Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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How to Build MEGA ships in space engineers!
By Gamedude102334
In this guide, I'll help you build your own mega ship by sharing some basic and advanced tips about what it takes physically and mentally to build ships this big
What's a mega ship?
Mega Ships can be anything from a really really powerful ship, to something ridiculous like a 1 to 1 scale UNSC infinity, either way though, mega ships tend to be pretty darn big, so lets dive right in to the process of mega ship building!
How to start your ship
Starting can be the hardest part of a mega ship, so heres some tips.

Different people have different ways of building, but mega ships are a bit different, you can frame a mega ship, or just place blocks and hope it looks good, theres no other way to really do it, BUT there is one thing you can do.

Search the internet for refrence images, the UNSC infinity for example, find a good ship on the internet, and use it to help start your Mega ship. I sure wish i had did that with the Genesis.

Last but possibly the most important part of starting, go big, if you start small then your mega ship may turn out more like a rather large cruiser instead of the ultimate dreadnaught
The un-comfortable zone
We all have a Comfort Zone, but with mega ships, those arent a thing.

If you wanna build a good mega ship, ya gotta push yourself outside your comfort zone, go overboard with detail, spend ridiculous amounts of time just staring at it and thinking "how can i make this better"

Just don't go overboard with it, you'll regret it if ya go overboard lol
The hard part
And now comes the part that you'd be crazy not to dread: the building.

Building is gonna be pure pain, so im gonna skip to the next section lol
Staying Sane and building
Building is tough, but mega ship building is very hard, so im just gonna give you some tips on how to not go insane but still build!

1: get yourself some music going, a single song or a whole darn 10 hour playlist

2: use the picture in picture mode on youtube, so ya can watch your favorite youtubers goof off while ya build

3: pray to the space engineer gods that you dont go insane
Basic tips
these may not seem like much in the moment, but they help a metric ton in the end

1: the mod "build info" is your best friend, it will help with all the technical yada yada, like airtight rooms.

2: Paint as ya go, painting a mega ship once its finished is harder than fist-fighting Godzilla.

3: Find a good looking pattern you can rely on and copy throughout the ship, makes building 10x easier, still gonna be hard tho lol

4: Test your ship as you go, if ya wanna make a mega ship that can fight, you need to put it through fights before it even has a bridge or CIC, helps find mistakes and correct them
Advanced tips
Well, not very advanced but definantly more advanced than the last section's tips lol

1: Make a small version if you have an idea of what you want it to look like, this gives you a blueprint of sorts to work from and makes the building part much easier

2: Hallways, if your like me, you love a good hallway, but replicating a hallway across a mega ship can be torture, instead, build a hallway you like, save it, and just paste it where ya need it, make sure its a modular hallway to, so you can stack it without it looking funky

3: As much as you may want to, fast mega ships arent gonna happen without mods, so if its gonna be slow, go all in on armor, seeing as your gonna need armor to soak up the kinda weapons these ships tend to get hit with, i reccomend 2-3 layers of heavy armor, or even blast door armor

4: For those who want an un-beatable ship, custom turrets are highly effective on mega ships, the biggest issue with them is that its pure pain to set em up, but having a whole bunch of custom turrets will shread enemy ships, so its worth it
I hope this was helpful!
Yes, this is the end of the guide, it may seem short but there's not much more i can say about mega ships apart from: "good luck!!"

I hope this helps you build your very own mega ship in some way, even though these may seem like obvious, simple tips

But yea, thats all, so I'll see ya in the next guide! or maybe even in game, who knows lol
