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R44 Guide: TIME TO RUN (UPDATED FROM R31)(Fastgrapple hook, slides mechanics, items,boost and maybe more!)
作者: senglior
I want to show and explain some mechanics of the game, since R31 the game actually changed a lot. I'll try to cover all i can with more updates and stuff (also sorry for my bad english)

UPDATE R44: New features explained, old content updated
Hello everybody, my name is Senglior,right now im a bronze league level player and today im gonna try to make a guide to teach everyone who wants, how to improve a little and to learn some cool mechanics of the game and the R31 patch.

So yeah, i hope that it is usefull, english isnt my native language but i think you will understand everything (google translator FTW).

Update to R44: Hello again, its been a long time since i made this guide and some stuff has changed, so it's time to make an update. At the end of each section, i will put the updates to R44.

First i will cover the items, i think this will be the shortest part so i will start with it:

  • 3 Boxes: You get 3 blocking boxes that you can deploy anytime. The question here is, when and where to deploy them? They can be efective anywhere, but there are some special places where they can hurt the most:

    -Slopes UPDATE R44: Now boxes will slide down the slope when deployed, still useful.

    -Wall jumps: If you are ahead, while wall jumping you can drop the boxes, so the runner following you gets stuck trying to go up.

    -Swinging: You can drop them on the swing , the mechanic is kinda the same that the one on the wall jumps, but you make the other runner to loose the swing and the speed, so he have to react fast.

    -On narrow passages: No need to explain, you can make the other runner to hit aditional blocks.

    -On the edge of wall jumps: Some wall jumps force you to exit while sliding on the wall. If you drop a box on the edge, the other runner wont be able to get out and will fall (like this one, some people swing until the end, so this should be effective).

    -On downhills and boost exits UPDATE R44: In R44 the blocks of downhills are harder to do since the boxes dont stay still. You can still block boost exits like allways (unless there is a slope...)

    -To avoid missiles and golden hooks: If you time it right, you can use a box to make a missile explode or to avoid the golden hook to get you. Sometimes the radius of the explosion can still hit you, you will need some time to learn to use this mechanic.

    -Boxes on spikes: Tricky one, the boxes has a ''hitbox'' (dont know how to call it) bigger the spikes, so the idea is to drop boxes where the spikes are.If the other runner hits the box, he/she will loose the speed and fall on the spikes (dirty stuff).

    -Cleaning boxes: Easy, lot of posibilites. You can body slam the **** out of them, or you can use shockwaves, missiles (kinda hard), fireballs, the invicidrill (the most effective one).

  • Missile UPDATE R44: This item is pretty much , you use it, and the missile follow the runner until it hits or crash on something. If you are ahead, the missile will usually target the last available runner (on sight). If someone is ahead of you, he will be the target. If there are more than 1 runner ahead of you, the first one will usually be the target.
    UPDATE R44: Lower hitstun, the item is more balanced now. Same mechanics. Now lets see:

    - Try to use it in open spaces: No need to explain, better aiming.

    -Avoid it as soon as possible: The missile will gain speed over time and when it gets closer and closer, it will gain maneuverability because it will mimic your movements better (you will get surprised).

    -Make other runners to hit the missile: You can try to make the missile following you to hit other runners, but you need to watch the movements of the runners and also the missile. An easy way is to boost on the last second before the missile hits you while overtaking a runner.

    -Upper missile: Really fast missile, really punishing if actually hits. You can do it while falling after a narrow passage if you are ahead and the other runner is kinda close. The trayectory of the missile when launched will usually be up and forward or back depending where is the other runner. the idea is while falling off the cliff, launch the missile so it hits the wall above you or the runner if possible.

  • Golden hooks UPDATE R44: Game changing item, also my favorite. when you use it you lauch a ''golden hook'' that actually targets runners, ''stunning'' them, launching you forward and launching the other runner a bit backwards . There are some factors that makes the hook go slower or faster, usually some of them are your speed, the speed of the other runner, the distance between and the ping (not sure).UPDATE R44: The hook now feels even more responsive. Still, it gets bugged sometimes. Lets see some mechanics:

    - Avoiding it: Sliding under it his the basic maneuver, but you can also use the boxes, the bomb, fireballs, shockwaves, invicidrill or the enviroment to avoid it.

    - Close is better: Harder to avoid and can help you to do A LOT of tricks. Be carefull not to be really really close (like in the same spot), because then the golden hook wont work or it will even slow you down.

    -You cant use normal hook if you are using the golden one: CAREFULL, i know its tempting to use it sometimes, but if you need to use the normal hook, dont use the golden one hoping it will connect, because if it dont, you will fall and loose on many many swing parts.

