World War Armies

World War Armies

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【80win】【English & Japanese-英語&日本語】How to play WWA / For Beginners Tips -WWA脱初心者 攻略情報-
By shu
Hi Commanders! Do you wanna win? OK. Knowledge is the greatest weapon!  
諸君! 勝利の栄光を掴みたいか! ならば知識こそ最大の武器だ!

This guide is for beginners.
You could get a hyper strong start.
By reading this guide, you will be able to outsmart the people you know nothing about.

This game is very interesting, but there are multiple pieces of knowledge that are not explained in the game but are essential to winning, and if you can't master these points, it will be difficult to advance.
For example, did you know that bullets can be blocked by buildings, vehicles, etc.?

This guide is written in both English and Japanese.
However, I'm not familiar with English, so I apologize if the text is difficult to read.
If you found it helpful, please give it a high rating.
Thank you.

これからWWA RTSを始める方、少し触ってみたけどうまく勝てない方は、このガイドを読むと楽しみ方が広がるかもしれません。

The first thing I'll talk about ... -始めに-
If you use the knowledge explained in this guide,
you may be able to win 80 in a row without paying anything.
(I like this game, so I have paid a little on my main account.)


My deck only had weak tanks, so I had a pretty tough fight.
However, I was able to win because I was qualified to use infantry.
The first thing I'll talk about is how to dominate the battlefield early on.

This deck is the 52nd win in a row. After this, I draw STURM, and PWAG for the 60th win in a row. Some of the details will be described later. There is also a video of the 80th win in a row. (Listed at the bottom of the guide)

Soldiers value divine speed -兵は神速を貴ぶ-
This word is used in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Biography of Wei and Guo Jia.
Gain an advantage in the game by getting ahead of your enemies and dominating the battlefield.

First of all, I have recorded a video about the importance of infantry operations, so please take a look.
The video is about 4 minutes and 30 seconds long, and has been sped up at 1.5x speed to shorten the video time.
*The reason I used skills repeatedly at the end of the match was because there was an event being held at that time, and when I used skills, I received points for the event.



My opponent had multiple very powerful units with mastery, but I think you understood that it was important to attack at divine speed and not give them any leeway to use them.

At the beginning of the game, there are three things that can be "capture".
1.Resource crate
2.Strategic point
3.Resource point

It is probably common to capture resource points in sequence, starting with the one closest to your base.
However, if you fight slowly like that, your opponent will quickly take control of the battle.
Your top priority should be capturing resource crate.
This is because not only can you instantly acquire a lot of resources, but you can also block those resources from your opponent.

Since you will be competing for resource crate, it is important to send units with a lot of HP.
So I'm sending in my flamethrower.
This is because while a rifleman's HP is around 300, a flamethrower's HP is about 3 times as much, at around 900-1000.

Then, once you have the resources, built machine guns as a priority.
(*The machine guns here refers to a structure, not a unit.)
If possible, built it on the enemy's side instead of on your own.
The advantage of structures in the early time is overwhelming.

Furthermore, when setting up machine guns, you can set up not only at resource points, but up to two next to resource points, so be sure to set them up there as well.
When using America, a machine gun built at a resource point costs 200, and a machine gun built next to a resource point costs 300, so it seems that it is not cost effective to build next to a resource point, but actually as it is tall, the structures next to the resource point are highly armored.
It also has a metallic appearance, making it easier to imagine that it has higher armor.

In this game, if the value of armor minus penetration is 100 or more, no damage will be taken.
As a result, many grade 1 units have a penetration value of 10 or less, meaning they cannot penetrate the armor of structures built next to resource points (next to strategic points too).

This information is not explained in the game, so I think most beginners don't know it, but the structure next to the resource point can only be broken through by units with high penetration power such as Bazookas, Panzerschrecks, or Tanks or so.

If your opponent has a grade 1 high penetration unit, you don't need to force construction.
However, if your opponent doesn't have such units, structures can be very powerful, so being able to actively build them can extend your advantage.






