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How to beat the Jokerless challenge and earn the rule breaker achievement
By RajunCajun
This guide gives you a reliable strategy of how to beat Balatro's hardest challenge: beating the game without any Jokers. The Jokerless challenge is a necessary hurdle in order to get the "Rule Breaker" achievement in Balatro.
Economy is king
Having a strong economy gives you more opportunities to develop a strong consistent deck. You gain $1 of interest for every $5 on hand before beating the blind. If you were to maintain at least >$25 after beating Ante 1, you would receive at least $100 dollars in interest alone before beating the game. This is roughly 12-20 packs over your run which can be the key to beating this challenge.

Here are some tips to help scale your economy:

  • In the early game try to refrain from buying in the shop. You can consistently score 600 points to beat the ante 1 boss blind without buying anything at all. The earned interest will help you buy more from the shop as the game progresses.

  • Aim to keep >$20 dollars on you after beating Ante 2. Having less than $20 hurts you on interest but also reduces the max payout of hermit (doubles your money up to $20)

  • Do not sit on money if you are well over the max interest payout. If your consumable slots are full, you can keep rerolling to find better consumables/planet cards.

  • Do not buy the boss blind voucher right away. Unless you are way above the interest cap its cheaper to wait until the second blind to buy the voucher.

  • Do not automatically buy and use hermit if you are under $20. Try and beat the next blind or sell useless consumable items first.

  • Cheese skip tags. I would often retry the challenge until I got a skip tag which made everything in the first or second shop free or I get the voucher, clearance sale, that discounts the shop 25%.
Reset the challenge until you get a strong ante 1 voucher
As mentioned above you can keep spamming retry for this challenge to either find a good skip tag or to find an excellent voucher. Here is the list of vouchers or tags I would look for in Ante 1.

  • Vouchers: Clearance sale (25% discount) > telescope (planet cards) > hieroglyph (-1 ante) > Paintbrush (hand size) > Tarot merchant (more tarot in shop) > Grabber (+1 hand)
  • Tags: Coupon (free shop) > Charm (mega arcana pack) > Orbital (if it’s the hand type you’re using)

Here are the first 3 voucher I got in my winning game: clearance sale -> hieroglyph -> Petroglyph. This gave me extra time and money to build up my deck’s strategy.
Flushes are the most reliable hand type.
Flushes are very easy to draw and earn a decent number of points. Here is a reddit post that goes into more detail. It will take you many attempts to beat this challenge, so it makes the most sense to use a consistent hand type
Planet cards will not take you to the end game.
The problem with planet cards is that they only scale linearly while the antes scale exponentially. Strategies that rely solely on planet cards can consistently take you to the mid game but, I find they struggle after Ante 4.

I recommend to never take the planet merchant voucher (we want more tarot in shops not planets).
Glass + red seals will carry you to the end game.
There are other winning strategies but, this worked for me. Using a strong economy will have a snowball effect allowing you to build more glass and red seals. By the end game I was reliably 1-2 shotting blinds.

Here are the ways to get or copy glass cards:

  • Tarot cards: Justice, death, and fool
  • Booster packs: Standard or mega standard packs
  • Spectral packs: Cryptid, Familiar, Grim, Incantation
  • Illusion voucher (I don’t recommend this as this requires you buy the magic trick Voucher. This adds non enhanced cards and less tarot cards in the shop). For red seals, Use the same list above except Justice is for glass only and you can get red seals from spectral packs.
Skip rarely
This strategy relies on stacking glass + red seals. The most reliable way to get these cards are through shops. Skipping also deprives you of interest payments which help pay for packs. In my runs I would usually skip during Ante 1 or for extra vouchers.
Know when to quit
If you are struggling in the early-mid game, you will be relying on more and more luck to get you through blinds instead of a strong deck. It’s better to quit and get a luckier start than to frustrate yourself relying on lucky draws.

