Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Tsubame ⭐  [author] 1 Apr @ 7:27pm 
So much for calling others names instead of providing a retort to the points below or constructive feedback. Sad.
Tsubame ⭐  [author] 1 Apr @ 7:25pm 
Tsubame ⭐  [author] 1 Apr @ 3:12am 
@VEeR: your "argument" has been deleted for not being really one, but a personal insult next time. Feel free to post as long as you are follow Steam's ToS, preferrably something constructive.
Tsubame ⭐  [author] 30 Mar @ 9:50am 
1 - might want to expand your answer - realistic relative to what?
2 - you missed my answer below; some places in the world have small and relatively developed neighborhoods around stations; i.e. very common in Japan.
3 - if I am playing with unlimited money is because I do not want to worry about profit, this one should make sense.
4 - again another missed point, but the map in question has hit many game limits already, so this neighborhood cannot be expanded further.
5 - this is a game, and different players have different playstyles.
Tsubame ⭐  [author] 28 Mar @ 5:16pm 
@VErR: relative to? A lot of things in the game are anyway.

If the small size of the neighborhoods around the stations is the issue, this is the case in quite a few developments around the world, plus, even if I wanted to do something about it, and I wish I could, is not that I could given the city in question has hit many of the hard capped limits and cannot be further expanded:
lechinelaurent 24 Mar @ 4:42am 
Comment tu fais avec le traffic ?
Motoki Masahiro(令和) 23 Mar @ 4:17pm 
MANJARO 22 Mar @ 9:59pm 
Ken Arya 22 Mar @ 6:29pm 