High priority units “Toughness units” -重要なユニット「タフなユニット」-
I will show you my recommended way to proceed in the early stages.
Depending on whether you are reading this or not, your winning streak in the early stages will change dramatically.

I will explain here assuming that you are just starting out.
The only country you can initially select is America, but after playing a little bit you can also select Germany.
However, I don't recommend playing Germany right away just because you can choose it.
Because you don't have enough units yet.

First, make it your goal to get one of the following units.
1. American grade 1 armored vehicle "Halftrack"
2. German grade 1 infantry "Flamethrower"
3. German grade 1 armored vehicle "Hanomarg" (sorry if the spelling is wrong)
(*Until then, let's use the video above as a reference and focus on the American flamethrower.)

1 and 3 are armored vehicles, and although they are grade 1, they have 110 armor.
In other words, it can negate the attacks of most grade 1 units.
Additionally, it is equipped with a powerful gun that allows it to inflict heavy damage on infantry.

Units can be obtained through gacha or event distribution.
Only Half Track can be obtained by completing the quest on the 4th day of the ``Recruitment Marathon'' event for beginners.

However, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it until four days later; the unit you want most is "2. German Flamethrower."

This is because German units are generally slow but have high damage and HP, especially the German flamethrower, whose ability is commensurate with the high cost of 150 and HP is 977 at level 3, and if you get it in the gacha again (about 4 Since you can get cards), it is an amazing 1300 at level 5, which is almost achievable.


Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that it performs as well as a vehicle, and in fact, although I have not been able to obtain "3. Hanomarg" during my 55 consecutive wins (currently being updated), I have been winning without any problems.
So, I think it's best not to pull gachas using tokens at first, and when German infantry appears, pray for flamethrower and recruit them.
In addition, not only the flamethrower, but also the Jaeger and mortar are powerful, so the chance of losing is low.

If possible, it is desirable to have a flamethrower at level 5, a Jaeger at around level 4, and a mortar.
If you fight in this deck, the battle will look like this.
It's not a very good play , but you can see that you can win consistently.

There is footage of 3 games, and for the 3rd game,I've also included footage of me using the Halftrack on the American deck.
The opponent is a German deck using Hanomarg.

Germany has very powerful officer skills, with a cost of 10 increasing unit movement speed and damage, and a cost of 55 summons a machine gunners (cost 140) and glass cannon tanks named Panzer Jaegers (cost 600).

Use these two units to further boost the advantage you have gained with powerful infantry and advance the game to your advantage.

*Additional Information
German Engineers are stronger than regular infantry.
Even if you can't get the German flamethrower, don't worry, as long as the German engineer's level has increased, you'll be able to fight.

As an example, I'll post a video of my deck without a flamethrower beating a more powerful deck.










For Beginners 4Tips -脱初心者のための4つのコツ-
Thank you for reading this far even though it is a long post.
I hope that you have understood the basics of the concept.
Now, I would like to share with you some important tips for winning.

1.Body block bullets
2.Rotate around to prevent aiming
3.Make a difference in your starting position
4.Pull it and shoot it(burn it)

1.Body block bullets
Have you ever had an armored vehicle with plenty of HP and wish it could take care of the damage when there's a dying infantry nearby?
Surprisingly, this game allows you to body block bullets.
I have posted an explanation video, so please take a look.
The video shows blocks by soldiers and structures, but of course you can also block by armored vehicles and tanks.

2.Rotate around to prevent aiming
For vehicles whose turrets cannot rotate independently, or for units that take a long time to aim and fire, it is possible to circle around an enemy unit and prevent it from attacking at all.
The representative unit for this technique is Chaffee.
This is easy to achieve if you have a fast movement speed and a fast turret rotation speed.

This video explains it at 9:02 with the title "Cicle Strafing", so I recommend you to watch it.
Source: 13lade's video
"World War Armies: 11 Tips & Tricks For New & Veteran Players!"