Here are two signs you can use to help you decide whether it’s worth quitting:

  • If you are struggling maintaining >$20 dollars after Ante 2. There are exceptions to this. i.e. you know you have a strong deck but are facing a particularly strong boss blind.
  • If you are beating blinds only on your last hand past Ante 3. A strong deck will be able to consistently score points. If you find yourself having to use your hands to dig for the right cards all the time, it may be time to start over.
Know when to pivot
As stated earlier, planet cards can carry you to the mid game but, not the end game. Knowing when to pivot can be tricky but here are some things that may help:

  • You can increase the number of a particular card value in your deck using tarot and spectral cards (death, fool, grim, Ouija, cryptid, etc). If you find yourself with 8+ of a particular card you may consider transitioning to full houses/flush houses or 4-5 of a kinds.
  • You should buy planet cards of hand types that you can potentially pivot to in advance if you have cash to burn.
  • I would not pivot if you do not have any enhanced cards of that hand type or built up a similar amount of planet cards. Just because you can consistently play flush houses does not automatically make them higher scoring then what you have been building up all game.
Thin your deck
This is obvious for people who have played deck builders before. If you are new to this, thinning your deck will make your deck more consistent. Ways to thin your deck:

  • Tarot cards: Hanged man or using Justice to create a glass card to break it (don’t do this)
  • Spectral packs: Immolate (destroy 5 random cards and gain $20)
Don’t add trash to your deck
I recommend that you open standard packs as they can be a great source of enhanced cards. Even so, you should not add cards that don’t directly benefit your strategy. For example, I added a diamond glass card mid game hoping I could convert it to a spade. I was never able to, and it was essentially a dead draw the rest of the game.
Spectral cards are a trap
Spectral cards look cool and can heavily impact your run but are an absolute trap. 3/16 of the unrestricted spectral cards only affect jokers which are essentially dead draws. Another 3/16 of the spectral cards will add random enhanced cards to your deck. Adding random cards with random enhancements will make your deck less consistent.

Ouija, the spectral card that turns all drawn cards into a random rank also decreases your hand size by one. This can absolutely make or break your run. If you are in the mid game, it will be very hard to take advantage of this. Having less hand size makes it harder to play your hands and means less steel multipliers as well. Even if you get a good spectral card like cryptid, which creates 2 copies of a specific card, there is no guarantee that you will get a good card to copy in your draw.

For these reasons I recommend buying spectral card packs last, unless it is early game and you can pivot easily. I also do not recommend taking omen globe, the voucher thats adds spectral cards to arcane packs.
Empress is underrated.
I don’t see a lot of people talk about this tarot card but, it is a great way to add mult to your hands. Empress early game can help you clear antes on its own. Being able to enhance two cards allows you to quickly enhance most of the scoring cards you will play.
Don’t overrate steel cards.
Steel is great but, it is not a standalone strategy to beat this challenge. For a while I would try to stack as many steel cards as possible with red seals. Red sealed steel cards only add 2.25x mult (1.5*1.5) this is much worse than the 4x mult from a red sealed glass card. Steel cards also take up a valuable slot in your hand that may prevent you from drawing the scoring cards you want. Focus on adding mult using enhanced and planet cards before worrying about adding steel.
Pay attention to the boss blind
Some of the bosses in this game can completely counter your strategy or they are just plain difficult to beat. Always pay attention to the boss blind when starting the next ante.

These are ways to help against the boss blind:

  • Voucher: Director’s cut/Retcon allow you to reroll the boss blind for $10 (highly recommended this voucher saved my run)
  • Tags: The boss tag will reroll the boss blind and the Juggle tag will add +3 hand size to the next round which can give you an upper hand
My challenge run tierlists
Final thoughts

Here is my final scoring run of $1.9 million

Good luck, please let me know if this guide has helped you complete this challenge!

Antimatter, the voucher that gives you +1 joker slot, is not restricted for this challenge. In my opinion all cards that act on jokers should be disabled to make this challenge more fair.

🐰shi-jana🐰 12 Sep @ 9:00am 
Thank you very much, I completed the challenge today!
I love playing Flushes - so this guide was right for my playing style. Helped a lot, thank you :p2cube:
RajunCajun  [author] 12 Aug @ 12:19pm 
I’m glad so many people are finding this guide useless for the jokerless challenge.

Lots of good tips in the comments like holding tarot cards in hand. You can hold good cards for when you need them in game or you can hold bad tarot cards in shop to stop them from spawning on rerolls.

Keep in mind that the game has been updated since this guide came out. One major change is how blue seal works. If you have a blue seal card it now creates a planet card of your winning poker hand. This makes 4-of-a-kind and 5oak builds more viable of a strategy for this challenge since they scale much better than flushes with planet cards.
Karlsefni 5 Aug @ 2:56am 
I Finally did it today.

Of all the time I've tryed, I finally did it without Glyph.
I'm ready to be insulted by everybody here but I found that Glyph was not a good
choice for this run, actually it makes it harder.
I also don't agree with the "don't skip blinds" strategy

The best strategy for me was: slim deck + Convert to ace + glass + red sigil.
I ended my run with a hand of 5 Aces all glass, 4 of them with red sigils.