    -Golden after wall jumps: Usually they work really well. A runner is ahead of you, he starts the wall jumps and exit, same as you. But right after doing the last jump you need/the last slide, you use golden hook. If it doesnt connect, nothing bad happens, you keep running, if it connect, you pull yourself out of the cliff, BUT YOU PULL THE OTHER RUNNER INTO THE CLIFF, inst that awesome?

    -Golden before wall jump: There are points in the map where the runner cant avoid the hook because of the mechanic of the wall jumps, you cant slide under the golden hook right when you are going to touch the wall, because it will make you fall. So the runner is ahead, he is going to start the wall jumps, you golden hook, pulling yourself into the wall, starting the wall jumps and you pull the other one out, slowing him.

    -Golden before swings: Kinda the same, the other runner is ahead, he starts the swing (you didnt start yet) so he is vulnerable. You put yourself into the swing and you pull him out, slowing him.

    -Golden into spikes/laser: Same dynamic, while he is jumping the spikes or running,etc.

    -Scumbag golden hook: I call it like that because its really annoying, you cant predict fast enough when someone is going to do it (unless he is being playing like that all the time). You need a swing wall for this, the larger the better. You are ahead, and starts a swing, but instead of getting out of it, you are going to turn around, swing on the opposite direction (going wrong way) and when you pass the other runner (which is like: da ♥♥♥?) you golden hook. Now you still ahead, but he lost his ''momentum'' and his mind for sure (u mad bro?). Really hard to do anyways.

    -Hook afer Hook: Both runners have golden hooks,you get him and sure he will golden hook you back, so make sure you slide or drop a box or something.

    -Golden hook pressure: This is why i like this item so much. When people see that you have a golden hook, they start a ''carefull mode'', where they try to predict when you are going to use the item, so they can avoid it on time. And thats exactly what you want them to do, because they will start sliding a loosing speed because of it, because of the fear of you using the golden hook on them. You can force them to make mistakes without even using the item.
Lets keep going:
  • Time Bomb UPDATE R44: The most OP item in the game. Not anymore, actually it is pretty balanced now. You set a bomb on the ground that can be exploded whenever you wish. There is no limit range for the activation or time for the detonation. The way to use it is the same as the boxes, but it is more powerfull and stun the runner for a bit it doesnt stun now, but you can use as a boost source now. So you can use the tips i gived with the boxes to use the time bomb as well:

    - It can block the golden hook: When you set the bomb, it acts like a box that actually dont block runners, but it can block the golden hook (dont know why), use wisely.

    - Can be destroyed with : Shockwaves, missiles, fireballs (dunno if invicidrill also).

    - OP when used in wall jumps UPDATE R44: If you are ahead, you can drop it while wall jumping and explode it. UPDATE R44: Its still good, but not OP. Since there is no stun, you can recover easily from it.

    - UPDATE R44 Boost source: Now you can use the bomb as extra source of boost. Drop it and activate immediatly to boost your speed a little.

    - Activating levers: Deploy the bomb near and explode it to activate the lever

  • Fireball UPDATE R44: Nice item. Launches a ball that roll a long way, cleaning everything it touches and stunning runners too. It will only roll if it touches a flat field, so wont roll on slopes or downhills.NOW IT DOES, f*** you R31 Senglior, you know nothing (also the distance the fireball travels has improved).

    -Cleaning your path: Easy, just use it to clean your way of blocks or time bombs and help you catch other runners.

    -Defensive fireball: When you are ahead, you can make a quick turn and launch the ball to stun the runners behind you, better turn while jumping on the air, so you dont loose to much speed.

    -Counter a fireball UPDATE R44: Did you know that shockwaves makes the fireball go the other way? So yeah, if someone throw you a fireball, use your shockwave to surprise him. UPDATE R44: I forgot to but the others counters: Invincidrill and another fireball (time bomb too?).

    -Levers: Also did you know that fireballs actually ativates levers? In maps like factory they can be really usefull if you are behind, because you can close the path to the runner ahead.

  • Shockwave UPDATE R44: Awesome item, really usefull. The way to counter it is to boost when done. If you are not carefull you can actually help the other runners, very situational and tactical item. UPDATE R44: Animation improved, now it is more clear the area and when the shockwave will affect the runners. Now there is a little delay since you use the item, and the shockwave apears.

    - On wall jumps and swinging: Like the golden hook, not everybody is ready to counter this item in this places, so when the runners are going for a wall jump, for example, you can use it to interrupt their momentum and force them to make mistakes or go slower. Sometimes you can even push them into spikes or laser.

    -To counter fireballs, time bombs, golden hooks, missiles: No need to explain.

