STAR WARS™: Battlefront Classic Collection

STAR WARS™: Battlefront Classic Collection

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Port Forwarding for Windows (Server)
By Maldö
Find here up2date informations about windows server portforwarding for SWBFClassic Collection
Port Forwarding used on Windows (Server)
Many hours of testing with procmon and wireshark let to the following configuration which works pefectly.

To prevent players getting timeout after connecting allow connectiong through the following ports (windows defender firewall AND IF PRESENT your external firewall, aswell if youre hosting from home your router):

  • TCP 80
  • TCP 443
  • UDP 5055
  • UDP 5056

Dynamic Portrange
However Aspyre´s implementation uses dynamic port ranges and they refused to answer me on my ticket yet which range exactly. However Windows Desktops (Normal Home PCs) working fine since the game can free the ports dynamic. Servers Hosted external on the other side often come along with a strict external firewall and no option to exclude an application from free ports.

Thats why the dynamic UDP Portrange needs to be free.
Double check that no other service uses this range you dont want to open to the WWW

  • UDP 49152-65535

This configuration was tested on Windows Server 2022 Standard .

No warranty for errors / mistakes etc...