Interstellar Marines

Interstellar Marines

27 평점
The NeuroGen Incident: Co-op guide
Idanwin [SLUG] 님이 작성
This guide explains what you have to do in the co-op scenario "The NeuroGen Incident"
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A few tips
  • Play this co-op with three people. Four makes the ending much harder (because of bugs) (has improved with latest update)
  • Keycards are spawned at random in areas.
  • Follow the markers carefully. If you e.g. head to a keycard, but don't pick it up, the marker will disappear and it will be very hard to find the keycard again.
  • Never travel alone. You bleed to death after 15 seconds of downtime and there is no way to respawn other than disconnecting and reconnecting.
  • Help your friends up when they are down by going towards them and pressing (e)
  • Shoot with bursts for optimal accuracy
  • Use (v) for voice chat. Communicating with your team is always important!
  • Press (k) to commit suicide if you get stuck. If the whole team commits suicide the game will restart with everyone alive.
  • Don't move while in an elevator, that increases the probability of falling through the floor.
  • Robots can see your flashlight and will react to it, this is not necessarily a bad thing!
  • CTR = Combat Training Robot
  • Keycard = looks like a phone with a yellow screen
  • Marker = square tilted by 45°, sometimes contains a letter
  • Alpha (marker with A) = Primary objective
  • Bravo (marker with B) = intermediate step to get to A
The Storage Area
The first thing to do is to exit the transport.You might notice that most doors are locked right now, we need to get the power on. There are two staircases that lead down in the landing bay. Both have access to the ventilation system.
From the ventilation system you can get into the central storage area. This area has quite a few CTRs. At the center are two staircases that lead down to two computers with a button. You have to activate both (the lights have to be green, if you press twice you'll deactivate it again).
Now that the power is on again you can exit the central storage area through the doors, then go up the stairs or the elevator. Now you need to reboot the computer systems to get access to the top floor (crew quarters).
The Crew Quarters
Take the elevator (all non-dead players have to be present) or go up the stairs (past the locked floor, all the way to the top). These are the crew quarters, you have to find a keycard in one of the rooms. Unfortunately shortly after you arrive the power fails. You have to go down in the corridors within the crew quarters. In one of the four furthest rooms here is a power thingy that you have to activate. Be careful, while you do this lots of CTRs will spawn nearby.
Go back up and search the living quarters for that keycard. Remember that locked floor you crossed while going up? Well, it should be unlocked now.
The Lab Area
This floor is very confusing, but it can easily be divided in three parts:
The top (labs), middle (more labs, with the botanical gardens in the center), bottom (server hall).
You arrive in the top part. There will be a keycard somewhere here, or below. Follow the indicators to find it. Once you have this keycard, head for the botanical gardens, they are on the middle level of the lab floor (look for a corridor with black windows). In the botanical gardens is a staircase that leads down to the server hall.
Shoot all CTRs here, it'll make it easier.
Now mess with the servers (press the button) to finish you primary objective. An alarm will go off. This is good. Leave it on! Lots of robots will now spawn. Shoot your way back up to the Crew Quarters.
The Ending
When you arrive on the top floor again head to the central hall. The elevator (grey square) that was previously blocked by tables and chairs is now clear.
If you are one, two or three players this shoot be quite easy. Just make sure everyone is standing on the square, as close together as possible (hugfest!)
If you are four ... this can be quite hard. Keep jumping, crouching and running into each other to get as close as possible to the center of the elevator.
You may want to all leave the square and try again a few times.
(this has improved with the latest update)

IF you succeed in getting the elevator to bring you up, AND not one person falls through the elevator floor: you won the game!
ELSE: bad luck, the bugs won.
댓글 20
Zombie-Splicer 2015년 3월 25일 오후 3시 38분 
Do all players have to be in one elevator?
Zed ℉ 2015년 2월 14일 오후 6시 53분 
So with "The Ending" 3/4 made it out of the elevator he fell through it as it whent up and we had to wait a few mins for it to register that he made it up too.

DasCapschen 2015년 2월 13일 오전 5시 47분 
This is really strange... It shows markers for the keycard in crew area. I go there, see the keycard, power fails, keycard disappears, I enable power, search EVERY room, no keycard -.-
Yup 2015년 2월 10일 오전 3시 18분 
We couldn't find the keycard in the 'Lab area'. =(
BFN | Voltlight-A-Salomon 2015년 2월 9일 오후 12시 59분 
The last bit seems bugged with 4 players, still, couldn't do it with my friends, was very confusing.
Idanwin [SLUG]  [작성자] 2015년 2월 7일 오후 7시 44분 
@Jamirai: According to the release notes that bug should be fixed with release A17, but I've had some trouble with it as well. However we did find it in the end, it was just that the markers didn't point to the correct rooms ...
I've heard that someone joining the game can fix this problem (they have the correct markers), but I don't know whether that is true.
Jamirai 2015년 2월 7일 오후 5시 45분 
"Go back up and search the living quarters for that keycard." never found it...
Odderek 2014년 12월 23일 오후 5시 25분 
Thanks I will. Also it was during a glitch where there were no CTRs for some reason, do you know if it's because of that?
Idanwin [SLUG]  [작성자] 2014년 12월 23일 오후 5시 18분 
@OddVykker: I've never had that problem, I'm sorry I won't be able to help you. Try posting in the forum and/or contacting the devs (the devs are quite active in the forum).
Odderek 2014년 12월 23일 오후 5시 10분 
I get to the end but it says something like secondary objective failed and the grey square doesn't activate. Do I have to pick up all the logs or something? Because I get all the keycards needed for the primary objective, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get to the end.