Big Ambitions

Big Ambitions

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$ t e a l t h ≡ Sport$ Store [C2] MAXXXED!
Building Size: C2
Building Type: Retail
Business Type: ClothingStore
File Size
775.591 KB
10 Mar @ 3:43am
1 Change Note ( view )

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$ t e a l t h ≡ Sport$ Store [C2] MAXXXED!

DEMAND IS HIGH for my Branded Clothing lines in BIG AMBITIONS! I have opened up another
franchise in Hells-Kitchen this one being particular unique because it is a Medium Store (C2) to be exact.

As Mentioned in my previous builds which you seem to 'LIKE' & 'SUBSCRIBE' too. My Medium and smaller stores are getting the Love and attention detail the need also!

So Watch this Space...


$ t e a l t h ≡ Sport$ Store - $269,030 Valuation


So Surprised at the money this place earns daily! in-game and you should earn it easily to.

Products/ Items

4 x Clothing Racks - Modern Cheap Female Clothing
4 x Clothing Racks - Classic Cheap Female Clothing
5 x Clothing Racks - Modern Expensive Female Clothing
5 x Clothing Racks - Classic Expensive Female Clothing

4 x Clothing Racks - Modern Cheap Male Clothing
4 x Clothing Racks - Classic Cheap Male Clothing
8 x Clothing Racks - Modern Expensive Male Clothing
6 x Clothing Racks - Classic Expensive Male Clothing

Extra Goods/ Impulse Items

2 x Rounded Shelf's - Expensive Flowers
2 x Rounded Shelf's - Expensive Gifts

7 x Product Panel - Cheap Gifts

2 x Jewellery Floor Showcase - Cheap Jewellery


8 x Slim Drink Fridge - Soda Cans

30 x Storage Shelf's


I have Absolutely MAXXXED space usage to lessen any (or) all dead space whilst always maintaining realistic pathing, as if these sims do actually need to go for lunch, and of course walk around there own building.

This Store has been Maxxxed! (((C2)))

100% Security
100% Interior
100% Cleanliness
100% Customer Service
100% Pricing -
100% Satisfaction


HonestChanges  [author] 19 May @ 1:44am 
I will be back playing/ posting this game in 3 weeks. I have been busy in real life (Mainly engineering for some Musicians - Work related) Separately I am finalising the videos of my entire Series of my own play-through for a step/by/step guide to go from Debt riddled & homeless to a Billionaire combined with time-lapses on all my builds. I am sure you all will like this GIGANTIC Series. See you all soon enough! Love:steamthumbsup: