(OLD) MARPAT Sleeves & Gloves For All SEC Classes
Modifications: Character Skins
4.826 MB
2014年9月26日 9時59分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

(OLD) MARPAT Sleeves & Gloves For All SEC Classes

7 件のコメント
Frank97_ITA 2015年12月26日 11時46分 
But opening the GCFScape, which file to change the sleeves?
Loun 2014年9月26日 16時27分 
Gage did do one of these. I'm not saying you were copying or anything. If you look at Woodman's marine skins then you'll know the difference between that digital desert and the default one. Maybe you could do one that looks like Woodman's more corrected version. Again I'm not saying anything about this I was just asking because I've been wanting one that matches Woodman's version.
Desiire  [作成者] 2014年9月26日 16時22分 
It's the default texture used by the heavy class.

Gage may have made something like this though; I'm not really sure. I've used some of his Mechanix gloves previously but as far as I can tell they're just glove texture replacements and do not add the sleeves to all of the classes.
Loun 2014年9月26日 16時19分 
This looks like Gage's version that I have been using. Is this the digital desert from the default skins or is this actual marine digital desert? For example like Woodman's marines.
random warzone tryhard 2014年9月26日 15時03分 
Awesome, thanks a lot man
Desiire  [作成者] 2014年9月26日 13時56分 
Yes. All classes will display these sleeves.
random warzone tryhard 2014年9月26日 13時52分 
So if we are playing COOP and we choose the sniper class (wich doesn't has F.P sleeves for some reason), with this mod sleeves will show up?