. She is a cheerful character who likes to interact with people and can talk to her with a smile without hesitation, even when she meets her for the fi...
[Bocchi The Rock] Ryo Yamada [Replace Coach]
제작자 BatagorMan
Vtuber♪ 遊流--SVCH 改 30连/ Yuru --military sniper rifle
替换30连 ,replace military sniper rifle 菜鸡做的MOD。有什么做的不好的请见谅 虽然是菜鸡的作品,但转载之前要说一声哦(也没人会转你吧) 未经允许不可转载到其他地方 贴图指导菜花植物园,不好看去找他(心虚) 版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2270011713 origin model :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/...
Touhou Concert
제작자 Mio
This mod will replace the concert music and the tank themes at the Dark Carnival concert finale I'm not familiar with Touhou so please forgive me if I've made any mistakes. Some of the stage props and fairground signs have been changed to fit the "Embodime...
Touhou Hakurei Reimu Mac-10
제작자 夜空☆Twinkle
My fifth Mod Hakurei Reimu MAC-10! With part of the night light, not very bright Ps.machine translation Deletion upon infringement https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999180134906969911/24A3A3A2660725246FC4D5DF4802C54D5FBFCA6C/ https://steamuserimag...
Touhou boxes chartlet
제작자 小芝麻凛
Touhou boxes chartlet Adding a map to the storage rack...
Shigure Kira SCAR(Replace SCAR)
제작자 夜空☆Twinkle
updata 2022.2.9 Fixed the criticized word "death" Modified the highlight map so that the whole is not too bright Darkened the overall tone of the gun Replace the SCAR With a partial glow, it won't be very bright Icon already included Original model: Zkeier...
Medical Cabinet with Glass Retexture
제작자 Gary
The base texture is a reworking of Resupply Locker by Funneh and Medical Cabinet with glass by мяFunreal. Includes the handle open animation from мяFunreals mod and I fixed the items floating slightly higher than the shelves. Solid Door Version...
崩坏三CSGO AK47 爱莉希雅 真我人之律者(AK47)/[Honkai Impact] 3 CSGO AK47 Elysia · Herrscher of Human(AK47)
제작자 舰式猫猫糕
替换AK47 带夜光不刺眼 新手作品做的不好请见谅 如果此枪皮对于您而言非常的合适你或者是刚好合适你的话,可以请您给这位卑微的作者一个五星评价或一个赞或是一个奖励吗QWQ?您的一个五星评价一个赞或是一个奖励都是对我最大的鼓励与支持 Replace AK47 With night light but not dazzling Sorry for the poor work done by beginners If this gun skin is very suitable or just right for...
제작자 mmi开心
刻晴G41 [Hunting Rifle]
替换了猎枪 第一次尝试做皮肤 技术有限,暂时没做发光版 原MOD地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611147972&searchtext=g41 ...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】VEL-46天见和香主题(夜光+全息)
제작자 凉介
模型来自@她来自闇冥 ,我找了冥佬授权但冥佬还未回复,如果冥佬不同意我会立刻删除的!>﹏< 模型地址:https://afdian.net/p/ec18582a5d3511eeb44f52540025c377 枪身贴图的画师如果不同意贴我也会立刻删除的!>﹏< 感谢前辈香風 智乃帮我贴的全息!大家也多多支持一下捏前辈贴的枪皮很好看! 萌新第四个贴皮!这次是ba和香的痛枪,退坑四个月少有的忘不了的学生之一!(和香可爱捏)至于全息为什么在右面?“因为这样才能更好的偷窥老师嘿嘿嘿” 替换uzi 视频演示: bil...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】茶话会 主题三色RNG COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo
제작자 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】茶话会 主题三色RNG COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo 替换 小手枪 Replace Pistol https://s2.loli.net/2024/01/21/WYZImVDgl6UeFCH.gif 原mod由工坊作者@BaiF*ckmouse 制作,感谢作者的辛苦付出! 原mod地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918905505 今天给大家带来茶话会主题的小手枪 是自...
樱花武士刀 // Sakura Katana
제작자 FAW075
简介 替换了武士刀(replace Katana) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 拥有动态外壳发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 原MOD 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1885332607281902779/20A5640E18A368DDBF9D8BE82B1832405190DB36/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox...
猫羽雫胆汁Bile Bomb(RNG)
제작자 ❀花与子君❀
替换原版胆汁贴图 replace original Bile Bomb skin 7张图片随机切换 7 pictures rng effect 保留了刚开始做错的贴图方向,可以看腿() 没有更改胆汁烟雾的颜色,可以搭配其他烟雾mod...
제작자 mmi开心
제작자 mmi开心
Touhou Cirno chrome shotgun
제작자 幻想住人
This mod replace the chrome shotgun.Cirno is a character from Touhou project.She is a cute girl and very good at math.May you have fun with her.(My english is poor,forgive me.) 这个mod替换了游戏中的铁质霰弹枪。 带荧光,包括子弹。 创意工坊压图好可怕! 前后花了一个钟,大部分时间都在找图。图好难找啊,如果有好图的话完成度可以更高。...
初音消防斧 fireaxe
제작자 丢你蕾姆
original mod  贴的第一个模,轻喷 夜光 描边 动态 特效 元旦快乐!!! 制作不易,点赞免费,动动小手,幸福到手 if useful please thumbs-up ...
제작자 大奈龙一只
猫羽雫 Replace guitar 使用须知:请一定一定要花一秒钟时间点一下作品的赞,奈龙也想有作品被评为五星,拜托啦 https://s2.loli.net/2023/12/17/GQ8KZx7i4OLkDcs.jpg https://s2.loli.net/2023/12/17/5wOcEzJaZe4UpqA.jpg 奈龙的第七件自制贴图作品,有不刺眼阿尔法通道夜光,帮助你在黑暗的地方也能找到它 希望你喜欢,谢谢 未经奈龙许可,请勿私自转载上传该模组,每件作品背后都有作者努力 关键词:猫羽雫,甘城,v...
Neko Medkit
제작자 Ruru喵斯
猫包o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ 预览视频 替换医疗包 自发光 自制偷懒动画 ...
[Dynamic] MP5-SD Replace The MP5(CSS)
제작자 夜空☆Twinkle
我不想做封面啊啊啊啊啊( 简介 【动态】MP5-sd霓虹心跳 替换 MP5(CSS) MP5-sd Replace The MP5(CSS) 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials (虽然和伽拉忒亚一点关系都没有但是我还是贴了伽拉忒亚) (别问,问就是随便贴的) 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
【原神】M1014—甘雨(替换一代连喷) / 【Genshin Impact】M1014—GANYU
제작자 洛兮
替换一代连喷XM1014,replace autoshotgun xm1014 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normalmap),测试发现夜光并不合适,所以没添加! 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2173833864 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfile...
【Blue Archive碧蓝档案】Insurgency Molotov-A.R.O.N.A普拉娜主题火瓶
제작자 帅 大陈子 帅
火瓶的背后没有涂色,搞了一下午也没解决。。。但拿在手里也看不见,所以能用) 蓝色火焰 替换火瓶 喜欢就好 原膜链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668102014 ...