Rain World
The Teavonn arenas | Creatures update!
14.891 MB
3月15日 6時41分
8月25日 22時56分
10 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

The Teavonn arenas | Creatures update!

Arena pack by small group of friends that now have LevelEditor syndrome.
Now instead of brain there is allmaterials.png


Creatures update!

Almost all arenas got creatures spawns

- The OK vent system
- Three bridges
- Hideout
- Linear Farms
— source code for them is permanently lost :(
28 件のコメント
ITeaFox  [作成者] 7月17日 22時55分 
@OscarsDragon I sent you a friend request
Fafn1r 7月17日 19時04分 
@Iteafox Is there anyway we can communicate on steam
ITeaFox  [作成者] 6月29日 13時26分 
@OscarsDragon Hi! You can contact me on Discord (iteafox). I can try to help
Fafn1r 6月29日 10時25分 
I am making custom arenas but when I put them into the files they just give me a blank screen can you please tell me whats going on?
SevenRedSuns 6月28日 7時46分 
спасибо Чаю за такие прекрасные карты :>
(от SRS из дс)
ITeaFox  [作成者] 6月9日 10時50分 
@Arcologycrab One way pipes — RegionKit object. You can use it anywhere, even in regions
Arcologycrab 6月9日 8時08分 
The one-way pipes are really interesting! Can they be used for modded regions or are they just limited to the arena?
thayneironworks 6月3日 6時08分 
That’s awesome, thanks a million!
ITeaFox  [作成者] 6月2日 19時22分 
This is the Ultimate Modded Regions Starter Pack Complete with Level Editor Files from Various custom Regions that have been release over the years, Custom Tiles dating back from the start of Modding to today
thayneironworks 6月2日 10時43分 
damn, i hate to be asking so many questions, sorry.
where can I find the custom community tile set?