3.Make a difference in your starting position
When capturing an area, don't you often stand near the center?
It's no different than wasting time between the time the capture is completed and the time you leave the area.
Therefore, I recommend waiting at the edge of the area.

By the way, as a knowledge that can be used in 2vs2 situations, the capture speed does not change whether one person captures or two people captures.
Even if two people capture it, it's still a waste, so be careful.

4.Pull it and shoot it(burn it)
When using a flamethrower, it is not uncommon to be attacked from outside the range.
There are many times when you can't move from your spot, such as when you're capturing an area, but in such cases, it might be a good idea to try moving away from the enemy.

When an enemy is locked on to you (when enemy give you the command to attack), they will chase you if you run out of range.
Once the enemy approaches you, you may be within range of the flamethrower, so you can avoid being attacked one-sidedly.

Furthermore, since the flamethrower's range is short, if there is an enemy nearby, it may unintentionally approach the enemy and leave the area you want to capture.
When using the flamethrower, make sure to use it carefully so he doesn't get lost.

Thank you for reading this far!
If you have any other good tips, please let us know in the comments.

By the way, this guide only describes recommended configurations for the early stages, so I'm not claiming that configurations that include engineer or so are weak.
Once you have a fleet of excellent tanks, it may be more stable to maintain the front by deploying a engineer.
Once you have a lot of units, try organizing your deck according to the situation.

Have a nice WWA life!
Good luck!

なお、上記の動画の9:02から「Cicle Strafing」というタイトルで説明してくださっていますので、ご覧いただくことをオススメします。







【Extra】 Fight against a strong opponent 【おまけ】-強者との戦闘録-
I recorded a battle against an opponent with a strong deck.
I think it would be interesting to imagine how you would fight against this opponent before watching.


Officer Level4
Featured unit level: RIFLE 8, MORTR 8, MGUN 7, WOLV 7, KONG 5
☆I thought it would be a tough battle if the opponent's mortar storm and machine gun barrage were perfectly configured.


Officer Level3
Featured unit level: PSHRK 7, FLMTH 7, HMAG 7, GOLTH 5, PWAG 6, FLAK 5
☆Hopeless difference in strength (I'm nervous and my operation is a little bad.)

要注目ユニットのレベル:パンツァーシュレック7、火炎放射7、ハノマーグ7、ゴリアテ5、パンツァースパワーゲン6、8.8cm FlaK 5(かの有名な、アハトアハト)

Check if this guide is reproducible. A match when I was trying with a different account

Officer Level1
Featured unit level: MORTR 7, PSHRK 5, HMAG 6, PUMA 5, STUG 8, PZⅢ 7,TIGER 7
☆Halftrack is sealed due to Panzerschreck.
In the early game, I sent in a lot of infantry and became overwhelmed.
However, from the middle game onwards, due to some operational errors (the escape behavior was unexpected) and the difference in the level of the units, they found themselves in an overwhelming predicament.
Please imagine how the game will unfold and see how you can win.



Officer Level1
Featured unit level: MAXIM 8, ARMRD 7, KATY 7, BETKA 8, T-34 8, MKILL 6, MAMNT 5
☆So strong tanks, & MAXIM 8 is so strong too.

要注目ユニットのレベル:マキシム8、重歩兵8、カチューシャ7、BT-7 8、T-34 5、ISU-152 6、T-35 5

shu  [author] 22 Mar @ 6:24am 
Hi diamonds.
Thank you for read this.
Please let me know which points you think were bad.

I'm not a veteran player, and this guide focuses on early game moves, so if you have any concerns or tips to add, please teach me :)
diamonds 22 Mar @ 5:47am 
bad guide
shu  [author] 19 Mar @ 2:51am 
Hi, thank you for find this.
And thank you for developing this interesting game.

Even in Japanese reviews, there were comments that there was no site like a game guide, so I thought I would be able to help in some small way through this event.

I'm glad if you felt encouraged.
Please continue to do your best to make the game even better and more enjoyable.
Kasunagi  [developer] 19 Mar @ 12:45am 
Damn! What a guide! Thank you so much!