    -To clean blocks: sometimes you can use it to clear a patch and be able to get closer, not the best use but its ok.

  • Invincidrill: Another game changing item, but the drop % is lower ( i think). Transforms you into a ball of meat, sweat and anger that destroys everything and knocks everyone at maximum speed. No counters, just speed.

    -Makes you invulnerable: Nothing can hit you, not even spikes or laser. Use this to run even more distance.

    -Permanent boost: Be carefull, not everything is good on this item. Because of the permanent bost of speed that it gives, if you are falling or speed swinging, you will loose your momentum and gain the invicidrill speed momentum, so it can make you go slower than before (at the start) because the gravity affects you i a different way on this mode.

    UPDATE R44 Freezing laser: New item, when used you shoot at the direction you are looking a laser that can freeze runners. Freezed runners are stunned, but since they are in an ice block, they tend to slide really fast on downhills and they loose speed at a lower rate. Things to consider:

    - It pass trought the walls: Map is not a problem using this map, the range is almost full screen.

    - Troublesome weapon: You must choose wisely when to use it, if the other runners is going to use a downhill to boost his speed, freezing him will only help him in the stunt.

    - Defensive tool : Same as the fireball, quickturn, fire and keep running.
Ok (jeez long guide...), now we are gonna see the mechanics of the fast grapples, the different types and why you should use it over a normal swing :)

UPDATE R44: The mechanics are still the same, i wont touch this part.

Lets take a look to what i mean in the park map

There, you see a grappling ceiling, right? Usually runners should go and grapple or jump and grapple, always ending the swing as usual. The speed of the exit after the swing, depends on several thing like the speed you had before swing, the radius (larger or shorter) that your rope form and the falling speed that you had when you did the grapple (gravity is important in this game). Those are the variables that i can identify, maybe there are way more things, but im just a player and im talking from my experience.

So, how we make our swing faster? Working on those 3 components:

  • Running Speed: If we go faster, the swing will also be better, thats easy, now, this is a limited variable to work with, because there is a restriction on how fast you can run. Sure you can boost, but when you end boosting, the runner will go back to the limit speed because of the restriction. However, you must know you if you get a lot of speed from any source (boost zones, swings,etc) you can slow this process by JUMPING. Thats it? just jumping? yep, jumping, or what is the same, being the shortest time possible touching the ground. While you are in the air, the speed wich you return to the max speed slows in the air, the difference can be big.

  • Rope Radius: When you are running, you have a lineal momentum or speed, but you grapple and swing, your lineal speed will transform into a turning speed, where the radius of the rope you are using count a lot. A shorter rope will make you do the swing faster, you will need less time swinging to complete it and exit.

    Now, when you finish the swing, the turning speed that you had on the swing, will again return to a lineal speed, what happens is, that the turning speed that you had, usually is higher than the lineal speed that you had at the start, being the result, a higher lineal speed at the end of the swing. Cool right? Thats why is faster is faster to swing than run (Remember the tips from the loading screens?

    But we will use this trick to be able to swing even faster!!1!1 Go to the grappling ceiling, jump and start the swing with a beatifull short radius rope. Now, dont do the swing until the end, DONT DO IT, instead, right after you grapple the ceiling, jump in the air. Now you transfered some aditional speed from the swing, but you will grapple again the ceiling. The result will either be the same swing, or a shorter one with higher speed (in both cases). Usually this trick is used when in narrow ceiling spots where you cant use the next trick i will explain.

    The white arrows shows when you should air jump more or less.

    - Falling Speed: Again, lineal speed (falling) transforming into turning speed. Higher falling speed--> Fastest swing. This is no secret, some maps use this mechanic quite a lot, like the club, all the swing long part can be made because the initial falling speed that you had. However,again we will take it to another level. This is a cool spot to do this trick.

    Now what we are going to do, is double jump to try to get closer to the ceiling and do a reeally fast grapple. This grapple, only have to touch the ceiling, you wont swing on it. The reason is because when it touches the ceiling and you cancel it, you will almost free fall from it. Remember the lineal speed and the turning speed? Ouh yeah baby, thats right, you grapple back when you are close to the groung and BOOM, super fast swing because gravity is awesome. Note that this will generate better speed swing than the other method, so use this whenever you can, the longer you fall, the better.

    Sorry if i forget something, i may update all this.
Now this R31 patch style. On this patch, the downhills are really important in some maps (in zoo is actually the most important one). when you pass running from a downhill, to flat groud, you get a little boost of speed, i guess because the transformation of falling speed (running down) and horizontal speed into pure horizontal speed. So now we will take what we have seen on this guide and apply it!!

