4D Golf

4D Golf

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Dunes Challenge Hole 9
By pǝlɯǝʞɔɐɾ
I found this hole pretty hard, so I figured out a setup to beat it.
The Layout
This hole consists of:
  • An uphill slope.
  • A sand pile at the bottom of the slope containing the tee.
  • A sand pile at the top of the slope containing the hole.
  • Three cube shaped boxes with open North faces along the slope.

The Slope
The slope is too tall to skip with a fully charged swing, even from exactly at the bottom South edge.

The Boxes
The three cube shaped boxes can be seen here in the same plane as the camera & as shadows. Only the first two are required to climb the slope, the third can be skipped.

The Sand Piles
Each sand pile is a tesseract with a larger base & smaller top. The bottom one can pretty much be ignored, the ball starts there. The top one can be an issue, the ball could potentially roll off of it & back down the slope if you're not careful. The bottom sand pile is seen here with its edges highlighted in red, the "center" cell is the top & the "outer" cell is the bottom, the top face of the "center" cell is the top face of the whole tesseract. The top sand pile is identical but has the hole in the center of the top face.
How can you even see where the boxes are? I keep missing them!
Using the default view allows you to see the slope shape of the level, but not exactly where the boxes are. Using the volume view will display the exact location of the boxes, but they're blocked by the slope. Press the 1 key to disable slice rendering so only shadows are rendered, that way the slope doesn't block your view in volume mode! Now you should be able to aim up the slope in its three dimensions without worrying about objects at different heights appearing & disappearing as you go up & down! You will always see their shadows no matter where you are.
The Strategy
At the start of the level, aim slightly to the right & use a slightly more than 4/5 charged stroke. The first box is perfectly centered from the angle you're looking at & the ball will land either on the Northwest edge or near the North face. I landed on the edge with this putt while making this guide, I have tried skipping the second & third boxes from this edge but a fully charged putt just barely misses the top of the slope. You'll land too close to West face of the box if you're unlucky & you'll have to make a small stroke towards the North face. If you get it just right you'll land near the middle of the box or the North face. You can get pretty close to the West face & not have an issue, it's only if you're right on it that you'll be unable to make it directly to the second box.

Next, enter volume mode & disable slice rendering so you can see past the slope. Your view should look like this while looking North, towards the slope.

Pretend that North & Up are the same direction & South & Down are the same direction for this stroke, they pretty much are since you're on a slope. You're looking Up & North towards the hole. When you putt the ball up the slope you can imagine it as throwing it straight up in real life, it's going to visibly follow the same curve. Aim Northwestana & use another 4/5 charged stroke to make it to the second box. If you're near the North face or on the Northwest edge you'll need to use less than a 4/5 charged stroke or you will overshoot. You should land in the middle near the South face of the second box.

Switch back to default view & turn slice rendering on again. Change your viewing angle so all of the shadows disappear, except for the third box in front of you. Aim straight North & use a full power stroke. You should land at the top of the slope next to the tesseract with the hole on top unless the ball was too far South in the box. It may be possible to hit the ball directly into the hole from this stroke. If you think you're too far South in the box, return to volume mode with slice rendering off & repeat the last step to get to the third box, but aim Northeastana.

From here, press H to aim directly at the hole & hit the ball with a little bit less than a 2/5 charged stroke. The ball should land in the hole!
pǝlɯǝʞɔɐɾ  [author] 25 Mar @ 9:14am 
You can do any hole you want, even if you haven't finished previous holes, from the "single hole practice" mode when you start the game. The get counted as completed from there & everything. You just can't unlock the next course unless you complete the hole you skipped.
Hox 24 Mar @ 11:54am 
hard stages need to stay because one day you or other will figer out how to play it good, but there dose need to be an option were if you go over your par eg: over 18 par, need a skip and go to the next cores because it made me mad at this stage to almost rag quitting
marcelG4Skins 24 Mar @ 5:27am 
RainbwRobyn 22 Mar @ 10:52pm 
Glad I wasn't the only one who found this hold hard. The first time I completed it I got a 71 above par