By the time you manage to get such a good hand, you should start skipping all of the blinds and go directly to the final boss, to avoid breaking to many glass cards.
For the same reason I don't think that Glyph is a good strategy. You don't want to play too many
hands and destroy the glass cards, on top of that, having less hands to play is a problem, becouse I ultimately started to use the play hand as a way to discard untill I had the perfect hand

For the rest, this guide helped me a lot.
Pachislot Rockman Ability 29 May @ 9:53pm 
Finally beat Jokerless thanks to this guide's help, figured i'd throw my own thoughts in here in addition.

I used a Flush deck, got lucky with lots of steels and a handful of Glass including a glass 5 that got Death'd a few times.

My own thoughts to hopefully help someone:

1: Don't use your tarot cards right away all the time, sometimes it's worth it to save it for a particularly difficult blind/boss even if it's not "optimal" in the deck, combating bad draws is always going to be better than pre-emptively preparing cards you don't happen to draw in the moment.

(continued in next comment, also i had a little more but screwed up copy-pasting and had to retype this first half lol)
Pachislot Rockman Ability 29 May @ 9:51pm 
(posting this first due to how steam displays comments)

2: If you're going into Flush build and you've managed to get most of the deck exclusively in your suit of choice, while removing them is obviously better it's not a terrible idea to turn your remaining off-suit cards into Steel cards. This is especially applicable if you're already in a position where your discards are more than enough, and it's getting late enough that you aren't likely to be able to remove them efficiently.

3?: this isn't related to flush build but just my two cents about spectrals: they're good early for helping decide what direction you're going in with an early Sigil, Ouija, or Immolate but yes most of the time after maybe Ante 3 they're only really useful for fishing for seals.
NightmareCorporation 10 May @ 1:24pm 
And finally here's the full deck I used
NightmareCorporation 10 May @ 1:16pm 
One thing I can recommend is using a calculator to figure out the most "glass saving hand" you can play to still beat the blind, it allowed me to be as conservative as possible with my glass cards due to missing the red seals:

(Links to my last hand as well, you can check the upgraded hands to see how my run was built)
NightmareCorporation 10 May @ 12:39pm 
Finally beat jokerless myself, in part thanks to this guide. Did it with a full-house run (and had enough bad luck to not get a single red seal).

You are absolutely right when it comes to the discount vouchers and tarot merchant, those two are unbelievably essential to winning the challenge. I initially thought skipping a lot would help, but when you can get a ton of deck-fixing and utilities from the shop every single round with $1 tarot cards, it doesn't matter what the tag is, the shop is better.
repmop16 13 Apr @ 1:42am 
Hey thanks so much for this guide! I got to ante 7 a ton of times before my runs stalled, but this helped a lot to get to my winning run! I had initially discounted flushes, but after effectively playing this challenge for two weeks, I'm pretty sure they're the most consistent way to beat this (which is to say not even remotely consistent, but you can at least get through the early game).

After winning with a level 21 flush + glass build I can share some thoughts:

-I was really underrating standard card packs based on my experience in the regular game. Standard card packs are even worse in expectation in jokerless than in standard play, IMO, but the variance is absolutely ridiculous -- a single polychrome & +mult card can change your run because of death and cryptid cards in the late game. You kind of have to suck it up and buy some bad packs in the midgame to get through the last 2-3 antes. This kind of logic is why your early game economy is so crucial, as you describe. 1/4
repmop16 13 Apr @ 1:42am 
-Similarly with spectral packs, even though they mostly suck you basically need to buy them in the midgame, esp. if you have anything worth tripling with cryptid. Otherwise, you're liable to miss a key draw in the endgame, where there's no margin for error. I also think you shouldn't pass them up early, since immolate is good enough to effectively reset for. Between aura/cryptid/red stamp/purple stamp, I think it's worth betting the run early on a mega spectral pack.

-A key part of my later approach to this challenge was holding my best tarot cards (glass, steel, death, the fool to hit whatever I wanted) at the right times. In standard play, you want to burn good tarots early to make room for more tarots and planets, but in jokerless you absolutely want to save a good tarot for when you have a bad draw. I think a lot of the trick of the challenge comes with knowing your danger levels and how important it is to hard-reroll for the tarot that you need to push past a blind/boss. 2/4