UPDATE R44: The mechanics are pretty much the same, but i want to explain the new stuff at the end.

MECHANICSHere we have a downhill, we should be able to use this trick here right? Of course!

If we go running, at the end of the downhill we will get a speed boost. Cool! Now lets see, how can we improve even more?... Maybe if we run faster we will also gain more speed, thats a good start. Remember that running was really ineffective? what about jumping before the downhill and so we can transform even more falling speed into horizontal speed? Nice!!!. And if we could use the swinging tricks and connect it with the downhill it would be awesome.

On this map, theme park, the ramp that you saw is used to do this trick from the place of the picture above. If you run straight forward and let the runner fall forward, you will end right on this downhill allowing you get insane speed bonus and make this part really fast. If you manage to jump right before falling, you will get EVEN more speed. AND if you crounch while in the air you will fall faster.

UPDATE R44 ROUNDED GROUND: I dont know if this is the correct name for this parts:

I want to explain a little what is going on with this rounded ground.

In reality, it his just a tiny downhill. The way it works is the same as the normal downhill. it allows to transform the falling speed into horizontal speed, opening new ways to create maps allowing the runner to maintain his speed. Learning when to take them instead of doing a swing requires lot of practise and muscle memory, for example:
In this part of one of the workshop maps, you can do two things:
1. Let yourself fall to the grounded area to gain speed.
2. Try to make the swing while falling.

The choice is up to you, whatever you choose, you can still do the stunt (lets move on to the next part).

UPDATE R44 WALLTRICKS: In this patch and in R43, walltricks are really important, as a source to gain and maintain your speed trought the map, making this patch the one with the fastest maps at the moment. Lets take the example of the last screenshot. To do a walltrick you need two things:
1. An oblique wall.
2. Another speed conservation element: A rounded ground, a grappling ceiling or a boost zone.

The order of the elements doesnt matters. It will only make different walltricks. Lets focus now, when you hit the oblique wall, your horizontal speed will transform into vertical speed, making you almost free fall. If hit the wall faster, you will gain more vertical speed, making the stunt more effective. In this example, we will fall or grapple the ceiling, then hit the oblique wall, and use the grappling ceiling below us.

The result will be a really fast stunt that allow us to make that part of the map really fast. Anoher example.

Here we have a grappling ceiling with and oblique wall at the end, below us, there is a rounded ground to transform the falling speed into horizontal speed.

We can:
1. Just jump and fall to rounded ground: Not the best choice, but you can still do it.
2. Grapple the ceiling and degrapple afterwards to fall faster: Thats better.
3. Grapple the ceiling and hit the oblique wall to free fall: Best choice in my opinion.

The posibilites are almost limitless. Keep practising and you will improve.

It's been long since R31, so i hope i covered everything important in R44. Anything you wanna talk about, just write it on the comments, the same goes for mistakes in the guide or things i dont explain.

If you wanna understand better the mechanics of this patch, make sure you see the Youtube video of Metanet01 he explains everything pretty well. Thats all.

Also guys, if you found it usefull, can you please rate this guide? So people looking for tips can see it easier. Thanks and see you in the game <3
27 件のコメント
Nov 2017年7月22日 1時00分 
The Invincidrill, or simply; "The Drill" Cannot destroy the time bomb
gods drunkest tranny 2016年10月10日 12時10分 
I've since improved and understand how to git gud at this game, however thanks for offering :D
Riah!! 2016年10月10日 11時00分 
Riah!! 2016年10月10日 11時00分 
sorry that was confusing, frind me and ill explain
Riah!! 2016年10月10日 11時00分 
tryhard also you can do like and 80th of a swing to get fast fall time on a fallpart, like on genetics or if the festival had a grapple a the end
atleast im still alive 2015年11月27日 3時22分 
thx for the help.
senglior  [作成者] 2015年10月28日 15時05分 
It can be a little hard to understand with words and simple images. I should try to make Youtube videos, but i dont know how to do it right now and i need time to learn too. The basic idea is this: 1. Doing a half of a swing + a jump is always faster than doing the whole swing 2. If you grapple the ceiling and release it fast, you will fall. If you grapple again, the result will be a faster swing.
gods drunkest tranny 2015年10月28日 6時19分 
Oh my god, someone actually took my opinion into consideration xD
Also I'm having a hard time understanding fast grapple, little help?
senglior  [作成者] 2015年10月25日 7時06分 
Thank you Tryhard Goat, done. Also i updated the whole guide, took me a while, hope you guys like it, bb.
gods drunkest tranny 2015年10月22日 9時53分 
Metanet01 made a speed tutorial, maybe link that. It explains things like the downill speed boost and speed mechanics in general. Otherwise great job!